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Report for subscribers
4th September 2009
people are still writing to me at my old email address
which no longer works. The current address is 2008@victorzammit.com
Homepage http://www.victorzammit.com Last
week's report
Over the last twenty years dealing
with the materialists of all kinds, one unacceptable
thing comes very clearly : without any evidence they
stubbornly state that there is no afterlife.
WRONG in logic, WRONG in Scientific Method, WRONG in
professional debate, WRONG under admissible evidence
in normal litigation circumstances. Why wrong?
Many scientists and empiricists who
investigated the afterlife (and the paranormal) without
religion accept the afterlife stating there is unshakeable,
unrebuttable evidence which is objective and repeatable.
The materialists have NEVER conducted
a proper investigation of the paranormal, continue to
stubbornly refuse to accept the afterlife evidence without
showing where, when, how and why the afterlife evidence
cannot be accepted. Yet they blindly 'BELIEVE without
evidence', as materialists, there is no afterlife. What
is wrong with that? Plenty:
1) these materialists
do NOT have science to independently support their disbelief
in the afterlife.
2) this makes the materialists’
beliefs ‘subjective’ – and we know
that anything subjective is itself subject to fundamental
errors to complete invalidation.
3) In any inconsistency
the empirically elicited afterlife evidence will prevail
over the materialists’ subjective beliefs.
For the last twenty years I have been
asking those materialists intellectuals and academics
to show that what I state is not correct – I received
not one reply to contradict what I stated above. I’m
still waiting!!
building and The Enfield Poltergeist. This is a good
example of the difference between residual emotions
left in a building and an active spirit presence. Read
more about Poltergeists.
WE TV'sEvidence
for the Afterlife Part 3-
Skeptics claim that poltergeists are "exteriorized
energy" of a disturbed adolescent. But in the Enfield
Poltergeist case Maurice Gross was able to obtain tapes
of "Bill Wilkins" who had died in the house
14 years previously. (see video below)
Also see Arthur C Clarke who talks about children in
Sri Lanka who remember past lives.
LORD THOMAS DEWAR: “Minds are like parachutes.
They only function when they are open.”
GREAT WILLIAM JAMES: “A new idea is first
condemned as ridiculous and then dismissed as trivial,
until finally, it becomes what everybody knows.”
shortly we will be giving reductionist-scientific explanations
for every known psychic phenomenon” A promise
made by the skeptics in 1900AD – over 100 years
ago. We are still waiting!
ALBERT EINSTEIN: “Great spirits have
always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
ADDRESS: please note that one of my
email addresses victorzammit@optushome.com.au has CHANGED
to ----victorzammit@optusnet.com.au-----
Few people still living in this realm
of existence have been involved
in the study of PSI, or ESP, however we label it, longer
than Dr. Berthold E. Schwarz, now a resident of Vero
Beach, Florida. In his 1968 book, A Psychiatrist
Looks at ESP, Schwarz offers psychiatric case reports
on the lives of three individuals, each with psychic
ability. In the Introduction to the book, he states
that "the facts of psychical research are more
urgently in need of serious study today than ever before."
In this interview with Michael Tymn he talks about his
many years of research into the paranormal. Read
BOOK Anyone
who is serious about physical mediumship would have
read about the Scole
experiment. Robin and Sandra Foy were the only two
people in the world to witness every session of the
Scole Experiment from start to finish and Robin has
just put our a new book called Witnessing
the Impossible. Robin felt that it was
important to tell the whole story of the Scole Experiment
from beginning to end, as a labor of love. Consequently
this unexpurgated story of Scole in the only Complete
and Accurate account from start to finish of every sitting
of the Scole Experimental Group. Read
" You will find that nearly all illnesses begin
in the mind and the spirit, even many physical so-called
accidents can also have a mental and spiritual origin,
a premise which will plunge us all into very deep waters
indeed. What do you do? You, the healers, receive spirit
power which flows to the spirit, the consciousness of
the patient. You are the battery, the stimulator, you
recharge the vitality that has been depleted. You clear
the blockage; you get rid of the impediment; you restore
the balance. The rhythm is now in concert and harmony
again …” (S Birch)
QUESTION: I was reading where in the
Christian Bible it says that unless one is baptized,
one is going to hell for eternity. That scares the daylights
out of me. Not one in the family is baptized. Can that
be true?
Victor: “ He
that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he
that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark xvi,
16). No that is NOT true and that cannot be true. The
Revised Version of the Bible shows that the last chapter
of Mark, in which this verse occurs, is an interpolation
and is NOT to be found in the earlier copies.
there any word of where we were
before our earthly experiences?
Victor: Before our earthly experience
begins we would have been
in the afterlife dimension. But the spirit needs a material
body to spiritually evolve. So we incarnate for the
experiences and the lessons to continue to spiritually
grow. Once we attain a level where it would be useless
for us to return, we do NOT need to come back to physical
life again. For example, once a person reaches an evolved
stage where he/she can truly unconditionally love and
unconditionally forgive (all other things being equal),
I’d say there is no point in that person having
to return to earth.
QUESTION : Why do we not remember the
spirit world before we came here?
Victor: We do not remember the events
in the spirit world because
the events are registered in the mind not in the brain.
We travel out of our body when we sleep – but
again, those experiences are registered in the MIND.
When we die - when the ‘silver cord’ is
severed from the body, we WILL REMEMBER every visit
we made to the afterlife dimension. That’s the
reliable information transmitted to us.
MESSAGE FROM BRILLIANT MEDIUM LISA WILLIAMS “I just wanted to let those of you who
are coming to my shows in Australia & New Zealand
(Sept & Oct), that due to my tight travel schedule,
the post-show Meet & Greet will only be open to
Members, along with those of you who receive readings
on the night. So, if you are a member be sure to bring
your Membership Card or print out proof of membership
with you! If you receive a reading at the show you will
need to bring the rose and attached card that you will
be given by the Usher with you to the Meet & Greet
line. Looking forward to seeing you there! Hugs, Lisa”.
Lisa Williams wearing one of her "reflect t-shirts"
where you can read the slogan in a mirror.
DEATHBED VISIONS Although deathbed visions can
be found in the literature and lore
of all ages, they were rarely mentioned in the scientific
literature until the late 1920's, when they were studied
by Sir William Barrett, a professor of physics at the
Royal College of Science, in Dublin. He
became interested in the topic when his wife, who was
an obstetrical surgeon, arrived home one night and told
him about a woman who had died at the hospital that
day from a hemorrhage after giving birth. Just before
she had died the woman, Doris, sat up and become very
excited about seeing a wonderful landscape and said
that her father had come to escort her to the other
side. Read
THE DYING We are always impressed
with the sincerity and spiritual insights of the writing
of Brother Mark Dohle, a Trappist monk who describes
himself as a " devout Catholic, whose faith is
central to my life." He is also incredibly open-minded
about other faiths and loves to read about the paranormal.
This week he shares his first hand experiences of deathbed
visions gained through his work caring for the dying
in the monastery infirmary. Read
– continued from last week. When
through Remote Viewing in January 1980 I became aware
that there
was foreign interference from the Soviet Union - as
stated in my past reports all information was subsequently
confirmed, I focused on the Soviet Union to see if I
could get some insights. I publicly stated to vast number
of people for many weeks at weekly
meetings that the Soviet Union would collapse before
the end of the twentieth century. In my book THE DOMAIN
SPEAKER (ISBN 0 959 3733 0 6)
- picture left (at page 64), I stated in 1981 ( six
years before the collapse of the Soviet Union - 'Perestroika'
- and before anyone in the West had ever imagined the
USSR would collapse in 1987) “No superman
will save the Russians … the INEVITABLE COLLAPSE
will be brought about by their own bureaucratic inevitable
inefficiency ..”
And “Marxist socialism (in Russia) will inevitably
collapse.” Also: “The Russians
will be praising the beautiful attributes of ‘exploiting’
capitalism.”“Doomed! ...
(the Soviet Union)... will eventually convert to
Capitalism then to private enterprise ..."
say there is no remote viewing. Of course, for
them there will never be anything paranormal - they
don't 'believe' in anything outside the five
senses. So this psychologist from England, a real quack,
says there is no remote viewing because he twittered
some 7,000 remote viewers supposedly challenging them
to locate the venue where he was. As a former psychologist
myself with qualifications in Scientific Method, his
experiment would be classified as unacceptable and highly
amateurish for many reasons. This quack
Prof failed to show what criterion he used to identify
applicants as 'remote viewers'. He did not show how
he was able to obtain the huge number of 7,000
to participate in the experiment. He failed to have
a 'control-group' of proved remote viewers to validate
the experiment.This guy was praised by the American
materialist skeptics -CSI- they even made him a 'Fellow'.
His silly, highly negatively prejudiced experiment was
like the Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan attempting to test
African Americans for their intelligence.
James Webster wrote saying that he felt this report
is not giving sufficient weight to the anti-reincarnation
argument. My suggestion is that readers make up their
own minds...read the positive reviews on Amazon.com
and then read the book yourselves. The
Case Against Reincarnation....
relatives. I received a message from
Ms Barbara Nersesian from - Tucson, Arizona. She stated
that she is a cousin of Maurice Barbanell, the medium
of Silver Birch and would love to contact any relative
of Maurice Barbanell who may still be living in England
- or moved elsewhere. Barbara sent a 1934 photo of Tanta
Barbanell - her grandmother's aunt. Kindly contact me
on -----2008@victorzammit.com--------
3) An appreciation from a subscriber ...
"I wish to express my appreciation for your many
efforts to help
enlightening the world regarding the true nature of
existence and providing important after-life information.
Because of your efforts I have been led to the most
amazing web sites such as the Leslie Flint direct voice
recordings and highly informative free e-books on the
after-life subject from Arthur Findlay and the channeled
material from Monsignor Benson, etc. Your own writings,
videos and commentaries are also of great inspiration
to me. All this wonderful information comes to me a
bit late in life (age 68) but at a most important period
of my earthly existence. Thankfully this information
came in time. I can begin to envision my next stage
of development and how I may take advantage of the many
advancement opportunities offered in the spiritual spheres."
Now more than ever before professional accredited and
registered afterlife researchers are struggling for
funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your will
consider making a bequest which will bring about ‘LIGHT’
on a global level after you’ve gone. So far, we
can highly recommend the following legally registered
organizations who will use your funding to benefit humanity:
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim
that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.