Report for subscribers May 9th 2008
Last week's
early report
DIFFERENCES: religious v spiritual:
Are all those who are religious also spiritual? Absolutely
NOT! One can be religious but not necessarily spiritual:
attending Church services every Sunday or every day, participating
in religious rituals, being baptized, confirmed, having
beliefs in religious dogmas, singing hymns, feeling superior
to others – yet this religious person may be terribly
unspiritual. We came across many religious people full
of religion but shown to be highly cruel, selfish, dominating
and who have unfairly exploited and abused their power
for personal or other gain. There are those Ministers,
parsons and priests who tend to just ‘recite’
procedural prayers – showing they are unable to
pray from the heart. Being spiritual you do not have to
be religious at all. Anyone can be spiritual – even
atheists and agnostics! For example, a person who throughout
his/her lifetime is consistently unselfish and unselfishly
helps others who really need help, someone who promotes
peace and love, someone who avoids aggression and opts
for negotiation, who is consistently positive and encourages
harmony in groups and individuals – doing good because
he/she feels it right to help others and does good. Of
course, there are those who are into religion who may
also be spiritual. But being religious does NOT automatically
mean one is also is spiritual.
Professor Jan W. Vandersande Ph.D. received his B.A. with
Honors from Swarthmore College, his M. Sc. in Physics
from Cornell University and his Ph.D. in Physics from
the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South
Africa. He was a lecturer, then an Assistant Professor
at the University of the Witwatersrand and then a visiting
Associate Professor at Cornell University. Currently he
is the Director of Communications for the Hi-Tech company
VIASPACE Inc. He has had over 80 scientific articles published
in scientific journals and conference proceedings and
has three patents. As well Jan was a member of a materialization
circle for more eight years during which he witnessed
flying trumpets, direct voice and ectoplasm He has now
published a book on his experiences called Life After
Death: Some of the Best Evidence.
It will be available soon.....
Death Experiences and Quantum Physics - Evidence Part
PUBLISHER: David & Charles. F+W Publications,
4700 East
Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH, 45236, USA. UK Buying
Hotline: Tel: 0870 990 8222. www.davidcharles.co.uk PRICE
(UK): £12:99 PRICE (USA) $16:99. There are literally
thousands of books on ghosts each containing numerous
stories which claim to be true accounts that have occurred
to people throughout the centuries. There are also a few
books which claim to show photographs of ghosts. A lot
of these photographs are somewhat dubious to say the least
so therefore it was pleasing to be sent this book to review
as it had some many different categories to it. The author
Melvyn Willin, is the Honorary Archivist of the prestigious
Society for Psychical Research in London and a paranormal
researcher and lecturer. Read
more …
interesting source of inspiration: Dr Helen Schucman (left)
was an atheistic Jewish clinical and research psychologist,
who held the tenured position of Associate Professor of
Medical Psychology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons
at the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York
City. Between 1965 and 1972 she experienced a distinct
and clear dictation from an inner voice, which earlier
had identified itself to her as 'Jesus'. Helen Schucman's
scribing of A Course in Miracles began with these
words: "This is a course in miracles, please take
notes." Read
more ...
disputes Christian theology transmitted
information which states that Jesus did live on earth
and that once a year Jesus visits the lower realms in
the afterlife.
CALLS FROM THE DEAD ARE REAL. Dr Mark Macy gives details
on his World ITC website
(under the section on
and evidence) that various European experimenters have
had their phones monitored closely by their phone companies
so that every call is traced- the paranormal calls do
not register. He writes " To support the legitimacy
of spirit phone calls made to the States, some of them
are confirmed within hours or days, by cross-contacts
to other experimenters. For example, Constantine Raudive
first called me on my home telephone on January 21, 1994,
to announce that the bridge from spirit group Timestream
to the States had been completed. He then called ITC researcher
George Meek and others, mentioning in some of those calls
that he had already contacted me. A
month later, on February 20, German experimenter Adolf
Homes found a text file in his desktop computer (which
was attached to nothing but the power outlet in the wall--no
modems, no internet connection of any kind). The message,
translated from German, began: This is Constantine Raudive
via the devices at Station Rivenich. Dear Colleague Adolf
Homes, I herewith confirm my own contacts with Mr Malkhoff
and Mr Meek and Macy in America. More contacts have been
made successfully ..."
Findlay reports in his book THE ROCK OF TRUTH - a essential
reading for those who want answers about religious truths.
Nicea: this was the place, in Turkey, where Jesus was
proclaimed to be ‘God’ – the second
person in the ‘Trinity’. This dogma fundamentally
influenced mankind – especially Western thought
– including all European countries, Russia, North
and South Americas, many parts of Africa and Asia - for
the last 1800 years. How did this come about? Emperor
(pictured), a wicked Emperor was a cross between Hitler
and Stalin. He beheaded his own eleven year old son Crispus
and pushed his wife into a bath of boiling water to kill
her. He then strangled his own spiritual advisor Sopator.
This was the monster who organized Council to bring the
Christians together – as they were tearing each
other especially in the Middle East. The main fight was
between the Unitarians – those who believed Jesus
was a good teacher and a healer and the Trinitarians who
believed Jesus was God.
Nicean Council attended by some 2,048
mostly uninformed Christian priests. It ran from May until
September 325 AD . It was here that the first motion ’that
Jesus was God’ was lost – a win for the Unitarians.
But the Trinitarians lobbied Emperor Constantine and begged
him to make Jesus God, the way Constantine made his own
father a ‘god’ (all Roman Emperors became
gods after their death). They argued that Jesus could
not be less in value than the existing Pagan God of the
Romans, Mithra (Mithra himself was the second person of
the Roman Trinity). On the promise that the Christians
would forgive the violent sins committed by Constantine,
he decided to ban all Unitarians and put the vote again.
This time the motion passed that Jesus was ‘God’.
That is how Jesus became known through the world these
last 1800 years or so, as the second person of the Trinity.
Jesus never claimed in any texts that he was the “Second
Person of the Trinity” . My research shows that
there is no real dispute about these incidents. If you
have objective authority to the contrary feel free to
contact me anytime.
AT WHAT POINT IS IT WRONG? Answer is given by a highly
credible afterlife intelligence S.Birch: 'Motivation
qualifies action.' There are qualifications to abortion
when the motive is right. This means that there are exceptions
when abortion is not by wilful negligence or exploitation
or abuse. These and other legitimate exceptions will always
be taken into account. But
this is what Silver Birch says about abortion,
(excluding the mentioned exceptions)"
... the answer is from the very minute it is done it is
wrong. Listen, you have no
to create life. You have power to transfer life. You have
no right to destroy its expression. Abortion is akin to
murder. From the moment of conception the spirit has incarnated
into a woman's womb. When it is aborted it will continue
to be spiritual body, however immature, and grow and develop.
You may have destroyed the means of physical expression,
but you have not destroyed the spirit that was there.
Abortion is interference with the embryonic spirit which
is developing according to its natural growth.
I do not know of any evolved being in
my world who favors abortion. But always there
is the qualification that the motive must be taken into
consideration. The act itself is condemned. You
do not create life ... If those who practice abortion
realized they were not merely getting rid of matter, but
a living entity with whom one day they will be confronted,
I think there would be fewer abortions. From the moment
of conception, there is the beginning of the individual,
who will never die and continue to grow in my world."
can buy Silver Birch's books: http://www.silverbirchpublishing.co.uk
When I die, will I have this face I now have in the afterlife
– I would not to have this face if I have to live
for eternity! P.J.N. New Jersey.
First let me assure you that the status in the afterlife
has nothing to do with how we look, as we have it on earth.
Movie stars, super-models on earth are given status because
usually of their extremely good looks. In
afterlife the BRIGHTNESS of your aura is your status –
the brighter the aura, the higher status you will have.
Example, imagine you have one of those electric switches
where you can increase or decrease the light coming out
of say, 300 watt electric globe. Turn the knob to make
it low down to say 15 watts then turn the knob to make
it maximum brightness to 300 watt. Compare the low light
with the maximum light and you will get some idea of how
important brightness will be in the afterlife. Brightness
means higher level of vibrations of the person’s
soul – which means hugely better conditions in the
highest realm where the person’s aura has to be
very bright.
CRUELTY PUSED TO EXTREME: cruelty to animals
is a crime in Australia. We
civilized human beings must protect those who cannot protect
themselves – from heinous, unnecessary cruelty.
Raised on large, remote farms, Australian sheep enjoy
space to roam and very little human contact. But due to
Australia's live export industry, millions of Australian
sheep suffer a fate far worse than death every year. They
are destined for a horrific journey to slaughter overseas
- herded onto a packed truck and driven across the country,
sometimes in scorching heat. It's then onto a ship where
conditions are much worse. They're terrified and will
spend up to three weeks on the crowded ship. With around
three sheep to one metre square, there is little room
to move and an unfamiliar diet of pellets means many animals
may not eat for the entire journey … Read
CONSUMERISM dominates the world's developed economies,
but a revolution is rising up, with passionate pockets
of dissent demanding we buy, not more, but less. In the
US, for example, the Reverend Billy is denouncing the
evils of shopping and preaching the "Stop Shopping"
gospel. This self-proclaimed retail evangelist from New
York is shouting from the pulpit about the destruction
of the local neighborhood at the hands of voracious shopping
center developers. Read
See Victor on Video
Million Dollar Challenge
David Thompson's Materializations
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
What Happens When you Die
* Suicide is not the answer
Religion and the Afterlife