week's report
You are basically a good, open-open minded, intelligent
person. A voice deep down within you calls urging
you to find the truth, the whole truth and nothing
but the truth about the afterlife. You have the
ability to discriminate between that information
which is objective and repeatable and that information
which is subjective – the beliefs which
are personal and which cannot be independently
confirmed. You want definitive proof about the
afterlife. You do not want others to do the thinking
for you. You rebel against religious absurdities,
obscenities and cruelty which insult your intelligence
wherever they come from.
You want reliable evidence
about what is going to happen to you when you
cross over. You study the gifted mediums who were
successfully scientifically tested. You accept
that the repeatable information transmitted from
highly credible sources of the afterlife to-day
is exceptionally reliable and acceptable.
You read about what afterlife evidence there has
been these last 100 years – much of it can
that in ten years no genius scientist, no genius
materialist and no closed minded skeptic has been
able to rebut the objective afterlife evidence.
Your inner voice accepts that the objective and
repeatable afterlife evidence is one hundred per
cent credible, inspirational and inevitably valid
. You feel and you know you found what you are
looking for to guarantee you a smooth, beautiful,
harmonious transition to the inevitable extreme
beauty of the other side. That gives you a feeling
of much elation, confidence and certainty you
are on the winning side!
OF THE FAMOUS: Near death experiences
are supporting evidence that we have a duplicate
of our body within us. NDE expert, someone like
Dr Kenneth Ring did scientific studies who confirmed
the genuineness of near death experiences. Remember,
NDE itself may not be the definitive proof for
the afterlife, but when you add the evidence of
NDE with another TWENTY TWO other areas of evidence
for the afterlife, makes NDE absolute a certainty
AND that Donald Sutherland had a genuine NEAR
DEATH EXPERIENCE! See next 2 items about
British actress Elizabeth Taylor spoke about her
of having “died” on the operating
table while undergoing surgery, and of passing
through a tunnel towards a brilliant white light.
Interviewed by Larry King on CNN’s “Larry
King Live,” the legendary Hollywood star
related how she had “died” for five
minutes on the operating table.
“I was pronounced dead once and actually
saw the light. I find it very hard to talk about,
actually, because it sounds so corny. It happened
in the late ’50s, and I saw Mike (Todd,
Taylor’s third husband, who was killed in
a plane crash in 1958). When I came to, there
were about 11 people in the room. I’d been
gone for about five minutes – they had given
me up for dead and put my death notice on the
wall. I shared this with the people that were
in the room next to me. Then after that I told
another group of friends, and I thought, “Wow,
this sounds really screwy. I think I’d better
keep quiet about this.”
Sutherland, had a near-death experience when ill
with meningitis in 1979. “Suddenly
the pain, fever and acute distress seemed to evaporate.
I was floating above my body, surrounded by soft
blue light. I began to glide down a long tunnel,
away from the bed … but suddenly I found
myself back in my body. The doctors told me later
that I had actually died for a time.”
is a class of people, especially those who did
not accept the afterlife - people like the extreme
stubborn Prof
Richard Dawkins - who on crossing over deny they
have physically died. Our mind does NOT change
one iota when we cross over. A stubborn person
will be stubborn when he crosses over. Highly
credible afterlife teachers tell us millions cross
over to the afterlife denying that they have physically
died. What happens is that confusion enters their
mind - sometimes for hundreds of years by earth's
time. Intelligence is irrelevant to denying that
one is physically dead. One could be a professor
or a manual laborer. So, if you ever find yourself
in a situation where people are not answering
you - not even your loved ones - admit that a
transition has taken place and telepathically
call for help. Read
more from Michael Tymn's research...
A reading from an excellent mental
medium gives personal evidence that life continues
after death.
PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP Gordon Smith (above)
is a mental medium which is the most usual kind
of mediumship these days. Much rarer is physical
mediumship which includes
psychokinetic phenomena such as the production
of bangs and raps, the movement of objects with
no seen cause, the influencing of a random number
generator. It also includes transfiguration, where
the medium's face takes on the features of a spirit
communicator, spirit voices which do not come
through the voicebox of the medium, apports or
objects which are materialized in the presence
of the medium. In the most developed cases of
physical mediumship- materialization- spirit communicators
take on a material form and interact with the
people in the room who are known as "sitters".
The Scole Experiments (see chapter
8) involved physical mediumship and in Chapter
3 I outlined my own experiences with physical
medium David Thompson. Listen
to this audio tape of William, David Thompson's
guide, (left) who claps his hands and stamps
his feet to show that he is fully materialized.
Tom Morris and Kevin Lawrenson,
are offering genuine seekers the opportunity to
correspond, visit individually or to organize
a group to stay in a dedicated healing sanctuary
and experience physical mediumship for themselves.
Visitors usually stay for one week in the healing
French countryside and experience two sittings
as well as spiritual healing (which is also available
free of charge from a distance) Read
Here is a report of a physical mediumship session
held there this week....
"Last night we had the most incredible sitting..the
phenomena was exceptional,...Mr Sloan materialized
his hand from under the cabinet curtain. Irene
showed us her hand on a luminous plaque...all
of us were touched and squeezed all over by John,
you could feel every finger.....later on Yellow
Cloud transfigured over Tom and stood up stepped
forward and held up both hands and stamped his
feet, he was huge with a very powerful presence.
Tom was still tied to the chair and all this was
in red light...The direct voice was great...Irene
was shouting through the trumpet as it was flying
round at great the end Tom was transported
through the curtain and landed with a bang right
in front of us..we also had a beautiful large
old marble drop into the middle of the room......the
two tables four drumsticks a drum the tambourine
and the trumpet were all flying together, the
drumsticks that light up were sword fencing very
high up... it really was a full on sitting and
lasted for two and a half hours." Read
eye witness testimonal by Olaf
Van Der Hoeven MSc
This item shows how disgustingly desperate the
closed minded skeptics are getting - using violence
to stop a mediumshp demonstration - but it also
shows that we are being victorious over the uninformed
closed minded skeptics. A colleague of mine, John
Ramses, has a gifted medium Robbie Thomas as one
of his clients. When the medium Robbie tried to
give a public demonstration in his native Canada,
the local organized hate-group of uninformed skeptics
- of seven people - acted violently towards those
who were waiting to go inside the theatre for
the demonstration. The Police had to be called.
This is part of John's email, Read more
was one of eight participants on a panel for the
ABC television program Question Time Monday
March 8th 10pm. Question put to the panel members,
including Dawkins: Do you wish
for an afterlife? His answer? “We have
brains and brains do the thinking ... brains are
going to decay ... that'll be that ...(and) wouldn't
it be incredibly tedious to be in an afterlife
after a thousand years ... ha .. ha.."
What this afterlife-uninformed Dawkins shows us
is that he is not aware that in the afterlife
we will have a MIND which is hugely different
from a physical ‘brain’ – and
that in the MIND all memories of past lives are
stored. The same MIND is used in all paranormal
activities - telepathy, mediumship, remote viewing
etc ... and to travel any part of the world in
a couple of seconds just by concentrating where
we want to go. So, no Richard Dawkins you stuffed
it up again - we will NOT have a ‘brain’
in the afterlife. Do your homework and stop misleading
people about things you do not know about, you
do not understand or perhaps you do not want to
understand. I promise you one thing: I will look
you up when you cross over!!!
The mind/brain debate has been going for more
than twenty centuries. Historically, it is one
of the most
important debates ever. Plato and Socrates in
the classical age of Greece and Descartes before
the Age of Enlightenment in Europe, promoted and
accepted the duality of mind and brain. As an
afterlife/paranormal investigator, I state in
absolute terms that there is overwhelming objective
evidence that the physical brain is not the mind.
The physical brain dies when the physical body
dies, but the mind survives physical death.To-day,
without any objective evidence, materialists
claim that mind and brain are the same thing.
They are very wrong. Why? Read
more ...
in her late 20's.:
We are informed
that one in seven people suffer from mild to severe
depression - that is a shocking state of mental
health in Australia. Sad, very sad, especially
when you see someone you know acting in a terrible
way when in adepressive
state. Millions of people would have watched a
stunning looking young lady Charmaine Dragun (left,
shortly before her suicide) on mainstream Channel
10 TV. Charmaine went to 'The Gap' in Sydney -
a popular place for suicides, near the seaside,
and jumped a couple of hundred feet below onto
the rocks. She had been suffering from depression
since her teens. But it was when she changed medication
that the thoughts of suicide apparently started
to occur. We read about the relative high number
of those who suffer depression commit suicide
- and doctors tell us 'it's genetic'! . It is
a medical/psychiatric problem - and in the spiritual
context, I honestly say, I just cannot explain
the problem of depression. If anyone, especially
with authority, can shed some light, please feel
free to share it with our subscribers. Read
investigating the afterlife
and the paranormal meeting thousands of
religious, New Agers,materialists,
empirical investigators, scientists and
others taught meat
least one most valuable lesson:
I found that there is a very
small class of people who will reject afterlife
evidence even when they cannot identify
any fault with any of the afterlife evidence
presented.They show they don't have the
skills, the competence and the ability to
perceive the paranormal with true empirical
equanimity - in a scientific way.
It has been my research,
my work, my dedication to elicit from the
hard core materialists information why they
do not accept the clear evidence for the
afterlife - especially when THEY CANNOT
show in any way whatsoever that there is
no or cannot be an afterlife. A friend of
ours living in Australia had a reading and
was given deadly accurate information by
a medium from the United States - especially
about her former partner - who is a closed
minded skeptic journalist. Even when she
told him the accurate information which
he knew she could not have found it from
anywhere, his response was words to the
effect, "Oh well, I don't know
where you obtained the information and I
don't care ... I still don't believe in
psychics or mediums." This is
a classic example, were someone does not
have the ability to perceive information
in a balanced way. This also shows that
the emotionally backed beliefs negate intelligence
of any kind.
I was reading an article where some academic
does not believe that we humans are destined
for immortality. Care to comment, Victor?
Victor: Yes,
I know about that argument, but the major
flaw is that the writer is not a lawyer
and shows he does not know what technically
consitutes the admissibility
of evidence. For a start, no writer, no
reductionist scientist, no materialist
or skeptic has ever published a book in
the world that there is no afterlife whereas
there are thousands of books, many by
scientists, accepting the evidence for
the afterlife - nothing to do with beliefs,
with blind faith or with subjectivity.
Occasionally, I receive emails from materialist
academics who say they can't understand
the 'admissibility of the afterlife evidence'.
My standard response is that the average
person does understand it - but in their
case, they have to consult a lawyer, who
will explain to them why the evidence
for the afterlife submitted is ADMISSIBLE
evidence amounting to proof. Once the
afterlife evidence is understood, they
would also come across other primary evidence
transmitted directly from the afterlife
that we are truly immortal.
you said last week you are against the
Bible Victor, would that be true?
I am NOT
against any religion, or Bible or any
beliefs as long as the beliefs, whatever
they may be, do not harm others. Whilst
I respect
your beliefs, my intelligence rebels against
information which is insulting to it.
When I read that 'God' inflicts horrific
cruelty, pain and suffering and death
on to innocent people - as one finds in
Deuteronomy - my mind rebels because I
do not accept a 'God' who created life
- and people - then sadisctically inflicts
horrible pain, mass slaughter, genocide,
cruelty and suffering on to these people
at 'his' command. You believe in it -
that is entirely up to you. But as a lawyer
I have to see everything in terms of what
is admissible evidence - and when we read
that no original text of the Bible exists
to-day and that the Bible has been change
too many times over the centuries, I immediately
doubt about the genuineness of the contents
of the many things we read in the Bible
- especially when the script is very 'human'
- nothing 'Godly' about it. Read it yourself!
The other thing which I find most ironic
is that most Christians these days do
NOT accept that a serpent persuaded eve
to eat the apple which allegedly brought
down mankind. Yet half of these people
accepted that Jesus died for mankind!
What's wong with that? PLENTY:
Jesus dying for mankind would be totally
irrelevant and immaterial if you did not
believe in the Adam and Eve story.
good friend Victor great
job on the commentary this week no truer words
were ever spoken. Keep up the great work. Blessings
and much love. Fred in Salem VA. Searching for
better ways of living."
No one has a monopoly
on God. " I can't tell you what an
incredible change has come over me since finding
your site with the great medium David Thompsom.
I have been bought up as a Pentecostal, believing
I was going to be one of the 144,000 that was
to resurrect on the new earth! That what I learned
was to be taken as literal, (impossible) I was
told that all things were possible with God, that
I was to have faith. I felt suffocated in my flesh.
Since hearing the messages from beyond I've started
a new life. I've put the Bible down. I still read
it, I just realize there's so much more. I don’t
talk in parables or metaphors either about God.
I talk to him I'm even learning how to talk to
my guides. Thank you Victor I want to be a real
blessing in life. I'm learning tools about spirituality
not about dogma. I'm so grateful to you. Only
love matters is true. I now know I can love everyone,
and keep getting better and better at it. Even
if I fall down I can just get back up again. No
one has a monopoly on God. I bet you can feel
my sincerely and happiness coming thru !!! Thank
you from my heart and soul. "(Name withheld).
THANK YOU: "Dear Victor,
Thank you. Your input is amazing. Regards, Donna
E." Thank you Donna, Victor. XX
. Members
of this list can now obtain copies of my book
free – all you have to do is to
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the world send US $12 through Paypal (you can
use a credit card). Within Australia send a $3
stamp. Email
or send stamps to P.O. Box 1810 Dee Why 2099 Australia.
Churches and spiritual groups are welcome to apply
for multiple copies sent via sea mail (cheaper)
to sell as a fund raiser.
music played with mathematical
precision, depth of feeling and much inspiration.
Listen for yourself:
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife
researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee
what is published is to be the absolute truth. We
accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and
paranormal research done by the researchers is done
in good faith.