most fascinating question was put to me recently:
" You've pointed out to us that according
to Matthew's gospel in the New Testament, when Jesus
was asked 'what must I do toenter into
the kingdom of heaven?' he listed FIVE things we
have to do: "don't commit murder, don't steal,
don't bear false witness, honor your parents and love
thy neighbor as thyself. Is
this consistent with your research on
the afterlife? What's the consensus on what we must
do to guarantee we can enter into the Realm of the Light
when we cross over?
From the transmitted information I studied over the
last twenty years consistently, the information is that
we must do FIVE things so that we can easily pass into
the higher realms once we are on the other side: first,
have an open mind, second, do selfless service, third,
practice unconditional love, fourth, practice unconditional
forgiveness, and fifth, attain 'detachment'. That's
all we have to do! Guaranteed, consistent with the highly
credible transmitted information from the afterlife
dimension, you will enter into the realm of the Light
and realization.
What Jesus said comes
under the one category of '(unconditional)
love': don't commit murder, don't
steal, don't bear false witness, honor your parents
and love thy neighbor as thyself. But there have to
be exceptions- under exceptional conditions stealing
is justifiable, e.g. to prevent starvation. And not
all parents deserve to be honored- those children
who have been brutally and regularly beaten up for
years or who have been cruelly sexually exploited
would find it impossible to 'respect' the parent offender.
A victim may 'love' the parent's 'higher self' (spark
of the divine) but does not necessarily have to like
him or respect the parent.
An open mind is important because we know that the
mind has tremendous power to create illusion in the
Afterlife and if we have a closed belief system we
can end up in a "hollow heaven". Active
selfless service, as distinct from just passive
unconditional love, is consistently emphasized
as a way to raise the vibrations of our etheric body.
Remember, on crossing over your accumulated level
of vibrations will take you to the realm that can
accommodate your accrued vibrations:
the higher the vibrations, the higher the realm you
go to. 'Detachment' - being
able to detach yourself from physical and non-physical
things is very important. Extremely strong attachment
(cathexis), e.g. to your physical home on
earth, could leave you still attached to your physical
home after you have crossed over (even if you unconditional
love and unconditional forgiveness) preventing you
for an indefinite time from going to the realm of
the light. Forgiveness supports detachment because
failure to forgive somebody (or yourself) creates
a kind of negative attachment.
What has come from the other side is that positive
activity (eg doing selfless service) increases
the vibrations of our soul whereas positive passivity
(eg singing hymns) does not.
new 104’ min feature documentary “Something
Unknown is Doing We Don't Know What” by Dutch
filmmaker Renée Scheltema, who was inspired
to explore the realms of psychic phenomena after a
series of curious and unexplainable events happened
around her all in a short period of time. She traveled
to the US to meet up with the
top scientists, para-psychologists, psychologists,
physicians, and doctors within the field of research,
like Prof Charles Tart, Prof Gary Schwartz and Dr
Dean Radin. Along the way she interviews psychic detective
Nancy Myer, author Arielle Ford, and astronaut Dr
Edgar Mitchell. Renée found that experiments
of today reveal how science is verifying numerous
kinds of connections : 'mind to mind'; 'mind to body'
and 'mind to world', demonstrating that psychic abilities
are part of our inherent nature. Watch
the trailer now...
And ask your public
library to buy a copy of the dvd!!!
(IONS) 13th International Conference
"Toward a Global Shift: Seeding
the Field of Collective Change" June
17-21, 2009. As part of the conference, on Wednesday,
June 17th, Windbridge Director of Research Dr. Julie
Beischel and IONS Senior Scientist Dr. Dean Radin
will be speaking during an all day Pre-Conference
Institute titled "Survival of Consciousness:
A Matter of Life and Death." For more information
and to purchase tickets for the Conference and/or
the Pre-Conference Institute, Read
ITC In this second video Mark Macy talks about his
experiences with Instrumental Transcommunication,
about the turning point that mankind faces at the
moment and about what the angelic beings communicating
through ITC told experimenters about the origin of
life on Earth.
new book:"The Project" is now available
on Here's an except from a review by G.L.Babin:
" Macy explains it (ITC) in terms that are uncomplicated
and amenable to the average reader's comprehension.
"The Project" is an excellent introductory
book for those who are unfamiliar with ITC and are
curious to learn more about the vast research being
done in this field. Due to the book's outstanding
referral categories, it's a must-have for those who
are already familiar with or involved in ITC programs".
and chapter headings Read
more and order the book... RELIGIONS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY
If you feel that it's time for the great religions
of the past to evolve to meet the needs of humanity
(and the animals and the planet) in the 21st century
up now to join in these conversations...
Craig Hamilton writes: "
On Saturdays, from June 20th-September 26th, we'll
gather together online and by conference call to explore
how the spiritual path needs to evolve to meet the
needs of humanity in the 21st century. Each [free]
event will explore this question from a unique angle.
We'll look at how the discovery of evolution is giving
birth to an entirely new spiritual impulse--as well
as a new framework for engaging in spiritual practice.
We'll ask how the great traditions of the past can
be brought up to date and kept relevant to a rapidly
changing, increasingly complex world. We'll explore
some of the new, more integral forms that spirituality
is taking, from the emergence of new paths of self-inquiry
to the birth of collective enlightenment. And we'll
think together about the vital role each of us can
now play in creating a more enlightened future for
228 DIE IN AIR FRANCE AIR CRASH Question: those
people who died in the Air France crash this week,
was it their time to die or were they in the wrong
place at the wrong time? Victor: The
information which comes from the other side states
that what happens to us now on planet Earth is a result
of what we did in the past. But I admit, I find this
subject very difficult to understand because I quite
accept we have free will and there will always be
consequences to the exercise of free will independent
to anything we did in the past. We'll get to know
more about this when we cross over!
In the meantime what is more important is to deal
with the emotional needs of those who have lost loved
ones so suddenly. One organization that people may
find helpful is ACCESS, an inspirational air disaster
bereavement support network run by volunteers. It
is dedicated to connecting those who have survived
or lost loved ones in private, military and commercial
plane crashes and other aviation tragedies with individuals
who have lived through similar losses. Read
more...and watch
this inspirational video.
Chapter two of his highly recommended book "Lessons
From the Light"highly acclaimed
medium George Anderson describes in detail the passage
from this world to the next pp. 23-30. He writes... "I have been told by
the souls in the hereafter that passing from this
world to the next is as easy as walking from one room
to another....Other souls have also
recounted complete surprise at having found themselves
passed on to the hereafter, remarking that they thought
there would be a more obvious transition."
He talks of conversing with the soul of one of the
sailors who had been killed on the battleship Arizona
in Pearl Harbor. "At first he told me that he
had been "madder than hell" at having passed
on when, he figured, he had his whole life to look
forward to, but after realizing the fulfillment of
his soul growth on the earth and the opportunities
for growth in the hereafter, he quickly came to understand
his passing was a pretty good thing after all. "
(p. 25)
happens to those who die suddenly in a fatal motor
vehicle crash?
Afterlife Intelligence:
“The suddenness of their departure added far
greater confusion
to the mind. Instead of a steady transition, the spirit
body had in many cases been forcibly ejected from
the physical body, and precipitated into the spirit
world. The passing over had been so sudden that there
seemed to them to be no break in their lives. Such
people are taken in hand quickly by bands of souls
who devote all their time and the whole of their energies
to such work. And in the hall of rest we could now
see the results of their labors. Had so many of these
souls had but a small knowledge of spirit matters,
these awakenings would have been so much happier.
you can see a woman who has been blind from birth,
yet can describe seeing many things while out of her
body. How can anyone explain this away? She had no
visual images saved in her brain from this lifetime,
yet she can explain the afterworld with vivid detail.
Detective Senior-Constable Jeffrey Little contacted
Debbie Malone after seeing her on the TV series, Sensing
Murder. He was preparing a report for the coroner on
the unsolved murder of Maria Scott and hoped Malone
could fill in some missing pieces. "Her description
of what happened was so close to what we had found,
I included it in the coroner's brief," he says.
"I don't know whether he took any notice of it
but she was brilliant. She told us how the body was
positioned in the bush where it was found and what Maria
was wearing."
After his encounter with her, Little thought so well
of her that he introduced her to the NSW Missing Persons
Unit, who later recommended her to families of missing
Read more.. Debbie is particularly interested in spirit
photographyandher website hasvideos
of spirit lights and orbs. She
has just launched a bookNever
SPACE in the afterlife dimension:
Time - in its spirit sense-
and space are relative in the afterlife world,
just as they are upon the earth plane. But our
conceptions of them differ widely - yours being
restricted by the earthly considerations of sunrise
and sunset, and the various modes of transit.
We have everlasting day, and we can move ourselves
slowly by walking or we can transport ourselves
instantaneously whithersoever we wish to be. In
the afterlife dimension time can thus be made
to stand still! And we can restore our sense of
it by quietly resting, or by walking. It is only
our general sense of time that we restore, not
the passage of time. But when we receive your
thoughts from the earth world, telling us that
you are ready for us to come to you, then, once
again, we are fully aware of the passage of earthly
CAPTAIN BOB SNOW INVESTIGATES Captain Snow opens his book with
the following paragraph: "I have accomplished
something no one has ever accomplished before.
I have uncovered evidence that provides beyond
a doubt the existence of a past life. The evidence
I uncovered in this two-year investigation is
so overwhelming that if it had been a criminal
case, there would be no plea bargaining. A conviction
would be assured." Read
W.D. Rees, a British physician found that of a sample
of widows in Wales, forty seven per cent had experiences—often
repeatedly over a number of years—that convinced
them that their dead spouses had been in contact
with them (Rees 1971: 37-41). An earlier British
experiment by Dr P. Marris (1958) had found a figure
of fifty per cent. This study was repeated in Canada
by Dr Earl Dunn (1977: 121-122) who also found that
fifty per cent of widows and widowers had contact
experiences. Many of these people had thought that
they were 'going crazy' and had not previously told
anyone of their experiences as they expected to
be ridiculed. Several studies have found that a
very high proportion of parents of children who
die can expect to see or hear them and experience
great consolation within a few months of the child's
death. Read
Reagan still sees her deceased husband, president
Ronald Reagan, when she is alone at night, she says
in a newly published magazine interview. "It
sounds strange, but I see Ronnie," Reagan,
who turns 88 on Saturday, told Vanity Fair in a
rare interview. "At night time, if I wake up,
I think Ronnie's there, and I start to talk to him.
It's not important what I say. But the fact is,
I do think he's there. And I see him."The Reagans'
deep love for each other was famous and five years
after the president's death, aged 93, Nancy Reagan
says: "I miss Ronnie a lot, an awful lot."
"People say it gets better. No, it does not,"
she added.
According to the Catholic Church, if
Mel Gibson divorces his wife Robyn and marries his
Russian girlfiend Oksana, he will go ‘to hell
for eternity.’ That is Catholic teaching.
Gibson allegedly went on a “crazed rant”
at the Catholic Church he built on his land in California,
the Holy Family Chapel in Agoura Hills. Reportedly
he blasted fellow worshippers for gossiping about
his private life, following his split from wife
Robyn. Reports said: "It was a crazed rant.
He paced back and forth, furiously telling the congregation
including two priests and a visiting bishop, that
he would not stand by and be judged and scrutinized."
An Inspirational Mother...
Thank you so much Victor for putting my site (
on your Friday Report. It's amazing the amount of
replies I received, mainly from people who have
lost children. Many asking how to try EVP for themselves..Some
asking how do I know this is real..Well once when
Iwas recording I got a bit upset (thinking of my
son) on playing back my recording a male voice spoke
"Linda don't cry"..well to me that's real
enough...I hope I have helped at least someone so
thanks again .. Blessings Linda x
2) Dear Victor,
only wanted to say thanks for your brilliant and
dedicated work, week by week, to present to us the
really most important contents around. Thanks for
that great work. Venceremos! Yours Kai MueggeChairman
Felix Group for Applied Spirituality
and Physical Seance Room Phenomena
Author/Editor Babylon TV - TvBeYond
Saturday, June 6th 10:00am PDT-2:00pm PDT
Listen LIVE or download the recordings..
If you’re successful, creative and desire
to fully become your authentic self and contribute
your gifts and talents to creating the future of
our world, then you’re already infused with
the energy of the new feminine archetype that’s
emerging on the planet...
And yet, in spite of this juicy
potential, there’s still a gap between how
your life is showing up and the possibilities you
sense within. The good news is this: the reason
for the gap is not personal to you—it’s
a collective problem for us as women. For the power
we’ve been cultivating has primarily been
masculine in nature, and doesn’t give us access
to creating those things we most care about as women.
Things such as love, wellbeing, a sense of belonging,
ecstatic aliveness, high creativity and social transformation.
BEQUESTS: Now more than ever before
professional accredited and registered afterlife
researchers are struggling for funding so that they
can help the world understand that there is an afterlife.
After you have provided for your family in your
will consider making a bequest which will bring
about ‘LIGHT’ on a global level after
you’ve gone. So far, we can highly recommend
the following legally registered organizations who
will use your funding to benefit humanity:
In the future we will include other registered organizations
which are doing afterlife research. Please email
for details.
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The CD/DVD Playing
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music is sold.
Order the "War/No More Trouble,"
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Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee what is published
is to be the absolute truth. We accept the imputed
claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done
by the researchers is done in good faith.