Whereas most people are good, open-minded with
average spiritually, there is always a place for
the highly motivated to pursue spiritual excellence.
Information transmitted directly
from the afterlife consistently tells us that
we humans have within us 'the spark of the
Divine.' This means that we - irrespective
of color, creed, race, gender and level of education
- potentially have gigantic spiritual powers which
can be developed and eventually used. Those who
recognize this can focus on continuous spiritual
refinement to reach that very powerful stage,
always being aware that with advanced spiritual
development comes responsibility. Unleashing the
huge spiritual potential- means that we continue
to fully develop our spiritual, psychic, intuitive,
creative and other powers. At this level our bodies
will emit extremely beautiful gentle very bright
white light. We ALL have this great potential
- and those who have the motivation to unleash
this vast 'Divine' power will be in a most favorable
position to do wonderful service - and also to
experience and enjoy the most wonderful and most
beautiful things in the highest realms we on Earth
cannot even imagine.
author of the book,Life After Death: Some of the Best Evidence,has published more
than 80 scientific articles so brings a wealth
of technical expertise to bear on the subject.
He holds a doctorate in physics and has served
professorships at the University of Witwatersand,
South Africa, as well as Cornell University. Dr.
Vandersande has worked at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
and is currently the communications director for
VIASPACE Inc. We need more scientists like Jan
and Sir William Crookes with the courage to investigate
physical mediumship and then to bear witness to
what they have experienced!!
Lachman's new book explains Jung's deep interest
in the afterlife:Jung
the Mystic: The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung's
Life and Teachings. ".... Jung’s
involvement with the occult was with him from
the start – literally, it was in his DNA.
His maternal grandfather, Rev. Samuel Preiswerk,
who learned Hebrew because he believed it was
spoken in heaven, accepted the reality of spirits,
and kept a chair in his study for the ghost of
his deceased first wife, who often came to visit
him. Jung’s mother Emilie was employed by
Samuel to shoo away the dead who distracted him
while he was working on his sermons. She herself
developed mediumistic powers in her late
teens. At the age of 20, she fell into a coma
for 36 hours; when her forehead was touched with
a red-hot poker she awoke, speaking in tongues
and prophesying. Emilie continued to enter trance
states throughout her life, in which she would
communicate with the dead. Read
more in this article in the Fortean Times.
deathbed visions and after death contacts.
70 YEARS View
this historic oral presentation with Dr. Elizabeth
A. McMahan as she
shares her memories of working with J.B. and Louisa
Rhine (pictured left) at the Duke Parapsychology
Laboratory. Dr. McMahan was a staff member of
the Duke Parapsychology Lab and originator of
the 'Pure Telepathy Test', presenting conclusive
evidence for telepathy which could not be explained
by remote viewing or clairvoyance. Watch
video 70 Years at the Rhine
Between 1946 and 1954 Tom Harrison witnessed 1500
solid ectoplasmic materialisations in good red
light through his home circle with his mother,
Minnie Harrison, as the medium. All the spirit
people were accepted by relatives or close friends
who came as guest sitters. More details and special
photos are available in his book Life
after Death - Living Proof available through Tom impresses all who have met him
as an extremely credible witness- see
his video "Visitors from the Other Side".
And like Dr Jan Vandersande above he has had the
courage to fearlessly speak out about his incredible
experiences. Forward the video to the 45 minute
mark to hear a fascinating story of how helpful
afterlife knowledge can be.
is a freelance journalist based in London. He
says that years ago he was unemployed for quite
a long spell, and spent much of it in the library
of the Society for Psychical Research wading through
the Journals and Proceedings, starting right back
in 1882. Later the SPR commissioned him to write
an abstracts catalogue of all 120 volumes, which
gave him a very full understanding of just how
much documented material there is in support of
psi's existence. He concludes that "Skeptics
can't see why the rest of us take it seriously,
because they haven't read the sources that we're
familiar with." Read
Robert's wonderful blog Paranormalia
and especially the post Eusapia Palladino online
(June 15, 2010).
He is now working on a book called Randi's
Prize which he hopes will be out in September.
He says of the book: "The
title is slightly misleading, in that the book
is not specifically about James Randi, or the
Million Dollar Challenge - I'm just using it as
a handy symbol of sceptical thinking. What I'm
really trying to do is introduce the subject of
psi research to people who know nothing about
it, and convince them that, at the very least,
there's something there that merits their attention....My
own conviction came through reading the primary
sources." Further, see below about my own
My OWN (Victor's) contribution to the above debate
is that
Randi promised me to put his his challenge on
oath pursuant to perjury laws- as I recommended
him to do when he asked me what to do with the
challenge for people to take him seriously about
his alleged $1m offer. At first he was saying
that he would put it on oath so that people will
take him seriously - but then he changed his mind.
Probably he knows there are a dozen gifted mediums
who could take him on and beat the challenge -
and if he did put an agreement to pay the prize
on oath he could end up in jail for a few years
if he did not pay up on results! Also something
else that has to be worked out is a way of overcoming
the 'Experimenter
DR BARBARA PAUL- The Ten Most Upsetting Things
for Bereaved Parents to Experience
it is a good feeling! No
doubt, there are a huge number of people who know
that the afterlife exists - and these
people do not need any evidence at all. They had
their own experiences with loved ones from the
other side. There are others who accepted the
inevitability of the afterlife after
studying the evidence. These and
other people get repeated confirmation from seeing
gifted mediums working. No doubt they say, the
evidence is solid, is repeatable, it is objective
- and also subjective, and no one on earth can
tell them otherwise because what they experienced
cannot be changed or taken away from them. These
people know and fully understand they are on the
'winning' side and know what to expect on crossing
over. They will normally cross over with a lot
of peace, light and love from their loved ones
meeting them - and it is a good feeling to know
that in advance!
warn again about the ouija board - be very,
very careful when using it. You will be opening
yourself to afterlife entities - especially those
wandering around on the Astral (lower level).
It is realistically potentially very dangerous
to use it without the guidance of experts. When
you open up your energy to the ouija board for
contact, it is like putting up a soapbox in a
busy shopping center calling for people to make
contact with you. The ouija board has been used
very wisely - the Seth transmissions were begun
by the ouija board. Those who think it is all
in the imagination should read Dr Alan Gauld's
investigation. In
his paper for the Society for Psychical Research
he explains how he followed up the details of
37 ouija board communicators who communicated
from the spirit world in a Cambridgeshire home
between 1937 and 1954 some twenty years after
the original communication had been made. In at
least four cases he was able to prove significant
details that the spirits had given about their
lives. (Gauld 1966-72:273-340). See my chapter
21 on the OUIJA
I received an email this week
which suggested that I was 'evangelizing' the
afterlife. NO, I do NOT evangelize. I do not go
door to door asking people to accept the afterlife.
Rather I make the information available to those
who are actively seeking it. As an empirical afterlife
researcher I disseminate the information by way
of a book, videos on Youtube, a webpage and a
weekly Friday Afterlife Report. For those who
want to accept it - and many thousands do - that's
fine. But if someone - say a closed minded skeptic
- does not want to accept the critical afterlife
information that's his problem, not mine. I will
certainly not try to evangelize anything to anyone
who does not want to listen. Actually, it does
not worry me one iota if a skeptic does not accept
the information - all it means is that he/she
may need a few more lifetimes to eventually understand
why we are on this planet.
I would like to know if one's sexual preferences
count in the afterlife? From
James R. Florida(the
Sunshine State).
Victor: Credible Information from
the afterlife tells us that you will not be discriminated
against just because you are a homosexual, or
heterosexual. We are informed that there is no
discrimination based on gender, sexual preferences,
beliefs, color, physical height, and level of
course, there will be consequences for anyone
whose sexual activity involved exploitation or
cruelty as in pedophilia. What happens to you
in the afterlife has to do with how unselfish
you have been in helping others and how much love
you showed to all when alive.
Quentin Crisp, born Denis
Charles Pratt, was an English writer, artist's
model, actor and raconteur known for his memorable
and insightful witticisms. He became a gay icon
in the 1970s after publication of his memoir,
The Naked Civil Servant, brought to the attention
of the general public his defiant exhibitionism
and longstanding refusal to remain in the closet.
You can get a sense of his personality in this
interview. Now in the spirit world, Quentin
is a part of the Circle of the Silver Cord through
the mediumship of David Thompson. In this audio
after general questions on homosexuality and spirituality
a young woman asks about her brother who hanged
himself himself because of pressure about his
homosexuality. Quentin then helps him to materialize.
Listen to this moving reunion.
what do you think of 'Paul the psychic octopus'
- which stunned the world, making 100% correct
predictions in the football World Cup soccer 2010?
Jerry - England.
Is he really psychic?
Victor: An octopus cannot make
predictions about soccer games being
played on land. The octopus does not have the information
to make a choice between one soccer nation and another.
True, we are informed that the results were predicted
BEFORE the games were played and the chance of 'predicting'
the result of 8 games in a row is 1 in 256. But
there could be a number of intervening variables:
maybe the person looking after the octopus is psychic
without knowing it and puts certain food in a certain
way. The octopus could have a preference for the
box on its right becuuse of past association with
food. Maybe it's pure coincidence- the kind of thing
that leads to superstition. There is no evidence
that an octopus can be 'psychic' but if it leads
people to be curious and investigate well and good.
See video
Dear Victor Thank you for the information
you've made available through your website and
videos. It's very informative and helpful. K.
2.Hello Victor,
Thank you for the Friday Report and the information
about “Arrival on Astral Plane”. They
have also an information about “2nd death”
which is very interesting too, especially the
facts that our Spirit-Body needs to become adjusted
when we go upwards into the next Sphere. Helmut.
3. Dear Victor and Wendy Zammit,
I really enjoyed the video interview with the
clinical medium. It is so important to have a
hope for the next world, and a relationship with
that world in this brief one.Sincerely, E. J.
the most reliable, credible and readable monthly
newspaper on psychics, mediums, Spiritualism
and the paranormal in the United Kingdom-
and the world to-day. I have a half a page
column in this magnificent British psychic
newspaper. To subscribe to PSYCHIC WORLD send
just £13.00 GBP. Please note they cannot
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(telephone England 020-8903-1993)
of the reasons we try to include uplifting music
at the end of each report
is because music raises our vibrations. Stephen,
one of our long-time subscribers, tells us that
when he wants to communicate with his beloved
in spirit she lowers her vibrations while he
raises his. This is how he uses music:
"You can share elevating,
inspiring music with your beloved, in inner
communion, because it is one of the easiest
and most delightful ways to raise your vibration
rate. Choose something he or she especially
likes, music which was originally inspired and
written from a higher plane of consciousness.
Then think of your partner; trust that he or
she is with you--open your heart to him or her
in joy, not in grief. The communion you imagine
you have lost, because of long-accustomed attachment
to your partner's physical body, is, as they
say, "just a step away".
and again we are told by the spirit world that
love is endless... here that message is celebrated
AND MARIAH CAREY in a beautiful duet "Endless
Whilst we encourage and we publish
many papers and reports by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy
of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that
the afterlife and paranormal research done by
the researchers is done in good faith.