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April 16th
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‘Super PSI’ refers to a theory
that mediums are not getting information from
deceased entities but from all information
which is stored in space – similar to
Edgar Cayce's concept of the Akashic records.
Imagine for one moment there is a huge gigantic
video/tape recorder in the cosmos recording
everything that happens on Earth.
Super PSI is supposed to show that all kinds
of psychic activity, all kinds of mediumship,
all contact with the afterlife is nothing
but the mind of the medium contacting this
huge cosmic video/tape recorder.
But those lawyers who are
professional experts and specialists in the
admissibility of evidence and who investigated
the paranormal/afterlife evidence - as I have
done - definitely do NOT agree – with
those raising the THEORY that PSI explains
The evidence in materializations
for example, tells us that the materialized
spirits actually communicate with some of
the familiar sitters in the séance
room. Reunions are common – and those
who materialize with the loved ones discuss
familiar incidents with those who crossed
over. I shook hands with an entity called
'Sir Arthur Conan Doyle' and with 'William'
– one of materialization medium David
Thompson’s guides. We touch them physically
and we hold intelligent conversations as if
they were alive talking to us. No, those who
claim that 'Super- PSI' can explain everything
have not given us any empirical evidence for
their philosophical beliefs. We are hands-on
empiricists using scientific method into 'cause-effect
relationship' to investigate all afterlife
experiments and we work with ‘objectivity
and repeatability’. Absolutely, PSI
does NOT come into the equation whatsoever.
As Montague Keen, who was an afterlife investigator
for the Society for Psychical Research, stated
in relation to super-psi, “I do not
say the super-psi hypothesis is impossible,
but that it stretches improbability beyond
my credulity when a simpler, more obvious
and more consistent alternative presents itself,
one which has a great deal of supporting buttresses
in the literature of psychical research.”
Montague's article...
Medically trained Doctors
who have studied the "near death
experience" phenomenon in depth,
explain why it cannot simply be the
result of brain chemicals, lack of oxygen,"DMT"
or hallucination. Studies reveal there
are significant differences between
the detailed, lucid, structured, life-changing
and verifiable experiences of those
who have near death experiences and
out of body experiences compared with
chemically induced hallucinations.
a paper in the Journal of Near-Death Studies
1993) concerning near-death experiencers who,
while out of their bodies, witness real events
that occur far away from their dead body.
The important aspect to this phenomenon is
that these events seen far away are later
verified to be true. Experiencers not only
witness events from great distances, but they
have been documented to hear conversations
between people at the same events. Conversations
such as these have also verified to be true.
An even more fascinating phenomenon occurs
when the experiencer actually appears in spirit
to someone, usually a loved one, during their
NDE and it is verified to be true by the experiencer
and the loved one." Read
the first sphere of light we find trees and
flowers like those that grow in earthly gardens;
but more beautiful, immune from decay and
death, and endowed with qualities that make
them more completely a part of our lives.
Around us are birds and animals, still the
friends of man, but nearer, more intelligent,
and freed from the fears and the cruelties
they suffer here. We find houses and gardens,
but of substance, colour and atmosphere more
responsive to our presence; water whose playing
is music; wide ranging harmonies of colour.
We find everything more radiant, more joyous,
more exquisitely complex, and while our activities
are multiplied, our life is more restful.
Differences in age disappear. There are no
“old” in the spheres of light;
there are only the graceful and strong."
The above description comes from messages
given to a Chruch of England clergyman, Rev
G. Vale Owen, by his mother and published
in The Life Beyond the Veil. Download
a free copy here.
Researcher Kenneth Ring found
that watching first hand accounts by people
who had near death experiences significantly
reduced fear of death. The following is an
interesting one....
year on Good Friday, April 2, Brazil is celebrating
what would have been the 100th birthday of
Xavier revered by millions of Brazilians.
Although poorly educated and almost blind
he was the author of more than 400 spirit-dictated
best selling books on a variety of highly
specialized and technical subjects. However
he renounced the wealth and influence that
he was offered and dedicated his life and
his mediumship to proving survival and to
providing food, clothing and medical assistance
for the poor. He was considered by many to
be a radical Christian saint—a 'one
man welfare system'—a man of 'almost
pathological modesty and humility' (Playfair
1975:27). The anniversary of his birth is
also being marked by the release of a film
biography. Below is a trailer (in Portuguese).
The film (available
online) looks brilliant.., please let
us know if you find a version with subtitles.
is a review...
Kevin and Tom in Toulouse
will be holding fabulous physical mediumship
sessions open to our readers from May until
the end of September this year. But
you must book now. If conditions
are suitable – as usually they are -
you will be allowed to make contact –
to ask one or two questions to an afterlife
intelligence. Wendy and I, Victor - vouch
for the authenticity of what is going on in
Toulouse with Kev and Tom. They have spectacular
spirit contact, especially when John Sloan
who was the medium for that great psychic
historian and afterlife researcher Arthur
Findlay comes through. So don't miss this
great opportunity to have a wonderful holiday,
experience very special spiritual healing
AND be convinced beyond doubt of the continuation
of life. The Center is also wonderful for
groups and meditation retreats. For details
as to how to get there, expenses, accommodation
email Tomkev3@aol.com.
Talk by Michael Roll - pictured below - "Ever
since the dawn of history there have been
stories of people being seen again after their
physical bodies had been buried or cremated.
Our ancestors who
had no knowledge of subatomic physics - that
reality also exists beyond our five physical
senses - understandably thought that they
were witnessing something that was supernatural,
outside the laws of nature. Thankfully, scientists
now know that nothing is outside of nature’s
laws. If something happens, there must be
a rational explanation to account for it.
The trick is though, to find the explanation;
this is the task of scientists and philosophers.
The subject of life after death is subatomic
physics - natural philosophy - not supernatural
religion and parapsychology. We have had the
experimental proof that we all survive death
ever since Sir William Crookes submitted his
reports to the Quarterly Journal of Science
in 1874." Read
more …
Hood writes: "I just looked at Johnathan
Beecher's new website whitecrowbooks.com.
He has republished many of the great books
on Spiritualism and the Afterlife. You can
order them in hardback, softback and an e-version
for iPad, Kindle, etc. It
looks a great venture."
Yes indeed Chris, it looks like a great site
and there are lots of treasures there. Michael
Tymn has moved his fortnightly blog there
since his bloghost gaia.com has closed. You
can read his first post at http://whitecrowbooks.com/michaeltymn.
I also was intrigued by the re-publication
of some books by my old friend Sir Arthur
Conan Doyle (see next item).
After publication of his first book
on the afterlife, The
New Revelation, Doyle followed
it up in 1919 with The
Vital Message, where
he shares his thoughts on skepticism,
religion, psychic phenomena, and Jesus.
Doyle, who by that time had been communicating
with afterlife entities for more than
thirty years, saw Jesus as highest of
spiritual beings and writes in the book:
‘In regard to
the Old Testament I have never seen
the matter treated in a spiritual communication.
The nature of Christ, however, and His
teaching, have been expounded a score
of times with some variation of detail,
but in the main as reproduced here.
Spirits have their individuality of
view, and some carry over strong earthly
prepossessions which they do not easily
shed; but reading many authentic spirit
communications one finds that the idea
of redemption is hardly ever spoken
of, while that of example and influence
is forever insisted upon. In them Christ
is the highest spirit known, the Son
of God, as we all are, but nearer to
God, and therefore in a more particular
sense His Son.’ Conversations
with Arthur Conan Doyle is an imagined
conversation with this remarkable figure.
But while the conversation is imagined,
Doyle’s words are not; they are
all authentically his...." I want
people to meet the man, hear him speak
– and then make up their own minds.
He’s often passionate; but never
dull." says author Simon Parke.
Enlightenment founder Craig Hamilton
has been creating a huge impact in spiritual
circles with his work of spiritual evolution.
In his recent free teleseminar he spoke
in detail about four important shifts
we can make in our approach to the spiritual
path that can propel us beyond the limitations
of the separate ego into a life of freedom
and co-creative participation in the
great work of conscious evolution. Over
35,000 people have downloaded the recording
in the past 4 days and the people at
Integral Enlightenment been receiving
a lot of requests to post a direct link
to the audio so here it is..... http://integralenlightenment.com/freetcdownload
Olson is an author, magazine editor
and former private investigator who
has researched psychic mediums for over
eight years. Once a cynical skeptic,
Olson met his first genuine and legitimate
psychic medium in January of 1999. However
Bob Olson was ripped-off by phony psychics
during a time in his life when he was
desperate and vulnerable. Now he provides
a Web resource so that people will know
where to find gifted and reputable psychic
mediums and not get burned by fakes,
charlatans, and even inexperienced psychic
mediums who do not know how to use their
gift responsibly. Read
No one would believe that
Islamic ‘priests’ would
execute someone because he does something
like astrology on television. Ali Sabat
lives in Lebanon – but has dual
citizenship with Saudi Arabia. He went
to pray in Saudi Arabia where the religious
police arrested him. Apparently he was
‘set up’ to get him by the
Moslem conservatives. Hopefully reasonableness
and some intelligence will prevail.
AMERICA: Michelle's
final victory test before being crowned
the best psychic in America was to find
a buried stuntman in a 12 acre area
in less than 29 minutes (here's
the video in case you missed it)
I challenged skeptics from around the
world to duplicate that - for $500,000
- two years have passed and I'm still
In this video Michelle talks about being
a medium.
it is possible says leading lawyer!:
Leading human rights lawyer Geoffrey
has caused a stir with his legal opinion
that "the anomalous claim of the
Vatican to be a state – and of
the pope to be a head of state and hence
immune from legal action – cannot
stand up to scrutiny." He writes
that " The truly shocking finding
of Judge Murphy's commission in Ireland
was not merely that sexual abuse was
"endemic" in boys' institutions
but that the church hierarchy protected
the perpetrators and, despite knowledge
of their propensity to reoffend, allowed
them to take up new positions teaching
other children after their victims had
been sworn to secrecy" and that
"This conduct, of course, amounted
to the criminal offence of aiding and
abetting sex with minors."
international law there is what is called
the law of ‘strict liability’.
To give a simple
example, if you went to a shoe shop
and the salesperson assaulted you in
the shop, you not only have a case against
the salesperson, but on the summons
you also include the name of the salesperson’s
employer- both would be liable if the
criminal charge is proved. Similarly,
the Pope would be vicariously liable
for the actions and omissions of his
‘employees’ – as priests
do get paid for their services. Read
ARE WE BORN SPIRITUALLY EQUAL?You mentioned last week
that we come to this world not spiritually
equal. That
would raise very serious problems because
it would show that those with low spirituality
are those who are likely to be bad,
to do the wrong things and to do ‘evil’
- which means on crossing over they
are likely to have serious problems.
That does not seem to be fair. What
do you think about that?
Victor: Good question.
Yes, we observe those who are exemplary,
spiritually advanced and those who are
less and very much less spiritually
advanced. Naturally, the less spiritually
advanced- those who have not waken to
spirituality are likely to indulge in
bad behavior- in evil. The authority
for that comes from highly credible
afterlife spirit teachers. That information
was transmitted within the last fifty
years or so – NOT taken from religious
writings of thousands of years ago.
First, it is critically important to
VERY CAREFULLY: directly from the afterlife
”Your world has its part to play
in the greatest scheme of life. This
(here in this world) is the nursery,
the training ground, as you call it,
the school where the scholars learn
lessons. This is where you obtain the
equipment (to become spiritually advanced).
This is where the talents that you have
in latent form first find their expression,
and they are tried and tested, because
it is only in the heat of that battle
that the true character of the individual
can be formed. Were there no struggle,
were there no opposition, were there
no difficulty, were there no problems,
then the spirit could not grow, it could
not evolve (i.e., those with no or very
little spirituality are likely to cause
problems). The struggle brings out the
highest, the best, the greatest and
the deeper qualities.”Consistent with spiritual evolution,
we are ALL destined to continue to spiritually
refine and keep on going to higher realms
in the afterlife - that is what continuous
spiritual evolution is all about.
QUESTION - 'There is NO eternal damnation'-
we will all eventually return to the
Realm of the Light:
You say in your youtubes that no one
is damned eternally and that those who
are in the darkest region - in hell
- will eventually return to the realm
of the light. Does that mean no one
is eternally damned?
Victor: Information
transmitted from highly credible sources
state that because they say that each
human has the 'spark of the divine'.
appears for those who end down in the
darkest, horrible region, will spend
time there - perhaps for eons of time
but one day, their 'divine' spark within
themselves create a desire to return
gradually back to the realms of the
light. The Biblical authority about
eternal damnation has now been shown
to be a forgery. This was because of
the mis-translation of the word 'eon'.
Whenever 'ea on' was preceded by punishment
it was mistranslated to mean 'eternity'.
But when the same word was used elsewhere,
it was translated properly: eon=a period
of time, in Roman times was 100 years.
The Catholic Church used to have - and
still have - some transgressions as
'mortal sin' (meaning eternal damnation
if one dies in mortal sin) for: eating
a ham sandwich on Fridays;
for masturbation even once;
for not going to Church on Sundays;
when a divorcee remarries;
from stealing even ten cents from the
Church; and other transgressions.
A new way of looking at evil: first,
if you are spiritually aware and come
across some evil – then you have
to pass the tests to see how you spiritually
are going to handle the challenge. If
you pass the tests, this
means you continue to spiritually evolve.
That also means we must come
across some evil for us to be tested
in order to continue to spiritually
evolve. Secondly, whilst the reasonable
person would agree that those who do
evil have to be punished – to
fit their crimes and transgressions
–you’ll find the evil done
corresponds with the level of spirituality
the person has attained. Some may have
no spiritual awareness at all or some
may have very little spiritual awareness.
But this means that the spiritually
retarded have to learn about life, about
their place in the universe, about spiritual
evolution. When eventually the spiritually
retarded people learn their lessons,
they would not be indulging in evil
behavior. Highly credible entities from
the afterlife tell us that this is the
reason why some people have to come
back to earth again – to continue
their journey for continuous spiritual
2) Note to theologians
and afterlife researchers when studying
‘evil’: When one has to
consider the role of ‘evil’,
inevitably, one has also to consider
other directly related matters:
purpose of life on earth; soul evolution,
correlation between levels of conduct
with levels of spirituality; reincarnation,
being born ‘spiritually unequal’;
universal evolution, free will, unconditional
love and unconditional forgiveness.
SELECTED FEEDBACK : ADAM and EVE responses Our mailbox was running
hot this week with many replies to the
defence of Adam and Eve. The vast majority
(99%) decided that Adam and Eve would
not be found guilty as charged. For
those interested in the debate we have
created a page with highlights from
some of them...read
... thank you both for the
invaluable service you have given to
the world over many years and long may
you continue to do so.
I have had a strong belief in the afterlife
since I was quite young, thanks to my
late father who was a very strong believer
in the subject (sufficient to name me
after the son of Sir Oliver Lodge).
It is a belief that has stood me in
good stead all my life and continues
to be enhanced by new and exciting research
brought to us through books and websites
such as yours. I have recently retired
from my local branch of the
Samaritans where I served as a volunteer
for 25 years.To be able to speak with
authority about the afterlife to people
who had recently been bereaved has been
a tremendous privilege. Raymond.
P.S. Please keep the
weekly reports coming: they are the
highlight of my week
2) “I find it
difficult to understand why people can't
accept there is an afterlife. I went
seeking more explanations which I felt
could be scientific. Not being a physics
scholar I thought however about all
the things in this physical world that
we all accepted with confidence yet
could not see such as getting a picture
on television, sounds out of the radio
etc etc. We don't see the pictures or
sounds entering those appliances but
know if we turn them on we will get
what we want. I think all the evidence
you have gone after and recorded in
your Book is great and so easy to accept.
We must be on a learning curve don't
you think? Kind regards, Judith.”
3) Every Friday I read
your report with continual and great
interest. This weekly
rendez-vous should be of major importance
for many people. It is for me, even
if I do not need anymore to be convinced
of the afterlife, as long as I have
had and have contacts with the Beyond.
Those (EVP) contacts that had fainted
progressively between August and December
2009 are back, shorter than before,
one to three words per week since January
2010, as if it was meant to help me
deal with my son’s problem, keeping
me sure that my wife stays aware of
life on earth and active in helping.
4) I
would like to share with you my theories
on Jesus Christ. I have been brought
up to be a Christian, Church of England,
and would not consider myself to be
overly religious but have a respect
for the existence of God. I am a scientist
by nature, holding a degree in Veterinary
science that permits me to practice
Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in the
uk. I have always been open minded,
and like yourself believe in a subject
that can be proven, by repeated exhibition.
Until recently my beliefs have been
quite passive about religion, but I
have studied and read lots of information
about spiritualism and associated mediumship....
Maybe the Bible is a book of the recognition
of Jesus' gift to communicate with the
spirit world in many different ways
which had never been experienced by
humans previously, and this was the
first documentation of such events?
Yours, Sean.
4th week
the most reliable, credible and readable monthly
newspaper on psychics, mediums, Spiritualism and the paranormal
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half a page column in this magnificent British psychic
newspaper. To subscribe to PSYCHIC WORLD send just twenty
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rendition of
Wishing you were Somehow Here Again from Phantom
on the Opera.
Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage
and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife
researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee
what is published is to be the absolute truth.
We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife
and paranormal research done by the researchers
is done in good faith.