Many people who say that they are "spiritual but not religious" might be surprised to learn that they have a lot in common with Spiritualists, many of whom see Spiritualism as a science or a philosophy rather than a religion.
Spiritualism teaches that there is life after death but rejects the idea that we merge into formlessness. Based on evidence from years of spirit contact, Spiritualists have concluded that we retain the same personalities and characteristics, and we change only as a result of our own efforts. It rejects the concept of an eternal hell, saying instead that "eternal progress is open to every human soul". But, other than that, Spiritualism doesn't tell you what you should believe or how you should interpret religious philosophy. It has no books that must be followed and no preachers whose word must be obeyed.
Having Spiritualism recognised as a religion offered legal and social protection for the practice of mediumship and spiritual healing. At a time before the Internet and New Age bookshops, Spiritualist churches and newspapers were perhaps the only places where people could learn about the philosophy and science of Spiritualism. Having places where people could come together physically to demonstrate and develop mediumship and share experiences of the afterlife has been very important to many. Read more about Spiritualism.
A RATIONAL BELIEF IN THE AFTERLIFE Piero Calvi-Parisetti M.D. is a medical doctor originally specialising in Public Health and Disaster Management. He has worked extensively for the International Red Cross and the United Nations and was later a university lecturer for 17 years. In 2004, a simple anecdote narrated by his wife triggered an intellectual interest, at first, and then a true scholarly passion for researching the scientific evidence for the afterlife.
DEATHBED VISIONS: WHAT REALLY HAPPENS WHEN WE TRANSITION FROM THIS LIFE? Psychic medium and medical intuitive Julie Ryan claims to be able to communicate with spirits, both alive and dead, scan animals and access people’s past lives. She also describes her unique way of being able to tell how close to death someone is. Her book is Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next.
Time codes: 0:00 - Episode Teaser 1:09 - Julie's work journey
7:14 - Julie's story of becoming a medical intuitive
10:30 - What she claims are the 12 phases of transition 26:07 - Julie's first experience as a medical intuitive
28:44 - What are Spirit Guides? 36:06 - Do we come into life with skills to fulfill our destiny?
44:02 - What happens after the 12 transitions?
46:22 - When you die, your personality stays with you. 53:59 - Parallel Realities
58:19 - Past Life Story
1:02:37 - Living A Good Life
1:02:56 - Definition of God
1:03:00 - Ultimate Purpose of Life
1:03:08 - Julie's Work
1:03:55 - Final Message
HAVE YOU HAD A DREAM REUNION WITH A LOVED ONE? Dream communication is the most frequently reported method of after-death communication. Unlike normal dreams, contact dreams don’t fade with time. They are incredibly vivid and you will be able to remember details even years later. The person who has died usually looks much younger and in perfect health. They are smiling and telling you that they are fine and happy. They tell you that they did not suffer during their passing and that they are with family members. People wake up with a feeling of overwhelming love. Sometimes they are given information that they could not have otherwise obtained. Read more.
FRENCH ANESTHESIOLOGIST TALKS ABOUT NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES "Although I was a scientist and a highly technical medical specialist, I finally admitted that death is only an obligatory passage to an unknown destination. Unfortunately, the truth about the afterlife is not obvious to everyone." Dr. Jean Jacques Charbonier has written several books about the afterlife, one of which, 7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife is available in English.
FROM WHITE CROW BOOKS - A NEW EDITION OF "LIFE ETERNAL" BY W.T. STEAD William T. Stead was a famous British journalist who died on the Titanic in 1912. Soon after his transition, he made contact with his daughter Estelle through automatic writing. She published his description of his early experiences where he was taken to a reception station as The Blue Island, Experiences of a New Arrival Beyond the Veil. Estelle remained in contact with her father as he learned more about how the afterlife works, and in 1933 published Life Eternal which deals with her father's description of his conditions, how communication works, and what he had learned about reincarnation. White Crow Books has republished Life Eternal (including as an e-book) and Michael Tymn had made a summary of what Stead had to say.
LIFE AFTER SUICIDE: A MESSAGE FOR HUMANITY Abandoned by his mother and left in a garbage dump, unwanted and raised with brutality, Chris Batts tried to end his life by jumping from a moving vehicle. As he explains in his book his life had become so painful because he lived without love. On the Other Side, he communicated with Source, was shown Angels, and was given a message for humanity. Today he works with students with special needs and spends his life reminding people of the importance of love.
Robert Schwartz, author of "Your Soul's Plan" writes:
"I wish to take away the traditional judgment about suicide, that it is the gravest sin. God or Spirit does not feel that way. God has the greatest compassion for people who take their lives in despair. There is always help available for them on the other side. They are never abandoned.”
He gives details of Cameron, a young man that he contacted
through an excellent medium:
"Upon returning to spirit, he was greeted by loving guides, who nurtured and supported him through a process of emotional healing and through some very difficult conversations with Carolyn [the boy's mother] which occurred in her sleep state. Importantly, and contrary to what some religions teach, Cameron told us that he was never punished in any way for having taken his life. He did not go to some sort of “Hell,” nor did he wander endlessly in a limbo state. Instead, he briefly experienced some confusion and disorientation when he first crossed over but he quickly saw his guides, who escorted him Home.” Read the full article.
"PSYCHIC OBSERVERS" by GERALD O'HARA Gerald O’Hara has traced the complexities of the American Spiritualist movement through the pages of the newspaper The Psychic Observer, 1938-1963. Its editors, Ralph and Juliette Pressing, knew everyone who was anyone in the American Spiritualist movement. Like its English counterpart, Psychic News (see next item) the paper included seance updates, church events, convention reports, and articles about skeptics and attacks on mediums. Journalists, police, courts, and psychic researchers, hounded the Spiritualists, wrote scandalous articles, raided their séances, charged them with fortune-telling, and hauled them before judges. The Pressings were in the middle of it all. Read more.
DIRECT-VOICE MEDIUMSHIP - A RARE GIFT Direct-voice mediumship is perhaps the most convincing evidence of the afterlife. In the presence of a direct-voice medium people who have died can speak to their loved ones in their own voices for extended periods. The voices seem to come from 'thin air'' away from the medium. Listen to examples from the work of Leslie Flint.
In Appendix Four of "Psychic Observers", Gerald O'Hara has put together a list of one hundred and sixty-four American direct-voice and trumpet mediums who lived and worked between 1918 and 1988. By comparison, O'Hara claims that "the British Spiritualist movement which was similar in size to the American had approximately twelve
direct-voice and trumpet mediums from 1918-1988".
Psychic News is the world's best-known and longest-running publication about Spiritualism and mediumship. It started life as a newspaper in 1932 and in 2011 it was re-branded as a dynamic, full-colour magazine. The video below is a fascinating insight into how Spiritualism changed over the years. The Psychic News archives (1932-2010) are owned by Psychic Press Ltd but anyone can access a digital version hosted by The University of Manitoba Libraries.
PRE-BIRTH MEMORIES Dr. Brian Weiss writes: "Not accidentally or coincidentally are we born into our families. We choose our circumstances and establish a plan for our lives before we are even conceived. Our planning is aided by the loving spiritual beings who eventually guide and protect us while we are in our physical bodies as our life's plan unfolds. Destiny is another name for the unfolding dramas we have already chosen. There is considerable evidence that we actually see the major events in the life to come, the points of destiny, in the planning stage prior to our births. This is clinical evidence gathered by myself and other therapists from our patients who have experienced pre-birth memories while under hypnosis, during meditation, or through spontaneous recall. Mapped out are the key people we will meet, our reunions with soul mates and soul companions, even the actual places where these events will eventually occur." from Messages from the Masters p.45.
Police Captain Robert Snow relates his journey from a skeptic who underwent a past life regression on a dare to believe that he is the reincarnation of artist Carroll Beckwith. Captain Snow's story is detailed in his book, "Looking for Carroll Beckwith", featured in "Born Again: International Edition" (2011) by Walter Semkiw, MD, and detailed in the website of his reincarnation research organization.
What If? With Cheryl Page
First Tuesday/ Wednesday of every month
Cheryl Page is a medical researcher and medium who dares to ask questions about what is possible with mediumship. She suggests that we inadvertently cut ourselves off from the nearly infinite possibilities that Spirit brings when we are rigid about the “right” way to practice mediumship and is looking for interested mediums or those developing to join her in some fascinating experiments. First meeting Tuesday April 4th/ Wednesday April 5th Australia
Pacific Time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Phoenix time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Mountain Time 7 p.m. Tuesday
Central Time 8 p.m. Tuesday
Eastern Time (New York) 9 p.m. Tuesday
Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Wednesday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Wednesday
London time 2 a.m.
Wednesday Check time in your city
Co-ordinators: and
Saturday March 25th 2023/ Sunday March 26th Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study with Ana Castro.
A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec, and Chico Xavier. See videos of previous meetings.
Pacific time 1 p.m. Saturday
Phoenix time 1 p.m. Saturday
Mountain time 2 p.m. Saturday
Central time 3 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 4 p.m. Saturday
London 8 p.m. Saturday
Rome 9 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Sunday
Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday March 26th 2023/ Monday March 27th Australia
Mediumship Development with Dr. Susan Barnes. Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending with spirit.
Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Next meeting Sunday 26th March.
Pacific Daylight Time 10 a.m. Sunday
Phoenix time 10 a.m. Sunday
Mountain Daylight Time 11 a.m. Sunday
Central Daylight Time 12 noon Sunday
Eastern Daylight Time (New York) 1 p.m. Sunday
London 6 p.m. Sunday
Rome 7 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 4 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 6 a.m. Monday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Sunday March 26th 2023/ Monday March 27th Australia Global GatheringGuest Alison Salisbury will speak on Suicide: The human experience; some spiritual perspectives. She feels strongly that the resources for those who have lost a loved one to suicide are very few and that makes the journey after this loss, very lonely and difficult. She is a moderator on the US-based Alliance of Hope forum and co-facilitates the ‘Helping Parents Heal Australia/ New Zealand Moving Forward After Suicide’ group, on Facebook.
Sunday March 26th 2023/ Monday March 27th Australia
Spiritualism Today with Dr. Norma Turner Every Sunday - a combination of a presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here.
Times: California 4 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 4 p.m. Sunday
Mountain time 5 p.m. Sunday
Central (Illinois, Texas) 6 p.m. Sunday
Eastern (New York) 7 p.m. Sunday
London 12 midnight Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne time 10 a.m. Monday
New Zealand noon Monday Check time in your city
Norma’s Room:
Monday March 27th 2023 / Tuesday March 28th Australia
GOSH with Kim Parker When: Every two weeks on Mondays (UK EUROPE and USA) and Tuesday 7 a.m. (Sydney). Next meeting Monday 27th March 2023
A small group that meets to share and explore the meaning of strange experiences like missing time, seeing scenes from another time, interacting with a person who suddenly wasn't there, bi-location etc. If it's something you cannot share easily with others, bring it to this group to get validation and speculate on its cause. See short video about GOSH
Pacific Daylight Time 1 p.m. Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Mountain Time 2 p.m. Monday
Central time 3 p.m. Monday
Eastern time 4 p.m. Monday
London 9 p.m. Monday
Amsterdam 10 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday Check the time for your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday March 28th 2023 / Wednesday March 29th Australia
Spirit Art We are meeting to create spirit art with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Pacific Time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Phoenix time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Mountain Time 7 p.m. Tuesday
Central Time 8 p.m. Tuesday
Eastern Time (New York) 9 p.m. Tuesday
London 2 a.m. Wednesday
Sydney/Melbourne 12 noon Wednesday
New Zealand 2 p.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Wednesday March 29th 2023/ Thursday March 30th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Thursday March 30th 2023/ Friday March 31st Australia
Sheri Perl's Loss, Bereavement and Connecting-Up--Exploring Electronic Voice Phenomenon
NEW GROUP - HELP US GET IT ESTABLISHED!! This group meets on the LAST Thursday of the month at 3 p.m. Eastern time.
The group is open to anyone who wishes to attend. Each month personal stories will be shared about afterlife connections members have made. Then we will make a group EVP recording and the EVPs that come through will be sent to everyone’s email.
Pacific time 12 noon Thursday
Phoenix 12 noon Thursday
Mountain Daylight time 1 p.m. Thursday
Central Daylight time 2 p.m. Thursday
New York time 3 p.m. Thursday
London 8 p.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 6 a.m. Friday
New Zealand 8 a.m. Friday Check time in your city
Just click this link to join.
Saturday April 1st 2023/Sunday April 2nd Australia
The “Angel Guidance Zoom Group” premiered on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at 1pm CST. You are invited to join Angel Medium Nancy Freier and friends to talk with the Angels. They have a lot to say to help raise our spiritual awareness, healing and navigating life’s challenges. As they have said, “We will be zooming enlightenment around the world.” Please join us! Next meeting Saturday April 1st 2023.
Pacific time 11 a.m. Saturday
Phoenix time 11 a.m. Saturday
Mountain time noon Saturday
Central time 1 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 2 p.m. Saturday
London 7 p.m. Saturday
Rome 8 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 4 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 6 a.m. Sunday Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Steve Freier
Meeting ID: 838 9367 1546
Passcode: 482993
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE "One day after death you will be the same individual as you were one day before it, except that you will have discarded your physical body. You will express yourself through your etheric body, which is a replica of the physical one. It does not, however, reproduce any of its imperfections. All disease and infirmities will be left behind. The deaf will hear. The dumb will speak. The blind will see. The cripple will be a cripple no longer.
You must try and understand that life in the spirit world is not dreamy or nebulous. It is full of activity. It is just as real as the life that each one of us lives here."
Source: They Shall Be Comforted by Maurice Barbanell and Silver Birch
GORDON SMITH - A SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM Gordon Smith is one of the UK's finest mediums who developed his mediumship in the Spiritualist tradition, sitting in a developmen circle associated with a Spiritualist Church. For many years Gordon continued to work as a barber and do his mediumship demonstrations on a voluntary basis in Spiritualist churches in the UK. He was extensively tested by Professor Archie Roy and Trisha Robertson of the Scottish Society for Psychical Research. These days he works globally on Zoom and is recognised as a spiritual teacher, public figure and author who has an impressive 23 books published to-date.
1) "Your YouTube channel is such an amazing resource, with so many great people and fantastic interviews.
I'd be so lost without your information". David
"I really enjoyed the video on Rosemary Brown. Thanks for sharing such wonderful resources each week". Sally
"I can only mirror that dream too.
A world of love
A world of peace
All hunger greed
And power shall cease.
A loving heart
A caring hand
No divide
A bountiful land.
A smile to give
A life to live
All precious souls unite .
We walk one another home
Through the world of infinite."
A really beautiful song magnificently presented and eloquently expressed by Julio Iglesias and Stevie Wonder. Given the current world situation, we ask that, as you listen to the words, you join in with this glorious visualisation of the world as it could be and as it will be.
Some of the really beautiful lyrics:
" ... Let my love shine throughout the world
To every mountain top and steeple
Let It be felt by every soul
'Til love's all over
Let it reach out to every heart
To every disenfranchised people
'Til it is present and no more is
Pain all over ..."
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHTED BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.