In the words of the Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science
"Science is first and foremost a non-dogmatic, open-minded method of acquiring knowledge about nature through the observation, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Its methodology is not synonymous with materialism and should not be committed to any particular beliefs, dogmas, or ideologies."
The Science Council claims the elements of science consist of:
1) objective observation, measurement and data
gathering of evidence
3) Experiment and or observation as benchmarks for testing hypotheses
4) Induction: reasoning to establish general rules or conclusions
5) Repeatability
6) Critical analysis
7) Verification and testing: Critical exposure to peer review and assessment.
When we look at the evidence for the afterlife gathered over the last one hundred and seventy years by some of the greatest scientists who ever lived, it is impossible to deny that they
followed scientific method. Sir William Crookes, the leading scientist of his day used scientific method to investigate the afterlife as did Nobel prize winner Professor Charles Richet, Sir Oliver Lodge, one of the greatest physicists of all times, and Professor Dr Ernst Senkowski and many others.
"The "double-secret super taboos," otherwise known as "woo-woo taboos," include anything in the realm of psychic phenomena. It is generally believed in the scientific community that spirituality has nothing to offer science. However, some of the iconic figures of science: Thomas Edison, Isaac Newton and Madame Curie, were all actively interested in non-scientific endeavors such as alchemy and contacting the dead."
DON'T RELY ON WIKIPEDIA FOR AFTERLIFE FACTS Everyone involved in Afterlife research is aware that Wikipedia has been taken over by an organised group of skeptics. Every biography of a medium or psychic or an investigator has been trashed to suggest that they were fraudulent, and that there were no investigations carried out apart from those by one or two skeptics who are quoted. See articles by: Dr. Dean Radin;Dr. Rupert Sheldrake; and Craig Weiler's webpage, Skeptical About Skeptics.
As an alternative check out The Psi Encyclopedia, a new collection of articles and case studies about psi research, the scientific investigation of psychic phenomena. It's a work in progress, being created by the Society for Psychical Research in London.
BEYOND OUR SIGHT Anthony Chene is a young French photographer and film maker who works as a freelancer (DOP, director, or video reporter) for various clients, and also develops his own projects. He produces exquisite interviews with people who have had a near-death experience. Below is a 15- minute compression of a 51-minute documentary featuring Savonn Champelle, Lewis Brown Griggs, Karen Hanning, Alan Hugenot, Dean Radin and Terry Yoder.
VERIDICAL EXPERIENCES IN NDE RESEARCH In a recent video interview, pioneer cardiac surgeon Dr. Lloyd Rudy tells the story of a patient who came back to life after being declared dead, and what he told him. After emergency heart surgery, the patient could not be resuscitated and the doctors turned off the bypass equipment. For at least 20 minutes the patient had no heart beat or blood pressure. However, the patient's heart slowly started up on its own and the patient was revived. He reported an NDE with remarkable veridical (real and verified) perceptions of the persons present and unusual details of the operating room, during the time he had no heart beat or blood pressure. A recent book, "The Self Does Not Die" by Titus Rivas, Anny Dirven and Rudolf Smit contains more than 100 similar cases.
Make the time to watch this wonderful documentary by media producer, filmmaker, photographer, audio producer, and writer Dan Drasin. It traces the development of communication with the deceased through modern electronic technology. Initially this came through voices on a tape recorder (EVP) and later via radio, over telephones, on television, on answering and fax machines and computers (ITC). One viewer wrote: "I'm left largely speechless - so deeply, quietly moved... I love the major part played here by science, paving the way for so many more among us to at least consider such things."
During a period of several weeks in 1994, five American ITC researchers received phone calls from fellow researcher Konstantin Raudive who died in 1974. These were George Meek, Mark Macy, Sarah Estep, Dr. Walter Uphoff and Hans Heckmann (a close friend and colleague of George Meek). In each case the phone call mentioned the previous phone calls. Listen to a recording of the call to ITC experimenter George Meek.
A number of researchers began to question the phone contacts, suggesting that they might be a hoax. But then German ITC researcher, Adolf Homes, received a text file on his computer in Germany giving details of the phone calls. His computer was not connected to the internet and the message simply appeared on the screen. The message said other successful contacts had been made to China and Japan by telephone and fax. Read more on Mark Macy's World ITC website (click on Mark Macy and Konstantin Raudive in telephone.. on the right hand side of the page).
OUT-OF BODY EXPERIENCES AS EVIDENCE Canadian medium Brough Perkins interviews OBE explorer Bob Peterson on the need for scientific validation of OBEs.
POVERTY IN THE AFTERLIFE “Poverty in the Afterlife” is a chapter from Frontiers of the Afterlife by Edward C. Randall (1860-1935), a prominent New York trial lawyer from Buffalo who served on the board of directors of several large corporations. For over 20 years he had weekly sittings with Emily French, a 'direct voice' medium like Leslie Flint. He talked with many visitors from the afterlife and often spoke with confused souls who were brought to his circle to be helped to focus their minds away from the physical.
“Everyone knows what a handicap the lack of capital is in your world. Well, exactly the same thing applies here. Folks arriving here in the spiritually destitute condition before mentioned have just as hard, if not a harder, struggle to make their way in the spiritual life as anyone who is left without means on earth.
"This spiritual wealth that becomes ours for all time, and enriches us in the great beyond, is accumulated without great effort. It is gathered simply by being fair in all our dealings, just to all men, and by helping those less fortunate than ourselves. This does not necessarily contemplate the expenditure of money, for a kind thought, a generous act, a little sympathy, an encouraging word, sets in motion vibrations in and about us that become a very part of us, refine our natures, spiritualize our souls, and better our conditions both here and hereafter".
Read the full extract.
Spiritual teacher Jack Kornfield argues that the world would be unbearable without forgiveness. Here he explains the principles that are integral to the process of forgiving, according to Buddhist philosophy.
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study is taking a break and will be back and resuming regular activities on Saturday January 21st 2023.
Sunday January 15th 2023/ Monday January 16th Australia Global Gathering:
Susan Barnes Ph.D. on Spirituality and Modern Art
"The importance of spirituality in shaping contemporary visual culture has mostly been disregarded. In contrast, most of the significant twentieth-century art movements developed in conjunction with spiritual inspiration. Now in the twenty-first century art's spiritual value is becoming recognized. For example, a number of abstract artists were trying to express the unseen world in their paintings. The talk will cover both well-known and unknown spirit artists.
The cover art was a scrying image created by Philip Wyatt."
Pacific Time 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Mountain Time 1 p.m. Sunday
Central time 2 p.m. Sunday
Eastern time 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Amsterdam 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Monday January 16th 2023 /Tuesday January 17th Australia
GOSH with Kim Parker
A small group that meets to share and explore the meaning of strange experiences like missing time, seeing scenes from another time, interacting with a person who suddenly wasn't there, bi-location etc. If it's something you cannot share easily with others, bring it to this group to get validation and speculate on its cause. See short video about GOSH
Pacific Time 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Mountain Time 1 p.m. Monday
Central time 2 p.m. Monday
Eastern time 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Amsterdam 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday Check the time for your city
Email: Kim at
Wednesday 18th January 2023/ Thursday 19th January Australia
Automatic Writing and Mediumship Discussion with Sheila Lowe
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
Pacific Time 5.30 p.m. Wednesday
Phoenix 6. 30 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain time 6.30 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 7.30 p.m. Wednesday
Eastern time 8.30 p.m. Wednesday
Sydney/ Melbourne 12.30 p.m. Thursday
New Zealand 2.30 p.m. Thursday
Check time in your city Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
[if the room is not open email Sheila]
Wednesday January 18th 2023/ Thursday January 19th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. This is a long-term commitment.
Pacific time 6 p.m. Wednesday
Phoenix 7 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain time 7 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 8 p.m. Wednesday
New York time 9 p.m. Wednesday
London 2 a.m. Thursday
Amsterdam 3 a.m. Thursday
Perth 10 a.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 1 p.m. Thursday
New Zealand 3 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group. [Seek Reality’s Personal Meeting Room]
January 19th 2023/ Friday January 20th Australia
January 19th 2023/ Friday January 20th Australia
3rd Thursday of the month (US) / 3rd Friday (Australia) of the month at 10 a.m. Brisbane time.
This is a monthly interactive group where you can ask questions and discuss any aspect of your spiritual self-development and experiences with Syann and Paul. Between them, they have extensive experience in the following areas:
Mediumship Development (Clairvoyant -Trance - Physical) & all things related to the Spirit Realm
Astral Travel/OBE
Extraterrestrial Contact and Experiences
Energy Work/Chakras/Self Healing/Reiki
Pacific time 4.00 p.m. Thursday
Mountain time 5.00 p.m. Thursday
Central time 6 p.m. Thursday
New York time 7 p.m. Thursday
London time 12 midnight Thursday/Friday
Brisbane time 10.a.m. Friday
Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Friday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Friday Check time in your city
Contact: Paul & Syann pwd=NHZWQlNNS3VSeVdHOS9URDhzVm1xZz09
Meeting ID: 850 9425 6794
Passcode: 833695
“A sense of humor is extremely important, as it is conducive to
laughter, merriment, and joyousness. And when laughter,
merriment, and joyousness fill one’s being, it is easier to rise to a
higher level, because they increase the rates of vibration”.
This excerpt from the book
Spiritual Light, that compiles
the teachings from The
Universal Spiritual
Brother&Sisterhood (USB) reflects on the spiritually
elevating power of humor,
provided it is not used to
ridicule, embarrass or disconcert anyone. The USB also explains
that a sense of humor is a characteristic of spirit people of truly high
spiritual stature, thus contributing to the happiness, lightness and
brightness of the higher spirit realms.
DEARLY DEPARTED (2021) - Full Movie
Imaginary interviews with the spirits of the dead to get their take on life after death.
1) In last week's commentary we said that there has been an explosion of information available about the afterlife.
Analise writes:
"'Explosion' is exactly the right word. I have been in the hospital for five weeks, and talked with so many nursing and other staff, who know of the afterlife and have many questions - not just nurses but their aides, the janitors, and beloveds one and all." Analise Cross
"I look forward to receiving your Reports every week. Thank you again.
I want to tell you about an AMAZING MOVIE I just watched and you may want to refer the group to it.
It is called PGS Personal Guidance System. It is very highly rated. It is true story about the film maker who was driving his vehicle and a voice told him to slow down. He did, avoided an accident and lived".
"What wonderful interview with Chris Batts. A wonderful guy who had such an awful upbringing. It was very uplifting listening to this beautiful person talk about his NDE".
India Arie Simpson (born October 3, 1975), also known as India Arie, is an American singer and songwriter. She has sold over five million records in the US and ten million worldwide. She was so humbled when Dr. Wayne Dyer used "I Am Light" in his seminars.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHTED BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.