COMMENTARY: THE BRITISH ROYALS AND SPIRITUALISM With so much of the world's attention being focused on the royal family this week, it is interesting to note the family's "secret" connection with Spiritualism. When the late queen's father, King George VI, was alive, he reportedly told his speech therapist, Lionel Logue, "My family are no strangers to Spiritualism.” He may have been talking about Queen Victoria's reliance on Scottish medium John Brown (see next item).
Gordon Adams, a son-in-law of British medium Lilian Bailey, confided to Roy Stemman (assistant editor to Maurice Barbanell for eight years) that his mother-in-law had been involved in a remarkable séance in 1953. He was sworn to secrecy and it was not until Lilian Bailey’s death in October 1971 that he and others who knew the story were free to discuss it.
Apparently, Lilian received a request from a stranger to give a séance at a house in Kensington and she agreed. A limousine took her to a well-appointed property; then she was taken on to another address. She was required to put on a blindfold during the journey so that there were no visual clues about the person or people she would be meeting. She was eventually led into a room, where she sensed others were gathered and was asked to conduct the séance still wearing the blindfold. When she returned to normal consciousness she was told that she could remove the blindfold. Sitting in a circle on gilt chairs were the Queen Mother, the Queen, Prince Philip, Princess Margaret, Princess Alexandra, and the Duke of Kent.
This astonishing experience, which happened a year after the death of King George VI, had been arranged in the hope of receiving a communication from the dead monarch, and it was almost certainly successful. Unsurprisingly, none of those who participated has ever commented directly on the secret séance. Royal biographer and Daily Telegraph court correspondent Ann Morrow included this story in her book, The Queen Mother. The Queen Mother is reported to have continued to phone Lilian Bailey for some time after the séance and further private sittings took place.
QUEEN VICTORIA (1819-1901) COMMUNICATES THROUGH LESLIE FLINT When Queen Victoria's beloved husband, Albert, died at the age of 42, the young queen was plunged into grief and withdrew from public life for three years. The only thing that seemed to help her was her close friendship with one of her servants, a Scot named John Brown. Their relationship was, and still is, the subject of gossip and it was rumored that the two were secretly married. But in 1963 Queen Victoria came through direct voice medium Leslie Flint and explained in her own voice, that John Brown had been her medium, and had enabled her to maintain contact with her beloved Albert. She kept detailed diaries of all their seances and the messages that came from Albert, but after she died everything was destroyed to protect her position as head of the Church of England.
Listen to her communication.
HOW DO THE EXPERTS COPE WITH SKEPTICS? This panel of experiencers and researchers discusses materialistic skeptics and how to handle their contrary perspectives. Panelists include Dr. Eben Alexander, MD; Neal Grossman, Ph.D.; Stephan Schwartz, and Marjorie Woollacott, Ph.D. The moderator is Janice Miner Holden, Ed.D., a leading near-death and transpersonal experience researcher, president of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and editor of the "Journal of Near-Death Studies".
DAN DRASIN CAPTURES PERFECTLY THE TECHNIQUES USED BY CLOSED-MINDED SKEPTICS "So you've had a close encounter with a UFO or its occupants. Or maybe you've experienced an "impossible" healing, a perfectly cogent conversation with your dead uncle, or an irrefutable demonstration of "free energy," and you've begun to suspect that the official view of reality isn't the whole picture. Mention any of these things to most working scientists and be prepared for anything from patronizing cynicism to merciless ridicule". So begins Dan Drasin's brilliantly insightful article, Zen and the Art of Debunkery OR How to Debunk Just About Anything.
PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP SHOWS THAT TELEPORTATION IS POSSIBLE One of the most frequently observed phenomena in physical mediumship is apports - the dematerialisation of objects which are then moved elsewhere and rematerialised. See examples of apports received during the Scole experiment. In yet another example of why mainstream science needs to take seriously the study of physical mediumship, reports are surfacing that physicists are beginning to be able to teleport atoms.
DO WE HAVE FORM IN THE AFTERLIFE Highly credible information transmitted from the afterlife states that, at least in the early stages of our life on the astral plane,
"You will have all the senses that will enable you to recognize others. You will have the entire spiritual apparatus which is necessary to function in our world. You will have form, you will have shape, you will have individuality … What you must appreciate is that to you matter is solid and tangible, and spirit is shadowy and insubstantial. In our world spirit is the reality, is tangible, and matter is the shadowy and the insubstantial. You do not have any of the apparatus to make you speak because you do not have to speak. All our communication is done by thought. We send our thoughts to one another and we are able to communicate as a result. Thought is a reality in our world. Everything that exists is created out of thought. And thus you can have whatever you deem necessary for as long as you want it ….” (Silver Birch:)
RAYMOND LODGE MATERIALISED Raymond was killed in World War I in 1915. Some 70 years later, in 1984, he materialised in England through physical medium Rita Gould. English medium Eddie Grenyer, who was present at that seance, told his daughter "I was present on one occasion when Raymond Lodge visited the circle and conversed with the sitters. There were spirit lights produced, and sitters could see the clear outline of Raymond's boots and army uniform. He did not look completely solid, but he was clearly materialised." Read his full description of that seance.
HANS WILHELM EXPLAINS WHY HE CREATES AFTERLIFE VIDEOS Hans Wilhelm is a very successful author having written or illustrated over 200 children's books. He is also a lifelong seeker of spiritual wisdom having begun meditation in his teens followed by a deep study of the works of Edgar Cayce. During the next decades, he explored many other spiritual paths and met teachers like Byron Katie. He attended numerous retreats all over the world and also gave classes and workshops on the spiritual dynamics of life. However, it was a personal experience following the death of his father and validation through the medium Roland Comptois that caused him to begin his life-explained series of videos.
"WHY CAN'T I SEE SPIRIT PEOPLE THE WAY SOME MEDIUMS CAN?" The famous Spiritualist trance medium Cora Richmond was asked this question.
She replied: “Madam, did you see the glory of the sunset sky last evening?" "No, I was making calls."
"Did you observe the beauty of Jupiter last night, quite late? It must have been when you were driving home from the opera?" "No, I was too sleepy."
After I asked her, "Have you not a longing to see that beautiful picture from Italy painted by an American artist?" she replied "No, I have no time, in fact, I do not love art."
I was no longer in doubt why she did not see spirits.
(Thanks to Maxine Meilleur for this great piece of Spiritualist history. See her booksGreat Moments of Modern Mediumship, Volume 1 and Volume 2).
CROP CIRCLE RESEARCHER ANSWERS TEN QUESTIONS Andy Thomas shares what he knows about the creation of crop circles. Are they made by humans, aliens, or other supernatural forces? The truth is out there somewhere, and Andy is on track to find out.
Saturday September 17th 2022 / Sunday September 18th Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study with Ana Castro.
Every Saturday. A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec, and Chico Xavier. See videos of previous meetings.
Pacific and Phoenix time 1 p.m. Saturday
Mountain daylight time 2 p.m. Saturday
Central time 3 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 4 p.m. Saturday
London 9 p.m. Saturday
Rome 10 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 6 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 8 a.m. Sunday Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday September 18th 2022 / Monday September 19th Australia
Global Gathering: Guest August Goforth, a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in New York City, is also an intuitive mental and physical spirit medium. He will lead a participatory "Exploratorium" where readers of the book "The Risen" will be encouraged to offer ponderings and ideas, for the purpose of a group explorational dialogue, utilizing those aspects of the book that most intrigue them. Attendees are strongly encouraged to read the book pre-event. Free pdf copies of the book are available at any time before the event ( Please note that August will not be giving mediumistic readings.
Pacific Daylight Time 2 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Sunday
Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) 3 p.m. Sunday
Central Daylight time 4 p.m. Sunday
Eastern Daylight time 5 p.m. Sunday
London 10 p.m. Sunday
Amsterdam 11 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Monday September 19th 2022 /Tuesday September 20th Australia
DREAM CIRCLE When: Every two weeks on Mondays (UK EUROPE and USA) and Tuesday 7 a.m. (Sydney).
A small group meets every two weeks - to share and explore the meaning of their dreams.
Pacific Daylight Time 2 p.m. Monday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Monday
Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) 3 p.m. Monday
Central Daylight Time 4 p.m. Monday
Eastern Daylight Time 5 p.m. Monday
London 10 p.m. Monday
Rome 11 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday Check the time in your city.
Email: Kim at
Tuesday September 20th 2022 /Wednesday September 21st Australia
Question and Answers on Mediumship with Guest medium Nicole Newman. A series where guest mediums share experiences and tips for developing mediums held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month US time. Those who wish to stay have the opportunity to move into small groups to give and receive practice readings.
6.00 p.m. Pacific and Phoenix time
7.00 p.m. Mountain daylight time
8.00 p.m. Central time
9.00 p.m. Eastern time
9 a.m. Wednesday Perth time
11 a.m. Wednesday Sydney time.
1 p.m. Wednesday Auckland time
Coordinator: Wendy Zammit Check time in your city
Wednesday September 21st 2022/ Thursday September 22nd 2022 Australia
Automatic Writing and Mediumship Discussion
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
1st and 3rd Wednesdays. Times:
5.30 p.m. Pacific Time
5. 30 p.m. Phoenix
6.30 p.m. Denver
7.30 p.m. Illinois CTD
8.30 p.m. New York EDT
10.30 a.m. Thursday Sydney/ Melbourne Check time in your city
Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
[if the room is not open email Sheila]
Wednesday September 21st 2022/ Thursday September 22nd Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. This is a long-term commitment.
Pacific and Arizona time 6 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain Daylight time 7 p.m. Wednesday
Central Daylight time 8 p.m. Wednesday
New York time 9 p.m. Wednesday
Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
MUTUAL RESCUE FILMS A beautiful series of stories of people being "rescued" by an animal that they adopted from a shelter. Mutual Rescue™ is a national initiative created by Humane Society Silicon Valley to change the conversation around animal welfare. Learn more at
IT'S ALL ABOUT LOVE "There is only one truly significant work to do in life, and that is love; to love nature, to love people, to love animals, to love creation itself, just because it is. To serve God's creation with a warm and loving hand of generosity and compassion - that is the only meaningful existence." Rev. Dr. George Rodonaia
What is the deepest cause of the dysfunction we see in the world? Charles Eisenstein explains.
FEEDBACK: 3 only
1) "Thank you so much for yet another incredible Afterlife Report. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the work you both do to provide the information in this report each week. It makes my week!" Kaye
2) "I look forward to this every week!! Thank you so much". Linda
"Although there is such incredible information in every issue of the Report, this one was particularly fascinating to me. The interview with Dan Drasin was so refreshing, and I am so happy that Eckhard Kruse is studying all about physical mediumship and sharing with us." Lisa
HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING Michael Ball first recorded the song from the musical Aspects of Love in 1989; the song became a huge hit and stayed on the singles chart for 14 weeks. This video was a behind-the-scenes look at a collaboration with the pop group Il Divo for his album.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.