the materialist worldview that there is no evidence for the afterlife, that psychic phenomena are all imagined, and that mediums are all cold readers. This is the viewpoint pushed by academia and the mainstream media. Having absorbed it, we no longer notice it, like the air we breathe. People become preoccupied with the pressures of getting and keeping a job and all the distractions of material life.
Yet there comes a time when a personal experience of death hits most people with great force. Whether it be the death of a parent, a beloved pet, a child, or a partner, death catches us all unaware and brings our comfortable material lives to a screeching halt. We are disoriented and our lives are forever changed.
For many people the death of a loved one is the start of a journey of exploration. Is it really lights out and game over? Or is there something more. Sadly, the people whom our society puts faith in to guide us in matters of greatest import - scientists, physicians, and religious leaders - are hopelessly out of their depth.
However, there have been a number of courageous men and women who have dedicated their lives to the study of these questions using scientific method for more than a century. In these Friday Afterlife Reports and in our book 'A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife' we introduce you to their research and the evidence that will convince the genuine searcher about the existence of an afterlife that is more wonderful than they can even imagine. Read more.
WORLD'S FOREMOST ATHEIST CHANGES HIS MIND Professor Antony Flew, once "the world's foremost academic atheist," examined cutting-edge scientific discoveries like DNA which, he said, “has shown, by the almost unbelievable complexity of the arrangements which are needed to produce life, that intelligence must have been involved.” He then concluded that "this is the world picture, as I see it, that has emerged from modern science." For more information see his 2007 bombshell book: There Is A God - How The World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind.
The whole history of scientific advance is full of scientists investigating phenomena that the establishment did not believe were there."
Jeff Olsen explains how he had a near-death experience, and why it has changed his vision of life and death. A very profound video.
MICHAEL TYMN'S INTERVIEW WITH DR. ANABELA CARDOSO Michael Tymn writes: "Until I read Cardoso’s 2010 book, Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension? I wasn’t overly impressed with the evidence for ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication), EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena), or DRV (Direct Radio Voices). In previously exploring the subject, all I had heard were some muffled or garbled “words” that required some imagination, sort of like looking for faces or figures in the clouds. However, Cardoso’s book offered much more than a few words here and there. There was actual dialogue taking place in her experiments, some involving philosophical discussions. Read his interview.
AFTERLIFE EXPERIENCES IN THE EMERGENCY ROOMDr. Jeff O'Driscoll shares some of his experiences of afterlife contact from his time as an emergency physician that deepened his understanding of the connection between life and death and the reality of the afterlife. Dr. Jeff is the author of a wonderful book called 'Not Yet' which details his experience in more detail.
GORDON HIGGINSON ON SITTING FOR PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP Here is a short lecture by Gordon Higginson on developing physical mediumship. It was recorded in the Library at Stansted Hall in the early 1980s and runs for 31 minutes. In this wide-ranging lecture, Gordon discusses how a physical circle should be run, the role of sitters, the development of phenomena, and how materialisation occurs. As with many tape recordings of this era, the quality is not ideal. That said, it is well worth a listen and gives us valuable information on how to develop this rare form of mediumship. You can play the lecture in the media player below by clicking on the play button on the left or you can download it as an mp3 file by clicking on the purple lecture title. Listen.
CAROL BOWMAN ON CHILDREN'S PAST LIVES This excellent lecture by Carol Bowman is filled with many accounts of recollections of past lives by children that she encountered in her research.
STUNNING EVIDENCE THAT CONVINCED A SKEPTICAL MAGICIAN More remarkable evidence from Louie Harris' book about Alec Harris, the superb Welsh materialization medium, who died in 1974. "On one notable occasion Mr. A.G. Fletcher-Desborough, an expert magician who was an arch-skeptic attended a sitting. As he reported later in the Liverpool Evening Express 'as an illusionist and magician, I knew exactly where to look for such things as panel and floor escapes, ceiling and wall slides. I was satisfied that nothing could make an exit or entrance in any way. There was no chance of deception'. What followed was nothing short of miraculous. The skeptic's dead father materialized and used a pet name known to nobody but his family. His brother materialized giving his name and walking with a limp as he did in life. Finally, his third son, Ronnie, who had been beheaded by the Japanese after the fall of Singapore materialized."
QUESTION: Do we lose contact with loved ones and our closest friends in the afterlife?
Mons. Hugh Benson directly from the afterlife: "In the immense future that lies before us we shall not become lost to the companions who are the joy of our lives. Some may advance along the road of progression a trifle faster than others, but we shall always be able to meet as of old. Our wisdom and knowledge will also increase. There will ever be a thousand good purposes to which to devote to them".
Thursday June 23rd 2022 / Friday June 24th Australia
Practical Metaphysics - with Paul and Syann
2nd and 4th week of the month - CANCELLED THIS WEEK AS PAUL IS UNWELL
Paul and Syann also offer a LIVE call-in show once a week with Rebellious UFOlogy - The show is streamed live on Youtube - people can just watch the show, type questions or appear live on the show. To be notified of the weekly show, subscribe (free) to Rebellious UFOlogy on Youtube and/or join the Facebook group - the Zeta Connection where the live link is posted each week.
Pacific and Phoenix time: 5 p.m. Thursday
Mountain time 6 p.m. Thursday
Central time 7 p.m. Thursday
Eastern time 8 p.m. Thursday
London 1 a.m. Friday
Sydney/Melbourne 10 a.m. Friday
New Zealand 12 noon. Friday Check time in your city.
Saturday June 25th 2022 / Sunday June 26th Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study with Ana Castro.
Every Saturday. A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec, and Chico Xavier.
See videos of previous meetings. Times:
Pacific and Phoenix time 1 p.m. Saturday
Mountain daylight time 2 p.m. Saturday
Central time 3 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 4 p.m. Saturday
London 9 p.m. Saturday
Rome 10 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 6 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 8 a.m. Sunday Check time in Your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday June 26th 2022 / Monday June 27th Australia
Global Gathering - Dr. Craig Hogan will deliver a fascinating presentation about the best cases of automatic writing, art, and drawing.
Pacific Daylight Time 2 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Sunday
Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) 3 p.m. Sunday
Central Daylight time 4 p.m. Sunday
Eastern Daylight time 5 p.m. Sunday
London 10 p.m. Sunday
Amsterdam 11 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Monday June 27th 2022 /Tuesday June 28th Australia
Dream Circle with Kim Parker
A small group meets every two weeks - to share and explore the meaning of their dreams.
Times Pacific Daylight Time 2 p.m. Monday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Monday
Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) 3 p.m. Monday
Central Daylight Time 4 p.m. Monday
Eastern Daylight Time 5 p.m. Monday
London 10 p.m. Monday
Rome 11 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday Check the time in your city.
Email: Kim at
Tuesday June 28th 2022/ Wednesday June 29th Australia
Army 4 Love Every Tuesday/ Wednesday People share what is happening in our world, how we are dealing with issues, holding each other’s hands, bringing in laughter and love. To bring in laughter each week one person shares a joke. This person then receives a few messages from a loved one they choose to connect with on the Other Side. Debra Martin always ends the gathering with a mini healing meditation.
EMAIL: Via a form on her website to avoid spam:
Pacific Daylight time 4 p.m. Tuesday
Phoenix 4 p.m. Tuesday
Mountain daylight time (Denver) 5 p.m.
Central time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Eastern time 7 p.m. Tuesday
London 12 midnight Tuesday
Rome 1 a.m. Wednesday
Melbourne/Sydney 9 a.m. Wednesday
New Zealand 11 a.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
Join Zoom Meeting @
Tuesday June 28th 2022/ Wednesday June 29th Australia
Spirit Art We are meeting to create spirit art with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Times: Pacific time and Phoenix 6 p.m.
Mountain Daylight time 7 p.m.
Central time 8 p.m.
Eastern time 9 p.m.
Sydney 11 a.m. Wednesday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Wednesday June 29th 2022 / Thursday June 30th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. This is a long-term commitment.
Pacific and Arizona time 6 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain Daylight time 7 p.m. Wednesday
Central Daylight time 8 p.m. Wednesday
New York time 9 p.m. Wednesday
Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
Sonia Rinaldi is co-founder and Research Director of IPATI - Institute of Advanced Research on Instrumental Transcommunication. Join Sonia Rinaldi for this special 2- hour presentation on her work and witness her current breakthroughs that capture Images of those in the Afterlife, including her new 'unknowns' file, and a question & answers period. Saturday 25th June. Check time in your city Her Patreon people should use coupon code SONIAFREE otherwise USD 20 donation. Sign up here.
PETER RAMSTER ON CROSSING OVER Afterlife researcher, author, and film director/ producer Peter Ramster writes: "The extraordinary nature of this world was brought home to me when I had my last heart attack, and I had my interesting experience. I realised that moving from this world into the next is a bit like the scene in the Harry Potter movie where they walk into the wall on the station and suddenly find themselves in another one. That is so close to the reality it surprised me. One minute I was in this one. In a matter of an instant, I wasn't. Then I watched the world disappearing and melting away, as a new world appeared, separated from me by an extraordinary bright light. In that instant, I knew how little we understand about life, and how much more there is to know.
Life is not easy, but it's quite a wondrous journey really, and we should all try to make the best of it. Above all, remember to remain kind, loving, giving, generous, and wonderful in nature, then you have probably achieved most of what you came here for."
YOU ARE YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL MEDIUM WITH SUSANNE WILSON Many of us would love to have the opportunity of learning to connect with our crossed-over loved ones with the help of a gifted teacher of mediumship. Sadly, in many parts of the world, such a teacher is not available. Or it may be that transport or access is a problem. However now, through the magic of technology, everyone has the opportunity to access this multi-part video course in spiritual mediumship created by a truly brilliant medium instantly on their home computer or phone. Learn more.
FEEDBACK (three only)
1) "Thank you Victor and Wendy ...shared. wow Comac Thompson now doesn't that move you". Karen
2) "Again Victor and Wendy you have given us in this report a variety of both comforting and uplifting material full of words and energy that embraces all. Thank you". Teddy
3) "My brother is very much with me this day though left this plane more than a decade ago. Never forget those you love as they are near, spirit is strong". Glennis.
Two brilliant singers, Calum Scott and Gugu Zulu, and a great message - "Not how you fall back down, but how you get back up before you hit the ground"!!
One reviewer writes "The light, the stage, the clothes, the relaxed vibes between them....awesome. And last but not least a great song performed by unbelievable connecting voices. I can´t stop looking at this video a few times a day - just wonderful. What a power and then lovely smooth parts in their voices. Breathtaking. Great!! Great. Great. Great".
Lyrics to 'Rise'
I've been staring at the coastline Thinking of every choice I've made To lead me here right now Standing on solid ground And I've been hiding in the shadows Wondering if I'm on the right road Some place I've never been Is this how it all begins?
Oh-oh 'Cause I've got my best suit on and I'm ready I've got my sleeves rolled up and I'll be on my way While my heart's thumping, boom-boom, boom-boom
You're gonna see me rise Oh, and rise, rise, rise, rise
For every valley, there's a mountain For every answer, there's a new question Is it worth all this? I'm pushing myself to the edge 'Cause we're all looking for a reason Find a shelter from the storm within Just keep your eyes ahead And dust yourself off again
Oh-oh, oh 'Cause I've got my best suit on and I'm ready I've got my sleeves rolled up and I'll be on my way While my heart's thumping, boom-boom, boom-boom
You're gonna see me rise Oh, and rise, rise, rise, rise
Oh, 'cause I've got my best suit on and I'm ready I've got my sleeves rolled up and I'll be on my way While my heart's thumping, boom-boom, boom-boom
You're gonna see me rise You're gonna see me rise Not how you fall back down But how you get back up Before you hit the ground
You're gonna see me rise Oh, rise, rise, oh, rise, yeah
You're gonna see me rise (You're gonna see me) (See me) You're gonna see me rise
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.