orthodox science tells us that matter created consciousness.
But more enlightened scientists and the highly credible
afterlife teachers tell us that it was consciousness that became matter. We are informed that consciousness
is the basis of everything: our planet, our solar system,
the universe.
In near-death experiences, and the other nineteen
areas of afterlife evidence, we can see that consciousness
exists outside the physical brain and continues after
so-called death.
The implications of this are enormous. It is the reason why mystics say "we are all one". All species on Earth embody a part of the same greater
consciousness according to their capacity - e.g. an
ant would have tiny consciousness compared to a chimpanzee.
But all are part of the same consciousness and what we do to others we truly do to a part of ourselves.
EXPERIENCES OF ONENESS Perhaps the most convincing evidence of this oneness is that up to 40% of people have what are called "unitive experiences" or experiences of expanded consciousness at some time in their life. Here's a typical example:
"After a while, I realized that I had expanded. I was no longer a small discrete consciousness located in my head - I encompassed the whole valley. I was HUGE. I was part of everything - or rather everything was part of me. I was ancient and unbelievably powerful. It was wonderful." Read more.
Robert Lanza was selected for the 2014 TIME 100
list of the hundred most influential people in the world.
His book Biocentrism caused a revolution in 2008. In the following video - starting at 12.30 mins, he explains
how the materialist paradigm is flawed and cannot account
for consciousness.
SURVEY ON RESEARCH AT THE INTERFACE OF SCIENCE, CONSCIOUSNESS AND SPIRITUALITY David Lorimer is the Chair of The Galileo Commission which has brought together a brilliant group of open-minded scientists as well as 16 partner organisations that support open-minded science. They are undertaking a special project to better understand the perceptions of research at the interface of science, consciousness, and spirituality. David is keen to understand your thoughts, and also those of your friends and colleagues who may or may not hold the same views on the topics we cover. He would appreciate it if you spare 10 minutes to complete this online surveyby Monday and, if possible, invite three people in your professional circle to complete the survey as well.
DR. BRUCE GREYSON SHARES HOW AN UNCONSCIOUS PATIENT INTRODUCED HIM TO NDEs Clipped from "What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Consciousness": Dr. Bruce Greyson shares the scientific basis for life after death.
"Tell everyone that we are alive".
“Listen, many believe but don't know that there is no death. There is only one connected life forever".
"Please help all people to convey this, that there is an afterlife! Believe me, it's important".
IN SEARCH OF THE DEAD: VISIONS AND VOICES The second of a 1992 BBC series, this video contains some vintage NDE experiences, including Barry Cook and Kimberley Clark Sharp. Nice to see a clip of physical medium Gordon Higginson, Sir William Crookes' accordion, and some of the tests done on Margery Crandon. Also great footage of Karlis Osis, and very young doctors, Peter Fenwick and Melvin Morse. Sadly, being a BBC production, the producers were obliged to introduce a skeptical aspect and the video takes a very anti-physical mediumship line with psychologist Alan Gauld the President of the SPR.
WHAT IS PHYSICAL MEDIUMSHIP? When spirit people use a medium to produce phenomena that can be seen, heard or felt by everyone present, the medium is called a "physical medium". Because the energy used to produce the phenomena is affected by light and draws energy from several people, physical mediumship usually takes place with a group of people called "a circle" sitting in darkness. The medium usually sits in a cabinet - a curtained-off area where the energy can be condensed. The kinds of phenomena produced can include bangs and raps, objects moving with no apparent cause, spirit lights, levitating tables and other objects, causing objects to dematerialize and reappear elsewhere (apports) influencing scientific instruments without touching them, producing whispered voices and materialized hands and dozens of other "paranormal" effects.
In the most developed and rare kind of physical mediumship, scientists in the spirit world use the energy of the medium to partially or fully materialize people and animals and produce an artificial voice box so that spirits can speak independently of the medium. Read more about physical mediums and listen to the voices of materialised spirits talking with Victor and Wendy.
DR. SUSAN BARNES INTERVIEWS A PRESENT-DAY PHYSICAL MEDIUM There are some wonderful physical mediums working today, usually in "home circles" with small groups of trusted sitters. They don't do individual readings and don't advertise so you won't find them listed in any psychic directory. Susan is a physical medium herself and is the author of "Unfolding Physical Mediumship: Historical, Philosophical, and Personal Perspectives". Here she interviews physical medium Julie Adreani.
PHYSICAL MEDIUM MARION DAMPIER-JEANS Marion is a Danish/Norwegian medium who lives in London. In the linked interview with Lawrence Sawil, she tells some fascinating stories about her early connections with physical mediumship and how that developed in London. Watch video on Youtube.
Marion will be a guest at our Zoom Global Gathering next Sunday and will talk about Physical Mediumship in Denmark and the Nordic Countries. See details below.
For those who would like to learn more about physical mediumship we have free Zoom groups that might be of interest:
Practical Metaphysics with Paul and Syann (who are both physical mediums).
Physical Mediumship Development Group with Craig Hogan and Rob Blackburn.
3) Mediumship Development with Susan Barnes, Ph.D.
4) We also have videos of discussions with practising and developing physical mediums as guests on our Global Gathering. See videos.
In this video, Scott Degenhardt tells the story of the communication he had with his father seconds after the father died. He also talks about the importance of people who have spiritually transformative experiences sharing them with other experiencers. He wrote a kindle book about his own discoveries called "Surviving Death Again".
Saturday January 22nd 2022/ Sunday January 23rd Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study with Anna Castro.
Every Saturday. A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec and Chico Xavier.
See videos of previous meetings.
Saturdays at 3 p.m. Central time. Times:
Pacific time and Arizona - Saturday 1 p.m.
Eastern time - Saturday 4 p.m.
Sydney time - Sunday 7 a.m.
Auckland - Sunday 9 a.m. Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday January 23rd 2022
Practical Metaphysics UK/ Europe/Australia An exciting group on the 2nd and 4th week of the month for anyone interested in mediumship and more. Paul and Syann will share their many years of experiences, answer questions and where appropriate lead practical exercises.
Future sessions will include: How to contact and evidence your guides; Astral Travelling 101; Remote viewing for beginners; Tools for Self Healing; Discernment in mental mediumship; Tools for Clearing your Energy; Live Q&A with our Guides.
For more information email
London 9 a.m.
Rome 10 a.m.
Perth 5 p.m.
Brisbane 7 p.m.
Sydney 8 p.m.
Check time in your city
Sunday January 23rd 2022 / Monday January 24th Australia
Mediumship Development with Susan Barnes, Ph.D.
Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending with spirit.
Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Times:
1 p.m. New York time
10 a.m. Pacific time
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU Check time in your city
Online in Zoom
Sunday January 23rd 2022 / Monday January 24th Australia
Global Gathering - Guests Physical medium Marion Dampier-Jeans and Jens Erik Mortensen Ph.D.
Marion will talk about Physical Mediumship in Denmark and the Nordic Countries. Few people know about the great contributions which the Nordic mediums made to Spiritualism - people like Spirit Photographer Sven Türck (who took photos of levitations) and physical medium Einer Nielsen. Marion has set up physical circles in Denmark and Norway and Dr. Mortensen, a member of her Copenhagen physical circle, will talk about the extensive research that he has conducted on the history of Danish Spiritualism. Times:
Los Angeles Sunday 12 noon
Phoenix Sunday 1 p.m.
Chicago Sunday 2 p.m.
New York Sunday 3 p.m.
London Sunday 8 p.m.
Rome Sunday 9 p.m.
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
Auckland New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Sunday January 23rd 2022 / Monday January 24th Australia
Spiritualism Today Every Sunday with Norma Turner Ph.D. A presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Times:
California 3 p.m.
Mountain (Phoenix) 4 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 5 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 6 p.m.
Sydney Australia - Monday 10 a.m.
Auckland - Monday 12 noon Check time in your city
Norma’s Room:
Monday January 24th 2022/ Tuesday January 25th Australia
Dream Circle with Kim Parker
A small group meets every two weeks - to share and explore the meaning of their dreams. Times:
Los Angeles 12 noon. Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday Check time in your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday January 25th 2022/ Wednesday January 26th Australia
Army 4 Love Every Tuesday
People share what is happening in our world, how we are dealing with issues, holding each other’s hands, bringing in laughter and love. To bring in laughter each week one person shares a joke. This person then receives a few messages from a loved one they choose to connect with on the Other Side. Debra Martin always ends the gathering with a mini healing meditation. Join Zoom Meeting @
EMAIL: Via a form on her website to avoid spam: Times:
Los Angeles 2 p.m.
Phoenix, 3 p.m.
Chicago 4 p.m.
New York 5 p.m.
London 10 p.m.
Rome 11 p.m.
Melbourne/Sydney 9 a.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
Tuesday January 25th 2022/ Wednesday January 26th Australia
Spirit Art We are meeting to create spirit art with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Times: 9 p.m. New York time, 6 p.m. Pacific time
7 p.m. Phoenix
8 p.m. Chicago
1 p.m. Wednesday Sydney time.
3 p.m. Wednesday New Zealand Check time in your city. Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Wednesday January 26th 2022/ Thursday January 27th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. Times:
6 p.m. Pacific Time
7 p.m. Phoenix time
8 p.m. Central time
9 p.m. New York time
1 p.m. Sydney/Melbourne time Thursday
3 p.m. Auckland NZ time Thursday Check time in your city
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
Thursday January 27th 2022/ Friday January 28th Australia
Practical Metaphysics USA/AUST An exciting group on the 2nd and 4th week of the month for anyone interested in mediumship and more. Paul and Syann will share their many years of experiences, answer questions and where appropriate lead practical exercises.
Future sessions will include: How to contact and evidence your guides; Astral Travelling 101; Remote viewing for beginners; Tools for Self Healing; Discernment in mental mediumship; Tools for Clearing your Energy; Live Q&A with our Guides.
For more information email Times: Check time in your city
6 p.m. Pacific time
7 p.m. Arizona
8 p.m. Chicago
9 p.m. Eastern time
noon Friday North Queensland (Aust)
1 p.m. Friday Sydney/Melbourne
3 p.m. Friday Auckland N.Z.
MEDIUM BRENT ATWATER TALKS ABOUT DISCOVERING PET REINCARNATION Medical intuitive and animal medium Brent Atwater has researched animals in the afterlife, animal life after death, and pet reincarnation for almost 20 years. Her TV show, books, podcasts, blog, and Pet loss Facebook group are popular animal life after death resources. She owes her success to a superpower we all have - intuition.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT MEDIUMSHIP Susanne Wilson - the Carefree Medium is an impassioned and respected researcher and teacher in the areas of intuition, mediumship, healing, and the newest breakthroughs in metaphysical exploration. She has been the subject of several scientific research publications by major scientists, most often under highly controlled scientific double blind and triple blind conditions. Her highly recommended book is Soul Smart: What The Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication. She was our guest medium this week in our zoom group Questions and Answers About Mediumship.
FEEDBACK: (Three only).
"As a scientist, Dr. Oliver L. did an amazing empirical, scientific validation of consciousness survival after bodily death. Thank you Victor and Wendy". Rotsen.
"I'm so grateful that I had Victor's youtube videos back in 2007 when Santi was murdered. Then I got his Friday Afterlife Reports, of course. Later I found him here. I never get tired of reading about our loved ones in spirit being with us. It really warms my heart to the point I often feel happy. Thank you Victor and Wendy for giving me the evidence of an afterlife. Nancy
"Thank you, Wendy and Victor, for your tireless work week in, week out. I am so appreciative as would others of your seeking to uplift us and share knowledge about our next journey in our eternal existence". Karyn
Something completely different. An interesting tribute by Guy Sebastian, a popular Australian musician and songwriter, to a close friend and musical collaborator who died in 2019 (see backstory). He created a joyous celebratory song that is spreading the message of the afterlife to young people. It reminds us to stop postponing catchups with friends and make time to spend with them before their time runs out.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers,
we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy
of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that
the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith. ALL