Some time ago the members of one of our Facebook groups put together a very interesting list of the reasons people give for not being prepared to examine the evidence for the afterlife. Over time you have probably heard all of them, but it is worth examining them closely to show how erroneous, weak, and ill-informed they are. We have also prepared a short answer explaining why the reason is invalid.
Number 1. The first fallacy is: "There is no evidence for the afterlife" - or "why should I have to prove something which does not exist." Of course, this is a totally uninformed response. There is a huge amount of objective and repeatable evidence for the afterlife. The twenty areas of afterlife evidence Wendy and I present on our website, in our book, and in our weekly Friday Reports have never been disproved.
ATHEIST NEUROLOGIST TRANSFORMED BY NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE Former atheist and materialist, Dr. Bettina Peyton tells us that she learned her atheism from her father who told her that when you died there is nothing. This was reinforced by medical school. Then her world-view was shattered by her personal experience.
Many researchers have found that there is a distinct pattern of after-effects among NDE survivors that does not exist among people who have had hallucinations. Dr. Melvin Morse found that NDE survivors had three times the number of psychic experiences as the general population. They were frequently unable to wear watches and often had problems using electricity - their laptops would short circuit and their credit cards would be erased (Morse 1992). He also found that adults who had near-death experiences gave more money to charity than others, were more likely to do volunteer work in the community, worked more in jobs where they could help people, did not abuse drugs, and ate more fresh fruit and vegetables than other people (Morse 1992). Read PMH Atwater's paper on NDE after-effects.
DR. RUSSELL TARG - A PHYSICIST'S PROOF OF PSYCHIC ABILITIES Some people begin to question the materialist paradigm when they have psychic experiences - hearing a voice that saves them in a dangerous situation, a dream that foretells the future, or an incredible synchronicity. Many are surprised to learn that there is a huge amount of evidence supporting the existence of these abilities.
See this introductory bibliography.
CONTACT DREAMS Dream communication is the most frequently reported method of after-death communication. Researchers in cross-cultural studies found that about half of all reported spontaneous psychic experiences occurred in dreams. Unlike normal dreams, contact dreams don’t fade with time. They are incredibly vivid and you will be able to remember details even years later. The person who has died usually looks much younger and in perfect health. They are smiling and telling you that they are fine and happy. They tell you that they did not suffer during their passing and that they are with family members. You may wake up with a feeling that they have hugged and kissed you. Some contain evidence that suggests it was more than just a dream. Read Susanne Wilson's instructions for having your own dreamtime reunion.
HARRY'S MESSAGE THROUGH MEDIUM TERESA CAPUTO Roberta and her daughter Patti were surprised by Spirit at a group reading.
TRICIA ROBERTSON'S NEW BOOK 'IT'S LIFE AND DEATH BUT NOT AS YOU KNOW IT' Following on from Things You Can do When You're Dead! and More Things You Can do When You're Dead! Scottish psychical researcher Tricia Robertson's latest book shares unbelievable and bizarre cases from the files of psychical research. In her straightforward and inimitable style, Tricia explores topics including Electronic Voice Phenomena, Thoughtography, Psychokinesis, Distant Healing, Xenoglossy, Mediumship and much, much more. Tricia will be our guest on the Global Gathering next Sunday (see details below).
Dr. Waldo Vieira (1932-2015) had his first lucid out-of-body experience in 1941 at the age of 9, something he describes 44 seconds into this video. He retired from medical practice at a young age and spent the final 30+ years of his life full-time researching consciousness in general and out-of-body experiences in particular. His book Projections of The Consciousness recounts 60 of the author's most illuminating out-of-body experiences (OBEs, astral projections) from a six-month period in 1979.
This classic book, reveals the wide range of experiences that a person can have outside the body such as meeting up with deceased loved ones, interacting with helpers (spirit guides), assisting in more pathological dimensions, as well as experiencing the state of cosmo-consciousness.
SPIRIT-ORGANISED WRITING PARTNERSHIP Alberto Oyarvide tells us that the Cross Correspondences reminded him that Spirit used Dr. Waldo Viera and Chico Xavier to write several books dictated by Spirit authors. Each would be given alternating chapters without the knowledge of the other. This began when Xavier wrote in automatic writing dictated by Andre Luiz Evolution in Two Worlds. It was only when Xavier finished the heap of disjointed chapters that his "guiding spirit" told him to contact Dr. Vieira. Dr. Vieira's chapters - written without knowing the previous chapter by Xavier - took up the narrative exactly where the other had left it. That was the first of 17 books they would write that way.
THE ANDRE SEANCE - LESLIE FLINT Thanks to Karl Jackson-Barnes for the new transcript of this important recording of a spirit speaking in his own voice describing the afterlife through direct-voice medium Leslie Flint. In this vintage séance recording (with a brand new transcript) the spirit of André speaks about the power of thought and prayer. He talks about murderers when they die and people who are controlled by evil influences.
Finally, André explains the importance of love between peoples, no matter what the skin colour happens to be and he says, until nations lose their fear of each other, and disband their armies, there will always be war. Listen and Read the transcript.
NEW VIDEO ON THE LOWER ASTRAL Jurgen Ziewe has been having out-of-body experiences in full waking consciousness for more than forty years. He has observed first-hand how the environment in which people find themselves when they die is a reflection of their habitual thoughts, beliefs and level of consciousness. But, he cautions, this is not the everlasting hell of traditional religion. Indeed he makes clear in his books and website that once you begin to change your consciousness you change your environment. You can learn more about Jurgen's research by visiting his website and if you have an Oculus Quest, you can download the video for it from his virtual reality website.
AND FOR CONTRAST - THE HIGHER LEVELS Learn about a Super Dimension where consciousness operates on a level that is beyond words. We will find that this reality is at the core of our very being. Every moment we are in constant exchange with it and, without it, we would simply not exist.
A variety of zoom groups run by different independent presenters who all volunteer their services. Recently changed times in red (but double-check yourself). More changes soon.
A one-hour presentation followed by an opportunity for questions and discussion. Check the time in your city
Global Gathering Our guest this week is Vicki Talbott, a retired TESOL/Linguistics professor. She ties language and afterlife studies together as board administrator and member of The Big Circle at the Association Transcommunication (ATransC). She has written articles on the Big Circle, on how to record for EVP, and on connecting the bereaved with their loved ones on the other side through electronic means. Vicki and her son Braden, who crossed in 2001, have been featured in documentaries such as Calling Earth and The Afterlife Investigations. She has been a guest on several radio programs/podcasts over the years and has done numerous ITC/EVP presentations and workshops. The Big Circle’s open blog can be found at Sydney time 7 a.m. Monday
Los Angeles 1 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 3 p.m. Sunday
New York 4 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9 p.m. Sunday Check
the time in your city and
Spiritualism Today with Norma Turner Ph.D.
Every Sunday
It will be a combination of a presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Sundays, beginning Check time in your city
California 5 p.m.
Mountain (Phoenix) 5 p.m.
Central (Illinois, Texas) 7 p.m.
Eastern (New York) 8 p.m.
Sydney Australia - Monday 11 a.m.
Norma’s Room:
Monday 22nd March 2021
Circle with Kim Parker
A small group of 15 meets every two weeks - to share and explore
the meaning of their dreams. Check time in your city Los Angeles 1 p.m. Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 3 p.m. Monday
New York 4 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday 23rd.
Auckland 9 a.m. Tuesday Co-ordinator:
Kim at
Tuesday 23rd March 2021
Spirit Art
We are meeting for the purpose of creating spirit art
with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at
9 p.m.
New York time,
6 p.m. Pacific time.
12 noon Sydney time
2 p.m. Auckland time Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Wednesday 24th March 2021
Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan
8 p.m. Central time;
9 p.m. New York;
6 p.m. Pacific Time; 12 noon Thursday Sydney time.
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes;
the group has been going for some time and members are
experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (
or Craig Hogan (
before joining the group.
Friday 26th March 2021
Safe Space Sharing Group
with Catherine Chapey The meeting will remain open throughout.Share about your different types of experiences related to consciousness expansion such as Spiritually Transformative Experiences, NDE’s, OBE’s Metaphysical Experiences, Mystical Meditations, Dreams, Unusual and Unexplained, UFO’s, ET’s, Spirits, Angels, Guides, Christ Consciousness
8 p.m. New York time
5 p.m. Pacific time
11 a.m. Saturday
Sydney time
Friday 26th March 2021 USA/ Saturday 27th Australia
A monthly Q and A about the Extra-terrestrial ZETA RACE
Medium Paul Ham will talk about about his connection with, and learning from, the Zetas and other ET races. All questions welcome.
Download a free copy of his book A Primer of the Zeta Race.
Brisbane: 9.30 a.m. Saturday 28th
Sydney 10.30 am Saturday 28th
Auckland 12.30 Saturday
Pacific time 4.30 p.m. Friday 27th
Eastern time 7.30 p.m. Friday 27th
London 11.30 p.m. Check time in your city
JOE HIGGINS ANSWERS QUESTIONS FROM DEVELOPING MEDIUMS Joe Higgins is an Amazon bestselling author, medium, spiritual teacher and Intuitive counselor. He has had the ability to communicate with those who have passed on since an early age. Joe has taught classes in mediumship and advanced mediumship as well as becoming a Certified Reiki Master. He has completed the Morris Pratt Institute training and a residential course in Pastoral Skills in Lily Dale, NY.
Q and A for Developing Mediums is an opportunity for mediums to obtain answers from experienced teachers of mediumship from different traditions. Held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month US time see
Dont miss Joe's fascinating hospice experience detailed at the 39 minute mark.
"Do I dream?Yes, I dream of peace in your world.
I dream of men treating their brothers with love instead of hatred.
I dream of all sentient creatures being afforded dignity, respect, gentleness, kindness and impunity.
I dream of all races, colours, creeds and genders working in harmony with each other to create a better standard of living for all, without exception.
I dream of a world where starvation, exploitation, oppression and greed no longer exist and where every man, woman and child has enough to eat, a roof over their head and a purpose to rise each morning with a song in their heart and a smile upon their face.
I dream of a world where war is no more and peace reigns supreme. I dream of a world where the emphasis is placed upon true spiritual learning, self discovery and the unfoldment of the innermost riches of the divine - not the excuse for indoctrination that currently passes for education.
I dream of a world where the ethos is not to work for a system that favours the few, but one that rewards service to the many; where the weak are helped by the strong and the deprived are served by those who have more than enough to give and delight in doing so.
I dream of a world filled with light and truth; where darkness is vanquished and lies are no longer rewarded; where true power rests safely in the hands of the wise and selfless whose only desire is to help others.
I dream of a world in which gentleness is recognised as strength and generosity of spirit is rewarded in every area of life; where service to others is given freely and with a joyous heart; where stillness is encouraged over speed and where there is no race to be run; where the wisdom of silence has replaced the frenetic din of meaningless intellectual discourse and the ear arrests only the simple truths of the infinite; where the wisdom of the heart is listened to, over the mind or its ego.
I dream of men being intoxicated by the wine of happiness and joy, and feeding upon the abundant fruits of true spiritual understanding.
I dream of a world in which death is no longer feared as being the end of all life, but is seen for what it truly is - the doorway to home and the entrance to eternity.
I dream of what could be, becoming reality. I dream of tomorrow and see the roots of its past residing in the soil of this moment, now.
I dream of the exquisite beauty of the divine being realised in the enlightenment of the race, knowing that the plan of the creator is perfect in its conception, implementation and operation.
I dream of all this and I smile to myself. For know that it will come to pass. This is the dream of thy spirit ambassador, who seeks always to serve".
ONLINE FUNDRAISER FOR CAMP CHESTERFIELD Wendy Zammit will be giving a talk on 'What Really Happens When We Die' on
Monday March 29th Donation US $10
Time: Check time in your city here.
New York time 7 p.m.
Pacific time 4 p.m.
Sydney time Tuesday 30th 10 a.m. Register here.
Saturday March 20th Do you need to brush off the energies of the last twelve months?
Join Gretchen Bickert, Arizona Bell, and Susanne Wilson to celebrate the Spring Equinox with an evening of sound healing, intention setting, and
energy-cleansing exercises. Afterwards Susanne will facilitate a Q&A session with her Spirit healing guide. Check time in your city
5.30 p.m. Pacific time
8.30 p.m. Eastern
11.30 a.m. Sunday 21st Sydney
Read more and book.
1) "Thank you SOOOOOOOO much Wendy and Victor!!!! You always give me something to look forward to every week especially since I have become completely disabled". Michele
3) "A week has gone by. Suddenly, the “Friday routine” popped up. Ahh.. it is like a Christmas in March ...I can’t wait to explore...Gratitude to you and the team". Montika
3) "Thank you for a fascinating newsletter. I am really enjoying all the YouTubes. I looked up Sir Oliver Lodge in Wikipedia. I am aware that Wikipedia discredits psycho- phenomena, generally, but the portrayal of Lodges’s spiritual and psychic views in this entry, borders on defamation, in my opinion. Thank you for the important work you do". Alison
HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: A VERY SPECIAL SONG 'SAILING' Rod Stewart's version. The writer, Gavin Sutherland, claimed that the song is highly spiritual. "Most people take the song to be about a young guy telling his girl that he's crossing the Atlantic to be with her. In fact, the song's got nothing to do with romance or ships; it's an account of mankind's spiritual odyssey through life on his way to freedom and fulfillment with the Supreme Being."
Alternate version for those in the UK unable to access the version below.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports
by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to
guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the
imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research
done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK