If you have been sent this link by a friend, or have
come across it on the internet, sign up here
light where there is darkness and hope where there is despair."
IPAD and MAC USERS The browser Safari does not naturally support all video formats, so you may see a space where the videos should be. Try using the browser Google Chrome or, for more security, Brave, which blocks ads and trackers and lets you watch Youtube videos without advertisements.
Often those who have an intense NDE are told that their mission is to share what they learned with others. This seems to come naturally to people who have other kinds of spiritually transformative experiences as well. And given the state of ignorance in the world about the nature of reality, there seems to be an urgency in this mission.
One mistake that experiencers sometimes make is to overwhelm other people with their intensity and have them back away. The experiencer may then be reluctant to share again. If this has happened to you, don't be discouraged. You may find it helpful to allow some time to integrate your experiences. These days there are lots of wonderful organisations like IANDS on the Internet where we can find people who have had similar experiences. There are lots of social media groups where you can find resources and teachers who can help you to deepen your understanding and your connection to spirit..
Not everyone has to write books, or to go on the speaking circuit, or even convince their own skeptical family members in order to make a difference. By living quietly and focusing on our own spiritual growth in everyday lives and work, we will attract those who are ready to receive the message from the way we live and the way we treat others.
Marcello Bacci in Grosseto Italy was a model of quiet service of spirit. He was a leading researcher in Instrumental Transcommunication. Bacci used an old valve radio tuned to white noise in the short wave band. For 35 years, he held free sessions on Friday nights for parents whose children had transitioned. Many claimed to be able to hear the voices of their deceased children responding to questions in real-time. Bacci welcomed scientists and other afterlife investigators. In 2004 a team of researchers including Dr. Anabela Cardoso, Dr. Mario Salvatore Festa, Prof David Fontana, and Dr. Paolo Presi traveled to Grossetto Italy to investigate the voices.
They concluded: "The results of this experiment, taken together with those yielded by the 2002 experiment of Professor Festa and Franco Santi, provide firm evidence of the authenticity of the Bacci voices." Read their report.
SHARED HER EXPERIENCES MOST SUCCESSFULLY P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978 following three NDEs in 1977. Her research base now covers nearly 4,000 adult and child experiencers and her 18 books on the near-death phenomenon have influenced millions. Her The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences was featured in an online version of Newsweek Magazine, and remains the only encyclopedia of the entire phenomenon worldwide. She has received many lifetime achievement awards and has travelled the world speaking on all aspects of the near-death experience, transformations of consciousness, and the evolution of the human species. Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of The Story is the summation of 33 years of research. In this fascinating article, Judith Pennington reports on what experiments with the Mind Mirror revealed about Dr. Atwater's brainwave patterns.
In 1955 when Andrew Petro
was 18 he faced death; he would never be
the same. He ate a light lunch then jumped into the cold water with a belly flop. As
he was swimming he began to cramp in his
stomach and groin. He was drowning and gave
in to the voice that asked him to stop resisting
death and promised he would return to life.
His encounter with an incredibly compassionate
being of light led him to a profound realization:
that life on earth is just an illusion--truly
a grand illusion--but an illusion nonetheless
and that there is only One Light, and we
are all pieces of that One Light.
is as easy and as simple as going
to sleep and then awakening. Our etheric-spirit
body slips out of the physical body, carrying
the mind with it, and we awake to our new surroundings
to find our friends and relations ready to help
and instruct us in our new life. Death is simply
the severance of this etheric-spirit body from
the physical body. The physical (dead) body
returns to earth, and the etheric-spirit body,
controlled by the mind, continues to function
in the afterlife ... We, therefore, continue to
exist as separate thinking units in the afterlife
etheric world, much as we do today here on
earth, but with new surroundings ..." (from
the great psychic historian Arthur Findlay's
classic On the Edge of the Etheric.
A SHORT INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSH ZOOM GROUP Kim Parker leads a free online group called Gatherings Over Strange Happenings which meets every two weeks on Zoom to discuss paranormal experiences - things like UFO contact experiences, lucid dreams, receiving apports, seeing scenes from another time. Kim has been clairaudient all her life and has had many non-ordinary experiences which led her to seek formal training as a shaman. The group will be meeting next Monday 4th January 2021 USA time (for details see www.victorzammit.com/zoom)
"DEATHBED VISIONS" According to Professor
Haraldsson (pictured left) deathbed visions are excellent afterlife evidence
and when combined with other afterlife research,
make possible "a fact-based, rational and therefore
reasonable belief in the life after death". Although deathbed visions can be found in
the literature and lore of all ages, they
were rarely mentioned in the scientific literature
until the late 1920s, when they were studied
by Sir William Barrett, a professor of physics
at the Royal College of Science, in Dublin.
You can read the experiences of eminent
researcher Sir William in Death-Bed
Visions - The Psychical Experiences of the
Dying. Since that time there have been hundreds of books published detailing the observations
made by doctors and nurses of dying patients. Read
more about deathbed visions.
CHICO XAVIER IN OUR LIVES Luis Sergio Marotta and Dr. Livia Dias share their experiences with mediums in Brazil and especially with Chico Xavier whom many consider the greatest medium of the twentieth century.
QUESTION: "At the moment many of us are facing massive changes in our lives. When we are not certain what to do, should we wait for guidance, or use our free will ... or wait for events to show the way?"
"Never bang on a closed door; wait for it to open. There is a plan, not only for the universe but for every individual within it. The plan will operate. I have told my friends here many, many times, that we can only do things in our way and in our time. We cannot do them in your way and in your time ... One reason is that you are not the best judges of what is right for you. We from our vantage point consider we are better judges of what is right for you materially, mentally, and spiritually. Wait, and the door will open. It has opened for you many times." (Silver Birch, directly from the afterlife).
LEON'S PAST LIFE REGRESSION WITH DR. BRIAN WEISS During the emotional session with Dr. Brian Weiss, Leon uncovers what may be the real reason for his rocky relationship with his sister in his current life.
QUESTION: At the time of passing into your world
is there some organization for people's loved
ones to be so advised? Directly
from the afterlife: "No organization is necessary because
those who love you are with you. They are
aware of you passing long before you are.
They stand there waiting to help in the transition.
Love is the greatest attracting force in the
universe. Those who love you cannot be separated
from you."
ON REMOTE VIEWINGJoe McMoneagle is one of the giants of remote viewing. He
did 138 double-blind demonstrations
on national-level television in nine countries.
He was been successful in 109 of those cases.
What an answer to those who say that remote
viewing doesn’t exist!!
Remote Viewing - two sessions 12 noon and 6:30 p.m. U.S. Central time.
Starts Monday 4th January
Craig Hogan will be doing remote viewing training for seven weeks starting January 4. Meetings will take place each Monday (US time) in two sessions with the same training: 12 noon and 6:30 p.m. U.S. Central time. They'll be an hour long. Everybody is invited.
Both sessions will have the same content - attend either one. Remote Viewing - Session 1 12 noon Monday Central time
1 p.m. Monday Eastern time
10 a.m. Monday Pacific
6 p.m. Monday London time
7 p.m. Monday Rome time
5 a.m. Tuesday Sydney time
Remote Viewing - Session 2
6.30 p.m. Monday Central time
7.30 p.m. Monday Eastern time
4.30 p.m. Monday Pacific time
12.30 am Tuesday London time
1.30 am Tuesday Rome time
11.30 am Tuesday Sydney time https://zoom.us/j/4381898190
3rd January 2021
New Developments in Physical Mediumship with Inge
Crosson: This week the medium in trance will bring through Jimmy to answer questions on mediumship. Sydney time 7 p.m.
Auckland time 9 p.m.
New York time 4 a.m.
London time 8 a.m.
Rome time 9 a.m. Check
the time in your city Co-ordinator: Karyn Jarvie karynjarvie@ozemail.com.au https://zoom.us/j/6123708172
Global Gathering Catherine Chapey is
a medium, a healer, a trance channel of a collective, an experiencer and contactee, a hypnotist, past life regressionist, QHHT practitioner,
ordained Spiritual minister and spiritual counselor, writer, and future author. She will be sharing her journey into mediumship and the Spiritualist church, which then opened the door for her to go deeper into her Spiritual path.
Catherine will be starting a zoom group for us on all things related to expanding cosmic awareness.
GOSH: Gatherings over Strange Happenings When: Every two weeks on Mondays (UK EUROPE and the USA) and Tuesday 7 a.m. (Sydney). A small group that meets to share
and explore the meaning of strange experiences like missing time, seeing scenes from another time, interacting with a person who suddenly wasn't there, bi-location, etc. If it's something you cannot share easily with others, bring it to this group to get validation and speculate on its cause. CHECK TIME IN YOUR CITY
Los Angeles 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday https://zoom.us/j/7595442928 Co-ordinator:
Kim at kmrainbow57@yahoo.com
Tuesday 5th January 2021
Questions and Answers for Developing Mediums A fortnightly conversation with leading teachers of mediumship. Our guest teacher this week is Susanne Wilson.
Susanne appears on Coast to Coast A.M., Gaia TV, Travel Channel, Good Morning LaLa Land, Amazon Prime Video, Fox News National, Unity Radio, Streaming for the Soul, and CBS Radio.
Susanne hosts a monthly webinar-podcast called Chat With Spirit Guides. She is a founding Board Member Emeritus for the Afterlife Research & Education Institute and its founding Director of mediumship research and education. She is an impassioned and respected researcher and teacher in the areas of intuition, mediumship, healing, and the newest breakthroughs in metaphysical exploration.
5.30 p.m. Tuesday 5th January Pacific Time
8.30 p.m. Tuesday Eastern time
9.30 a.m. Wednesday Perth time
12.30 am Wednesday 6th January Sydney time.
2.30 p.m. Wednesday Auckland time Check time in your city. https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
Coordinator: Wendy Zammit wendyzammit@gmail.com
Wednesday 6th January 2021 Automatic Writing and Mediumship
Discussion Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 5.30 p.m.
Pacific Time
Sydney time 12.30 p.m. Thursday 7th https://zoom.us/j/7595442928 Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan
8 p.m. Central time;
9 p.m. New York;
6 p.m. Pacific Time;
1 p.m. Thursday Sydney time.
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (rkblack@mtco.com) or Craig Hogan (r.craig.hogan@afterlifeinstitute.org) before joining the group. https://zoom.us/j/4381898190
Thursday 7th January 2021
The Afterlife Book Club led by Gary Langley and Karyn Jarvie the club meets 1st Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. California time.
This month's book for discussion is Testimony of Light by Helen Greaves. https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
7 p.m. Thursday Phoenix
8 p.m. Central time
9 p.m. Eastern
1 p.m. Friday Sydney
3 p.m. Friday Auckland
Check time in your city
Jurgen Ziewe is one of a number of out-of-body experiencers who claim to have been making
regular visits to the afterlife. He writes:
"One thing I have found necessary to learn
to enjoy myself more fully on the next dimension
is an attitude of generosity and positivity.
On that dimension, such characteristics enhance
our capacity for enjoyment exponentially,
while mean-spiritedness and negativity will
hinder us to reach this level. It appears
that any activity that directs attention towards
giving and enhancing the pleasure of others
will create the psychological set-up in ourselves
to open the floodgates for receiving pleasure
on the higher dimensions." From JURGEN
ZIEWE'S Multidimensional
Man p. 130.
UK'S HAPPIFUL MAGAZINE "We’re on a mission to create a healthier, happier, more sustainable society. Our aim is to provide informative, inspiring, and topical stories about mental health and wellbeing. We want to break the stigma of mental health in our society, and to shine a light on the positivity and support that should be available for everyone, no matter their situation".
Read online
Special feature:
35 good news stories from 2020 you might have missed
In the News you’ll find:
* Prince Harry says the pandemic linked to environmental issues.
* Prince Charles backs a BBC TV project for people to plant more trees.
* Medium received over £50,000 for TV reality show.
* Prince Philip has collection of books on UFOs.
* Uri drops case against card character.
* ‘Coronavirus restrictions will last until next year’ claims psychic. Subscribe and download your copy here.
(Three only).
1) "Dear Victor and Wendy, Thank you again for your incredible hard work putting together your most interesting reports. Very best wishes to you both for the coming year. xxxx
Warmest regards".
Silvana, Coffs Harbour
2) "Good morning Victor
Thanks for all your work..you have made Fridays even more special!"
3) "Thank you for your so good wishes. I wish you both in return a nice festive season and a wonderful 2021 with lots of good news from the afterlife. All the best". Edouard (France).
is the powerful message for this new year
- you will never be abandoned, you will never
be alone, there will always be those who would
help you - but you have to sincerely ask for
help! Here is a most beautiful song to remind
you that wherever you will be, never give
up hope, always remember that YOU WILL NEVER
WALK ALONE! Listen to this most wonderful
song, full of hope, encouragement to give
you more confidence - have a look at the most
meaningful lyrics symbolizing our challenges
in life.
When you walk through
a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark
Walk on through
the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on walk on
with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
When you walk through
a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of the lark
Walk on through
the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown
Walk on walk on
with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk
You'll never walk
You'll never walk alone.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and
reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a
position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims.
We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and
paranormal research done by the researchers is done