Many of us who have had the privilege of sitting repeatedly with a genuine medium, or have had an NDE or OBE or direct contact with loved ones who have crossed over, know that we have received amazing evidence that life is eternal.
But as Michael Tymn points out, many in the academic community remain determined to ignore the evidence, no matter how impressive it is. "Some esteemed men and women of science observed a particular medium on hundreds of occasions under conditions completely ruling out deception of any kind. And yet, other scientists concluded that fraud was the only explanation, primarily because everything they observed defied known natural law. Their careers would have been endangered had they subscribed to an unnatural or 'unscientific' explanation."
"Journalists and historians, wanting to appear intelligent and scientific, not as gullible fools buying into ridiculous 'religious' superstition and folly, usually aligned themselves with the debunkers, completely ignoring the controlled studies by some researchers and recording only the verdicts of the debunkers."
So today we say "well done" to all of those who have been able to withstand the hostility and disinformation of academia, fundamentalist religion, the mainstream media, and well-meaning relatives and rely on their own experience and discernment.
THE DEDICATION OF PROFESSOR BETTY Thanks to Michael Tymn for sharing this tribute to Professor Stafford Betty who, this week, ends a 48-year career teaching philosophy and religion in an academic environment. Although his courses about the evidence for the afterlife were extremely popular with the students, his colleagues became increasingly hostile. According to Mike's interview "much of his career was spent in exile as he dared discuss subjects suggesting that consciousness survives death". Read more.
DAN DRASIN CAPTURES PERFECTLY THE TECHNIQUES USED BY CLOSED-MINDED SKEPTICS "So you've had a close encounter with a UFO or its occupants. Or maybe you've experienced an "impossible" healing, a perfectly cogent conversation with your dead uncle, or an irrefutable demonstration of "free energy," and you've begun to suspect that the official view of reality isn't the whole picture. Mention any of these things to most working scientists and be prepared for anything from patronizing cynicism to merciless ridicule". So begins Dan Dransin's brilliantly insightful article, Zen and the Art of Debunkery OR How to Debunk Just About Anything.
FILM MAKER DAN DRASIN SITS DOWN WITH MEDIUM JAMIE BUTLER A fascinting interview where Dan shares with Jamie some of the paranormal findings detailed in his film "Calling Earth" and shares some of his personal experiences with the beyond.
the most frequently observed phenomena in physical mediumship
is apports - the dematerialisation of objects which are
then moved elsewhere and rematerialised. See
examples of apports received during the Scole experiment.
In yet another example of why mainstream science needs
to take seriously the study of physical mediumship, reports
are surfacing that physicists are beginning to be able
to teleport atoms. Read
THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE OF PETER ANTHONY When Peter Anthony died, he saw both the negatives and positives in the human condition. And then he was given the choice of whether to return to his body. At first, he had to deal with those who were skeptical of his NDE, and then with those who were skeptical of his ongoing psychic experiences.
of the well-documented
effects of near-death experiences is an
increase is psychic and mediumistic experiences (see the article by Cherie Sutherland Ph.D,). Researcher Neil Helm has speculated that Edgar
Cayce, perhaps the best known psychic of the 20th
century, may have had an NDE. It seems that Edgar Cayce
drowned at around the age of five and was pronounced dead
by a physician. Helm suspects that he experienced being
out-of-body and the Other Side before reviving. Read
(IADC) is a breakthrough in grief and trauma therapy.
Allan L. Botkin, a Doctor of Psychology, worked for 20
years at a VA hospital and specialized in treating PTSD
among combat veterans. He discovered that a variation
of EMDR, or eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing,
reliably induced after-death communications in his patients,
giving them dramatic relief from anger, guilt, and sadness.
He has since expanded the use of the technique with impressive
results. Dr. Botkin's website is Read more.
CHANGE THE WORLD "It will be the most creative scientists who will reap
the greatest
benefit from their out-of-body excursions, as they become
aware of what a powerful information-mining tool they
have unearthed. Information that can lead to astonishing
breakthroughs in all fields of science and can potentially
be of immense commercial value can be accessed. It is this which sooner
or later will usher in a new race between the competing
economic powers. Inevitably the discovery of a more fail-safe
way of entering an Out-Of-Body or lucid dream state
will be searched for, instead of meditation, focusing
techniques, or drugs. Such a discovery will be on par with
the discovery of DNA." Read
BONDED BY LOVE: BRENDA OLLER AND HER DAUGHTER ASHLEY In 2018, Brenda Oller's daughter Ashley crossed over after a tragic car accident. This is the story of Brenda's outstanding contact with her daughter from beyond the veil; through personal experiences on the other side of life, remarkable electronic communication, and otherworldly encounters among physical mediums and seance rooms. You can read Brenda's book here.
NOW STARTING Thursday 1st October 1st Thursday of the month at 6 p.m California time. The most famous and best-loved book of Monsignor Hugh Benson, Life in the World Unseen has become a classic of Spiritualism. He describes his arrival in the spirit world and his surprise that there was no judgment, no eternal hell, and that the only religion was love. His book contains detailed descriptions of the middle astral planes as well as descriptions of his excursions into lower and higher spheres. It will be the subject of discussion for the first meeting of the Afterlife Book Club led by Gary Langley and Karyn Jarvie on Zoom on Thursday 1st October at 6 p.m. California time (Friday 2nd, 11 am Sydney time).
Saturday 5th September 2020
Experimenting with Trance States 1st Saturday of the month for 4 weeks 10.30 a.m. New York time. Are you interested in experimenting with trance for various purposes, for example communicating with a loved one, accessing your inner guidance, healing? Karen Frances McCarthy, author of Till Death Don't Us Part, will be running a free session on Zoom once a month, initially on Saturdays at 10.30 a.m. New York (Eastern) time. Karen is an experienced medium and teacher, trained at the AFC. If you would like to be involved, REGISTER HERE.
In the first session, Karen will do a Q&A for the host of questions people have about trance. Sunday 6th September 2020
New Developments in Physical Mediumship with Inge
Crosson Sydney time 7 p.m.
Auckland time 9 p.m.
New York time 5 a.m.
London time 10 a.m.
Rome time 11 a.m. Check
the time in your city Co-ordinator: Karyn Jarvie
Global Gathering
Our guest next Sunday will be Barry Eaton, an astrologer, medium, and psychic intuitive based in Sydney Australia. Barry is also the host of internet radio station, Radio OutThere. Barry will be talking about
the powerful effect of the planets in our solar system on tumultuous changes taking place this year. In January he spoke at a conference in Uluru outlining not only the impact of two major planets on our lives this year but also showed how we are in a historical cycle of sweeping change. There is a lot more still to come and December this year is a pivotal month in all our lives as we move into a new era on our blue planet. Being a writer and radio presenter Barry will explain these amazing events in terms that we can all relate to. Check
the time in your city
Los Angeles 2 p.m. Sunday Phoenix 2 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 4 p.m. Sunday
New York 5 p.m. Sunday
London 10 p.m. Sunday
Rome 11 p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7 a.m. Monday
Spiritualism Today
Every Sunday It will be a combination of a presentation of some aspects of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here. Sundays, beginning
Time: 5:00-6:00 p.m. Pacific Time (Phoenix)
Norma’s Room:
Monday 7th September 2020
Circle with Kim Parker A small group of 15 meets every two weeks - to share and explore
the meaning of their dreams.
Next meeting Monday 7th September 2020 Los Angeles 2 p.m. Monday Phoenix 2 p.m. Monday
Chicago 4 p.m. Monday
New York 5 p.m. Monday
London 10 p.m. Monday
Rome 11 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday
Email: Kim at
Tuesday 8th September 2020
Spirit Art
We are meeting to create spirit art
with messages. No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9 p.m.
New York time, 6 p.m. Pacific time. Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Wednesday 9th September 2020
Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan
7 p.m. Central time; 8 p.m. New York; 5 p.m. Pacific Time;
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes;
the group has been going for some time and members are
experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (
or Craig Hogan (
before joining the group.
WILLIAM BUHLMAN ON OUT-of-BODY EXPERIENCES William Buhlman describes how OBEs can prepare us for an enlightened transition and why self-initiated OBEs are a direct and powerful spiritual path. He challenges us to question everything and find out from our own experiences that we are consciousness on an endless evolutionary journey.
FREE SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF PSYCHIC NEWS ONLINE You can download this issue or read it online here. One of the articles it contains is an invitation to participate in a survey conducted by our friend Walter Meyer zu Erpen of the Survival Research Institute of Canada. Walter wants to know whether you feel that Spiritualist mediums have proven life after death. He would appreciate it if you could complete the short survey online (can be anonymous).
In this course, Dr. Terri Daniel will offer those who work with the bereaved a variety of inter-faith and multicultural tools and perspectives for meeting grief in themselves and others. This course offers 12 Continuing Education Credits. Read more. Below is an excerpt from the course.
1) "Thank
you, Victor and Wendy, for all the time and care it takes
to send out this wonderful and much- anticipated newsletter
each week...You are appreciated." Richard.
2) "Since I read your book I have had
many psychic experiences of my own that have helped to
give me the self-confirmation I needed. The afterlife
is looking good and more than that my current life is
looking better. Knowing that the hellfires and damnation
are nothing more than scary stories makes life a lot more
enjoyable". Clinton.
3) In answer to a question on whether she has ever spoken
to a soul before conception...
Many times with family members
and clients - it's quite easy to learn to do - similar
to a mediumship reading. The little souls love to chat
and say when they want to come in for instance if a woman
is having trouble conceiving - the soul is waiting for
the correct astrological time or father, etc." Elisabeth
Jensen medium.
HIGHLY INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: ROD STEWART 'SAILING' The writer, Gavin Sutherland, claimed that the song is highly spiritual. "Most people take the song to be about a young guy telling his girl that he's crossing the Atlantic to be with her. In fact, the song's got nothing to do with romance or ships; it's an account of mankind's spiritual odyssey through life on the way to freedom and fulfillment with the Supreme Being". It's always good to remember the bigger picture so we don't get too caught up in dramas.