Friday, December 11th 2020
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COMMENTARY: CONSCIOUSNESS WHERE IS IT? Materialist scientists say, without evidence, that consciousness can only be found in the physical brain. However other open-minded scientists have PROVED that 'consciousness' exists outside the physical brain. I have asked these materialist scientists before - and I am asking them again now, why do you reject the possibility that consciousness exists outside the brain without even considering the evidence? So much brilliant work was done by the giants of science in the twentieth century: Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir William Crookes, Sir William Barrett, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Professor James Hyslop, Dr. Robert Crookall, Professor Ernst Senkowski, Prof. Camille Flammarion. More recent scientists and empiricists such as Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Ian Stevenson, Dr. Helen Wambach, Dr. Michael Sabom, Dr. Peter Fenwick, and Dr. Brian Weiss. All showed that consciousness exists outside the brain. Read more.
Dr. Dean Radin (Senior Scientist at IONS), Dr. Neil Theise (Professor of Pathology and Medicine), Dr. Julia Mossbridge (Cognitive Neuroscientist), Dr. John Hagelin (Quantum Physicist), Dr. Menas Kafatos (Quantum Physicist) and Dr. Rudolph Tanzi (Professor of Neurology, Harvard University) engage some recent thinking and evidence for why it is becoming increasingly impossible to reduce consciousness to brain processes alone.
'MATERIALIST' & 'POST-MATERIALIST' SCIENCE Science today is split between 'materialist scientists' and 'post-materialist scientists'. The world knows very well that any evidence about the paranormal and the afterlife will automatically be rejected by materialist scientists. But many courageous, brilliant 'post-materialist' scientists are open-minded and adding to valuable knowledge about the afterlife. Read the Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science.
WILLIAM BUHLMAN ON THE NATURE OF REALITY Based on his 40+ years of out-of-body travel William Buhlman appeals to us to expand our thinking about the immensity of the multi-dimensional universe and realise that we are energy currently experiencing human form. "We are not physical, we are not human; we are non-physical."
THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS Best-selling author Wayne Dyer was a leading figure for nearly 40 years in the New Thought movement — a century-old spiritual school of thought that believes God is everywhere, individuals have the divine spirit within themselves, and one’s thinking has the power to change one’s world or heal disease. He spent much of his life until he was 10, growing up in an orphanage after his alcoholic father left him, his mother, and two brothers. Two years before writing his breakthrough book, Dyer found out his father had died and went to visit his grave. He recounted feeling outraged and angry until a sudden calm came over him. "From this moment on I send you love,” Dyer said, “And I forgive you for everything that you have done". The gravesite encounter launched his writing career and changed his life. Read more.
NORWEGIAN STAND UP COMEDIAN JON SCHAU ON HIS NDE Jon Schau was trapped by his success so he started to drink to cope with the pressure. After a while, his body caved in and he died twice in the hospital. This resulted in a life-changing near-death experience.
TEACHINGS OF SILVER BIRCH “… if you had perfect faith you could rise above all the troubles of your world. You would turn your faces to the sun, which is but an emblem of the Great Spirit, and say: “I am a part of the Great Spirit. I am indestructible. I am eternal. I am infinite. That which is finite and part of the world of matter cannot touch me”. If you did that, you would not be touched.”
(Teachings of Silver Birch, 1993, p.52)
PROFESSOR EXPERIENCES AFTER-DEATH COMMUNICATION THROUGH SIGNS When her first husband died in 1983, Professor Sylvia Hart Wright and her son, jointly had an experience that suggested he was trying to contact them from beyond the grave. Wright started researching the writings of doctors and social scientists on after-death communication and in time interviewed almost a hundred healthy everyday people who had sensed contact with the dead. The result was her book When Spirits Come Calling: The Open-Minded Skeptic's Guide to After-Death Contacts [Read it online]. When her second husband died in 2005 extraordinary light phenomena signaled his presence on two occasions. On the first occasion, it was witnessed by Jane Katra who writes this account. Read more.
Part 24. Once a month in our Zoom meetings Jurgen Ziewe answers questions about what he has experienced in more than 40 years of out-of-body experiences. In this episode: Can out-of-body experiences be used for healing? What is the best way to obtain accurate information about the Afterlife? Can everything we experience here also be experienced on some Astral level?
You can see more of his Afterlife Answers here.
According to IANDS "No one knows why, among people in similar circumstances, some people do and others do not report near-death experiences, and why most reported NDEs are pleasurable and a minority are distressing. NDEs, both pleasurable and distressing, occur to all types of people all over the world: all ages, races, backgrounds, and religions". Other people have speculated that the experience is a gift to those who have deviated from their life plan.
We are trying to record video testimonials
from people who sat with Leslie Flint. If you are interested to take part, please email
Sunday 13th December 2020
Mediumship Developmentwith Dr. Susan Barnes. Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending
with spirit. Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday Times: 2 p.m. New York time Check time in your city Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Global Gathering
Our guest this week is Canadian afterlife researcher Donna Smith, director of Metaphysics Research an organisation she founded in 2010 to study mental and physical mediumship, OBEs, NDEs, past-life regression, energy healing, past life regresssions, and ITC. She is the author of Medium7 which presents the results of a detailed study of mediumship in which she conducted extensive interviews with ten gifted mediums and their clients. Check
the time in your city
Los Angeles 12 noon Sunday Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 2 p.m. Sunday
New York 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7 a.m. Monday
Monday 14th December 2020
Circle with Kim Parker A small group of 15 meets every two weeks - to share and explore
the meaning of their dreams.
Los Angeles 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday
Email: Kim at
Tuesday 15th December 2020
Questions and Answers for Developing Mediums 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 5.30 p.m. Pacific time
8.30 p.m. Eastern
Wednesday 12.30 p.m. Sydney time
Guest medium Susan Barnes CSNU Check time in your city
Wednesday 16th December 2020
WEDNESDAY GROUPSAutomatic Writing and Mediumship
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
Guest speaker Professor Stafford Betty,
1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 5.30 p.m.
Pacific Time
Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan
8 p.m. Central time;
9 p.m. New York;
6 p.m. Pacific Time;
Friday 1 p.m. Sydney
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes;
the group has been going for some time and members are
experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (
or Craig Hogan (
before joining the group.
Saturday 12th December 2020 - Karen Frances McCarthy's course finished last week - we wrongly advertised it as being on today. Karen may be offering some further sessions in the new year - stay tuned
HOW DID THE USB SPIRITUAL TEACHERS GET THEIR AFTERLIFE WISDOM THROUGH TO MANKIND? In this video, Professor John Finnemore explains how, over a period of 30 years, Michael Flagg received the Universal Spiritual Brother&Sisterhood (USB) teachings through the channels of different highly spiritual mediums, including Leslie Flint, Estelle Roberts, and Ruth Flagg, as presented in the book Spiritual Light.
HUMAN KIND A HOPEFUL HISTORY "Human kind makes a new argument: that it is realistic, as well as revolutionary, to assume that people are good. The instinct to cooperate rather than compete, trust rather than distrust, has an evolutionary basis going right back to the beginning of Homo sapiens. By thinking the worst of others, we bring out the worst in our politics and economics too. In this major book, internationally bestselling author Rutger Bregman takes some of the world's most famous studies and events and reframes them, providing a new perspective on the last 200,000 years of human history". Read more.
Mediums trained at the Arthur Findlay College claim that "sitting in the power" every day contributes to spiritual awakening, greater intuition, enriches psychic and evidential mediumship and healing development. There are various versions by different mediums but this one by Berverly Anne Freeman explains the process very well.
1) "Thank you very much, Victor and Wendy, for another comprehensive, full Afterlife Report. Food for the brain and soul". Karyn
2) "I used to say to my acquisitive then-husband that one day some calamity would befall the earth and everyone would die except him and therefore he would own all the treasures and all the money in the world. What a rich man he would become! I added that he would give everything away if it meant he could have a friend". Kathy
3) "I have had the honour of being around many who are coming to the end of physical life, but hand on heart I cannot remember one who spoke of the importance of the earthy acquirements they achieved". Jackie
REMEMBERING JOHN LENNON 9 October 1940 - 8 December 1980
"You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one - I hope some day you'll join us -
And the world will be as one."
Can it really be 40 years since John Lennon transitioned?
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.