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Last week's report and all
previous reports
Friday, November 27th 2020
COMMENTARY: A TIME FOR GIVING THANKS Our thoughts are with friends and family in the United States celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, as well as with all of our subscribers in the UK, Europe and elsewhere whose lives have been put on hold or overshadowed by current circumstances.
Many of us may find that this year's holidays will feel very different after all that 2020 has thrown at us: for some there have been changes in economic circumstances, health, estrangement, divorce and family members having moved away or transitioned. Others are frustrated by lock downs, restrictions on travel and uncertainty about the future.
So let's be gentle with ourselves and realise that even though some things have changed, we are still blessed with so many opportunities to experience and grow. The world is still an amazing place and there are still people who inspire us with their courage, their creativity, and their kindness. Happy Thanksgiving.
WISE WORDS FROM SPIRIT "The whole purpose of your life down here is that spirit, your spirit, shall shine within earth’s darkness. Your spirit is identical with the light which shone in the beginning. You, the real you, are here for a purpose, to shine through both body and mind and transmute them". White Eagle Morning Light.
HOW OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES CAN TRANSFORM THE WORLD Motivated by her experiences and her research of thousands of individuals who experienced similar phenomena, Nanci Trivellato, MSc in psychology and consciousness researcher, discusses the possible positive effects of OBEs for personal development and the ripple effects for society.
SPIRITUAL AWAKENING: STEVE TAYLOR TALKS TO LILU MACE Psychologist Steve Taylor, author of "Out of Darkness" claims that 70% of people who experience a spiritual awakening do so following a period of intense suffering, either depression or bereavement or turmoil or trauma.
CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF GWEN BYRNE In her first book entitled ‘Russell’, Gwen Byrne related the painful loss of her 9-year-old son from cancer in 1963 and her extensive search for the truth of his survival after death. Visiting the best mediums in the UK, Gwen found that Russell was a natural communicator. However in the 1980s he exceeded all expectations when he materialised more than 100 times through the physical mediumship of Rita Goold (now Rita Lorraine). Since that time and until her death last week, Gwen Byrne tirelessly counseled and shared her experiences with hundreds of other mothers to convince them that their children were not lost to them.
GWEN AND ALF BYRNE TELL THEIR STORY ON VIDEO In this video Russell's mother and father, Gwen and Alf Byrne, tell of the night they received a phone call that Russell had materialised at a seance and had given their address and phone number. Listen to what happened. [Starts around the 3-minute mark].
Through medium Deborah Moore, Russell described his experiences leaving his physical body and settling into the Summerland.
Some of the highlights:
* I knew from the very beginning that I didn't have long upon the Earth plane.
* I now know that you also knew it, Mum. From the very beginning, you knew I didn't have long.
* During my last days upon the Earth I saw the lights of spirit, you know. I saw them many times upon the walls. I saw figures, beautiful figures. I saw figures clothed in white and great shining light that told me my time was not long, but not to be worried because they would be with me. There would be no terror, no horror, nothing nasty, and no darkness. It would be all right - they would be there. Read more.
AFTERLIFE STUDIES LOST ANOTHER GIANT LAST WEEK - PROFESSOR ERLENDUR HARALDSSON A prolific writer, researcher, and presenter, Erlendur made a huge contribution in at least four major areas of afterlife research. His books and articles cover deathbed visions, after-death encounters, physical mediumship, and children's memories of past lives. Several documentaries have been made about his research and have been shown on BBC, Discovery Channel, and many other stations in the USA, Europe, and Asia. Read more.
COMING SOON TO OUR AFTERLIFE ZOOM GROUPS: WHAT REALLY HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE? Professor Stafford Betty has a pretty good idea after years of study of accounts from advanced spirits, which he claims, are far better developed and more plausible than anything found in the world's scriptures or theologies. In two one-hour sessions he will be answering all your questions and sharing some fascinating stories and case studies from his e-book "The Afterlife Therapist" that bring to life the journey that all of us will take. Thursdays 10th and 17th December at 6 p.m. California time on Zoom - Just click the link: https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
Inge Crosson from the Wallacia Development Centre Sydney shares what she has learned from Abraham, a healing guide; Rev. Sheri Perl founder of The Prayer Registry talks about being healed at a distance by Harry Edwards; Luis Sergio Marotta explains why so many doctors in Brazil accept Spiritist healing and Spiritist Hospitals; Dr. Livia Dias talks about the great benefits that have resulted from all the staff in a Brazilian ICU joining in prayer for the patients each morning.
For free spiritual healing activities contact the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary.
Global Gathering with Dr. Craig Hogan on Remote Viewing. People can sit 1,000 miles from an object and have sight, sound, and touch experiences of that object. Craig will be explaining what remote viewing is and how it happens. He will then take everyone through an exercise to see who has native remote viewing ability. If there is sufficient interest, he will hold Zoom sessions teaching the remote-viewing procedure.
Circle with Kim Parker A small group of 15 meets every two weeks - to share and explore
the meaning of their dreams. CHECK TIME IN YOUR CITY
Los Angeles 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Chicago 2 p.m. Monday
New York 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Rome 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney 7 a.m. Tuesday https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
Email: Kim at kmrainbow57@yahoo.com
Tuesday 1st December 2020
Q and A Session ABOUT MEDIUMSHIP Christine Morgan CSNU is an international medium who has been developing mediums for more than twenty years. She has agreed to do a series of FREE sessions for developing mediums where she will answer your questions and explain exactly how to take your mediumship to the next level. She has helped many developing mediums to overcome all their blocks, hurdles, doubts, and insecurities to enable them to reach professional high standards.
5.30 p.m. Tuesday Pacific Time
8.30 p.m. Tuesday Eastern time
9.30 a.m. Tuesday Perth time
12.30 am Wednesday Sydney time.
2.30 p.m. Wednesday Auckland time Check time in your city. https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
Coordinator: Wendy Zammit wendyzammit@gmail.com
Christine also has a Zoom workshop on Excellence in
Demonstrations and Private Readings
Sat. 5th December USA /
Sun. 6th December Australia
3.00 pm - 7 p.m. Saturday 5th December California
6.00 pm - 10 p.m. Saturday 5th December New York
10:00 am – 2:00 pm Sunday 6th December Sydney
12 noon - 4 p.m. Sunday 6th December New Zealand
11 p.m. - 3 a.m. Saturday/Sunday London Check time in your city
Automatic Writing and Mediumship
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
1st and 3rd Wednesdays,
This week only 3 p.m.
Pacific Time
( This meeting earlier than usual to accommodate UK guest Sheila Griffiths).
10 a.m. Thursday Sydney time https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
Coordinator: Sheila Lowe sheila@sheilalowe.com
Physical mediumship development group with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan 8 p.m. Central time.
The group is now admitting new members. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes;
the group has been going for some time and members are
experiencing phenomena.
Contact Rob Blackburn (rkblack@mtco.com)
or Craig Hogan (r.craig.hogan@afterlifeinstitute.org)
before joining the group. https://zoom.us/j/4381898190
Thursday 3rd December 2020
Afterlife Book Club
1st Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. California time. Led by Gary Langley and Karyn Jarvie on Zoom 6 p.m. California time (Friday 6th November 1 p.m. Sydney time). https://zoom.us/j/7595442928.
This month's book for discussion:
Leslie Flint's Voices in the Dark (available in kindle format for pre-reading)
A GRATEFUL DAY With Brother David Steindl-Rast This video, featuring Brother David, a highly-respected Benedictine monk, author and spiritual leader, is a BLESSING to all those with "eyes to see and ears to hear." Look, listen and be inspired by this powerful message from the Network for Grateful Living. The stunning high resolution images look brilliant on full screen.
114 GOOD NEWS STORIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD James Hadley and Tim Hulse have rounded up the most heartwarming and inspirational good news stories from across the globe that will brighten your day. Get started here
THE BRILLIANT BRISTOL PROJECT Congratulations to the staff of the Bristol primary schools who challenged their 800 students to break the record for the most random acts of kindness in a city in a day. This is something that will stay with those kids all their lives and make Bristol a top place to live in.
Arizona Bell from Spirit Guides Media writes:
"Hi everyone! I wanted to share this upcoming virtual event I am producing: Afterlife Fest, on December 6, 2020! The amazing Susanne Wilson is our Keynote Speaker (What does Spirit have to say about 2021?) and Sonia Rinaldi will be sharing a presentation with us, among other incredible speakers and mediums! I hope to see some familiar faces there with us". Read more.
1)"Happy to see that the beautiful new edition of Leslie Flint's book, "Voices in the Dark: My Life As a Medium", is featured in this Afterlife Report. Also, I loved the Leslie Flint seance with Queen Victoria that revealed her true connection with John Brown! WOW!"
"Excellent information as always - and thank you both for sharing news of Leslie Flint's revised book - it's much appreciated thank you". Karl Jackson Barnes
3) "I'd just like to finish up by thanking Victor and Wendy from the bottom of my heart for working so tirelessly to give that assurance to people who are hurting badly. It is truly sacred work. My Ken died on a Friday, which meant that the Fridays that followed were often awash with tears until the afterlife report gave me something to look forward to instead of dreading Fridays". Louise
A joyous high-energy celebration of the "Higher Love" that is pouring into the Earth in this time of awakening.
The Ndlovu Youth Choir from South Africa has profoundly affected the lives of the choristers and demonstrates the potential of any human being to achieve excellence no matter their background, education, or place of birth.
Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without it, life is wasted time
Look inside your heart and I'll look inside mine
Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love,
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?
Worlds are turning, and we're just hanging on
Facing our fear and standing out there alone
A yearning and it's real to me
There must be someone who's feeling for me
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports
by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to
guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the
imputed claim that the afterlife and
paranormal research done by the researchers is done