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we are including links to the videos.
would expect that highly intelligent people would realise
that, one day, they are going to die. You would think
that they would at least explore the possibility that
there is an afterlife, something that every culture
that has existed on the planet has discovered. We know
there are many giants of science like Emanuel Swedenborg,
Sir William Crookes, Sir Oliver Lodge, and
many others who investigated the evidence for the
afterlife and were totally convinced.
But sadly, our Western higher education system, particularly
at university level, focuses on developing intelligence
and not spirituality. People are exposed to a saturation
24/7 media culture that emphasises the here-and-now,
and either totally dismisses the afterllife or sensationalises
Most people have no idea about the volumes of accumulated
evidence for the afterlife, painstakingly accumulated
using scientific method over the last 170 years. Over
and over again, we hear people say "How can there
be any evidence of the afterlife? Nobody has come back
from the dead to tell us what it's like."
Fortunately, things are changing. Meditation is becoming
popular at all levels in society and is opening people
up. More and more people are having NDEs, after death
contacts, and experiences of expanded consciousness.
And people are acknowledging their personal experiences
and sharing them with others. Many people, like Dr.
Rupert Sheldrake in the next video, are awakening from
the materialist trance.
Sheldrake, the author of The
Science Delusion, explains how using psychedelics,
doing yoga and meditation and living in India opened
him up to personal spiritual experiences and a new spiritual
paradigm. When he published his first book A
New Science of Life,it was attacked by materialist
scientists, including Sir John Maddox who described
it as heresy and "the best candidate for burning
there has been for many years." Read
Brian Martin (Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics) has been
involved in several controversial areas of science,
including the causes of HIV, vaccination, bias in Wikipedia,
and non-violent struggle. He writes: "Those
who challenge conventional views or vested interests
in science are likely to encounter difficulties. A scientific
dissenter should first of all realize that science is
a system of power as well as knowledge, in which interest
groups play a key role, and insiders have an extra advantage.
Dissenters are likely to be ignored or dismissed. If
they gain some recognition or outside support, they
may be attacked." His excellent paper Strategies
for Dissenting Scientists contains tips useful
for those publishing in the afterlife/paranormal field
as well.
experiences have had a huge impact on mainstream consciousness
since Dr. Raymond Moody's book
Life After Life was published in 1975. According
to Dr. Michael Sabom, Pam Reynolds' NDE is considered
to be one of the strongest cases of proven evidence
in NDE research. This is because Pam was able to describe
in detail the unique surgical instruments used while
she was brain dead for over an hour.
Those who have followed the work of Dr.
Parnia, author of the
AWARE study, know that he has always been cautious
about claiming that the NDE is anything more than an
'interesting' experience. Recently he went on record
as follows: "So
rather than a “near-death experience,” I
prefer a new terminology to describe these cases —
'an actual-death experience.' These survivors’
unique experiences are providing eyewitness testimonies
of what we will all be likely to experience when we
die. Such an experience reportedly includes seeing a
warm light, the presence of a compassionate perfect
individual, deceased relatives, a review of their lives,
a judgment of their actions and intentions as they pertain
to their humanity, and in some cases a sensation of
seeing doctors and nurses working to resuscitate them".
"Although I was
a scientist and a highly technical medical specialist,
I finally admitted that death is only an obligatory
passage to an unknown destination. Unfortunately,
the truth about the afterlife is not obvious to everyone."
Dr. Jean Jacques Charbonier has written several
books about the afterlife, one of which, 7
Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife, is available
in English. He has several
Youtube interviews in French.
Wilson is a world class evidential medium and spiritual
teacher and the author of a highly recommended book
on afterlife communication called Soul
Smart: What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication.
Recently she talked with Arizona
Bell from Spiritguides Magazine about end-of-life spiritual
experiences. They share deeply personal experiences
that they each have encountered first hand, including
shared death experiences at the end of a loved one’s
life. Go to Episode
99 on Spirit Guides Radio- start at 9 min.52
Ziewe, author of Vistas
of Infinity & Multidimensional Man
deals with questions like
* will our earthly misdemeanors catch up with us after
* How does our prayer work.
* What happens to people who are in a negative state,
are depressed, or bipolar when they transition?
* How do you enter into higher spiritual dimensions?
* How can I sustain my OBEs, make them last longer?
To get inspiration and more in-depth knowledge of the
Astral worlds and the adventures there, please refer
to Jurgen's
IADC (Induced After Death Communication)
is a revolutionary new therapy that has already healed
over 3,000 individuals who, for too long, suffered
in silence from the loss of loved ones, the shock
of military combat, or the inconsolable grief associated
with abuse, accidents, and other trauma.
IADC has been practiced in secrecy
by a small circle of clinical researchers, until now.
With the continuing news about the devastating effects
of (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder on our society,
it is now time to bring this controversial therapy
to everyone's attention.
Read more.
Dennis Gregor, and Dr. Jane Bisler have developed
and trialed an exciting new program that enables people
to learn how to make a direct personal connection
with a loved one in spirit, a guide, or higher self
in one 90-minute facilitated session.
The process uses bilateral stimulation, done through
tapping, sounds, and eye movements. It is similar
to IADC and Rochelle Wright's Grief Therapy and Reattachment
Therapy, but unlike those programs it is designed
to be delivered online, through the zoom platform.
It is part of a suite of programs offered by AfterlifeData.com.
a private DPC session here.
William Murray, author of Forbidden:
Essays On Transdimensional Relationships,
has created a website for people who are committed
to maintaining their relationship with their crossed-over
partner. The Red String Society has information, resources, books, and blogs
by the admin team of the Facebook Group Love
After Life. The website also expands outreach
to those who are suffering in silence in their refusal
to "move on" or "let go", and
who may not even know that continuing and developing
their relationship with their crossed-over partner
is an option.
Check out www.redstringsociety.com
OF DREAMS A fascinating example of the
power of people helping each other and the power of
Mediumship Developmentwith Dr. Susan Barnes.
Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending
with spirit. Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
Times: 2:00 p.m. New York time Next
meeting Sunday 26th January,
Online in Zoom https://zoom.us/j/8738817733 Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes,
CSNU susanbbarnes@gmail.com
Taggart will be sharing
some of the images from her new book
a major 300-page photographic exploration of contemporary
Spiritualism, documented over eighteen years. She
will also be talking about how to capture images of
physical and trance mediumship.
Times: 3:00 p.m. New
York time
Online in Zoom Los Angeles 12 noon Sunday 12th January
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 2 p.m. Sunday
New York 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9.p.m. Sunday
Capetown 10.p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7.a.m. Monday https://zoom.us/j/7595442928
Tuesday 28th January 2020 Deepen Your Conversation with Loved Ones who
have Died- a 6-week course
6-7 pm EST (New York Time) https://zoom.us/j/814612953
Each hour will consist of specific content based on
Rudolf Steiner's teachings and Lynn Stull's personal
experience as well as questions and specific needs
of participants. For the first meeting, please bring
a journal.
Express your interest or obtain more information.
Lynn Stull, lynn@easinggrief.com, lynn@lynnstull.com
or Mary Beth Slivka, marybeth@evaluator.com See
video about Lynn's work
Spirit Art
We are meeting for the purpose of creating spirit
art with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9
p.m. New York time,
Next meeting after this week
Tuesday 28th
January 2020 https://zoom.us/j/8738817733 Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes,
CSNU susanbbarnes@gmail.com
Wednesday 29th January 2020
Online Physical Mediumship Experimental Group
Every Wednesday night with Rob Blackburn Times: 8 pm. Central time;
All are welcome to participate in an online traditional
physical mediumship circle. You must be in a darkened
room and be able to turn down the light on your computer
or other device, or cloak it, so you don't have light
from the computer
Contact the Coordinator to join: Rob Blackburn rkblack@mtco.com
Saturday 1st February 2020
Love After Life What meeting for: Rebuilding a happy,
fulfilling relationship with our **ROMANTIC** soul-mates
/ twin-flames who have crossed over. Dates of meetings: Every
Saturday (US TIME)
How meets (online/physical): Online via our own Zoom
Group, must be a member of the FB
group Love After Life Coordinators: Mary Beth Spann Mank
mbspann@aol.com & William J. William Murray
Claire Belton shared
this useful post in our online
Facebook Group. She
has kindly given us permission to share it here.
"Are people in this group aware that breathwork
is an amazing tool for connecting with crossed-over
loved ones? This type of breathwork is known as conscious
connected breathwork and is sometimes still known
as rebirthing breathwork.
I am a teacher and practitioner in Australia, and
for many years I have helped people to connect with
their loved ones with this technique. It helps to
feel and release the stuck energy and emotions, and
then to bring the ecstatic spiritual experiences,
raising the vibration.
My partner passed two years ago, and I know the deep
pain of such a loss, and I want to let people know
about how amazing breathwork is and that there are
many practitioners all around the world. I include
a link to the International
Breathwork Foundation where there is some information
on the breathwork technique. I personally have had
a number of OBEs since my partner crossed, and twice
have visited him briefly on the other side. I know
that breathwork is a powerful tool for both ADC and
can help with OBE."
the beautiful melody of one of the greatest LOVE SONGS
ever recorded, and the emotion and intensity the music
elicits. The richness of the visuals is stunning.
Relax, go to full screen, enjoy.
Lyrics of the beautiful love song SPEAK
Speak softly, love and hold me warm against
your heart
I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start
We're in a world, our very own
Sharing a love that only few have ever known
Wine-colored days warmed
by the sun
Deep velvet nights when we are one
Speak softly, love so no
one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make will live until we die
My life is yours and all becau-au-se
You came into my world with love so softly love
(instrumental interlude>
Wine-colored days warmed
by the sun
Deep velvet nights when we are one
Speak softly, love so no
one hears us but the sky
The vows of love we make will live until we die
My life is yours and all becau-au-se
You came into my world with love so softly love
we encourage and we publish many papers and reports
by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to
guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the
imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research
done by the researchers is done in good faith.