
Presented by Victor and Wendy Zammit
New Book: A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife



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Receive Friday Afterlife Report

 "Bringing light where there is darkness and hope where there is despair."

February 7th, 2020

Last week's report
and all previous reports

If a scientist is employed by a materialist organisation and is given the unspoken message that he/she must have nothing to do with the paranormal (with implied threats of loss of job, promotion, tenure, speaking opportunities etc.) he/she will usually become anti-paranormal. The world knows very well that any evidence about the paranormal will be automatically rejected by this 'materialist-scientist'. But there are other courageous,'non-materialist' scientists. They often do their work quietly, as a sideline to their main job. Or, like our friends at the Windbridge Research Center, they may struggle in a small non-profit organisation, with funding from donations from people like us.

Up until the 1920's, many of the leaders of the scientific and intellectual establishment of Great Britain, Europe, and the USA were very interested and active in investigating trance and physical mediumship, and telepathy. Pierre and Marie Curie attended seances. Sir William Crookes, the greatest scientist of his time, was able to finance his investigations of mediumship in his own laboratory, and Thomas Edison worked on ways to communicate electronically with the dead. Nobel Prize winner Charles Richet spent thirty years investigating ESP, mental and physical mediumship, survival of death, and hypnosis.

An expert on climate change, Professor Wadhams has undertaken 40 research expeditions to measure the arctic polar ice. In this discussion with Donna Smith-Moncrieffe, he talks about the pressures put on scientists to stay away from controversial subjects like parapsychology. He claims that, in spite of this pressure, there are many contemporary scientists who are conducting covert experiments in the area of consciousness while still maintaining careers in criminology, philosophy, psychology, physics, and other mainstream studies. Read more and listen to this fascinating interview.

THE LATEST IN ITC RESEARCH FROM SONIA RINALDI Sonia Rinaldi in São Paulo, Brazil, is one of the courageous researchers who work outside the mainstream system, producing brilliant results on a shoestring budget. She is one of the world's leading experimenters in afterlife communication through electronic means. For more than 30 years, she has been receiving voice messages and pictures of people in the spirit world. Here is her latest video from her laboratory in Brazil, giving us an update on her new equipment setup and some encouraging EVP comments from the scientist Tesla. Support Sonia's work with a few dollars each month by becoming a patron.



Like Silver Birch, the Buddha taught the value of subjecting your beliefs to evidence and reason:
“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” ~ Buddha

Many people think the beginnings of the Spiritualist movement occurred at Hydesville in New York State in the 19th century, but psychic investigation is much, much older than that. This 22-minute video traces its origins.

See the complete collection of Dr. Keith Parsons' short documentaries.


"When I [died], I found that the most foolish mistake in my life was my long, long terror of death. Year after year, I was afraid of it when I needn’t have been in the least afraid. I had much illness and suffered a great deal from worries, fears, anxieties, and bodily pain in my life. But at the moment of death, there was no pain. When I knew I was dying, I was just able to say: “Take care of little Tough.” He was my darling baby grandson.

But I wasn’t unhappy or frightened or lonely, for I saw my father, my sisters, my brother whom I had thought of as dead – and by dead, I mean asleep till Judgment Day. But they weren’t asleep; they were quite close to me. I could see them through a pale mist. So if anyone talks to you about the loneliness of death, tell them it is all nonsense."

Hilda to writing medium Geraldine Cummins, They Survive. Evidence of Life Beyond the Grave from Scripts of Geraldine Cummins. Comp. E.B. Gibbes. London, etc.: Ride and Co., n.d., 139.
Read more from Michael Tymn about famous automatic writing mediums.

Dr. Brian Weiss describes the soul as our immortal, eternal, authentic, enduring, and timeless nature. It's who we really are before all other concepts, including body and mind, and it isn't attached to material things or other people's opinions.

William Buhlman explains: "The primary purpose for the physical world is the evolution of the consciousness. The physical world provides this intense educational environment in order for souls to learn through firsthand experience. When the qualities of an evolved soul (love, compassion, fearlessness, self-sacrifice etc.) are acquired, the soul is then capable of co-existing within the highly thought-responsive dimensions beyond the astral dimension." (Adventures in the Afterlife p.231)

A PSYCHIATRIST TALKS ABOUT AFTER DEATH CONTACTS Dr. Daniel Benor used to think that people who had after death contacts were suffering delusions until he read an article in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 1988 that claimed that two out of three people experienced them, and that they are extremely helpful.

PHYSICIST LEARNS TO FORGIVE TO SAVE HIS OWN LIFE At age 42, Lester Levenson, a physicist and successful entrepreneur, was at the pinnacle of worldly success, yet he was an unhappy, very unhealthy man. After he had his second heart attack, his doctors sent him home to die.

Lester realised his emotions were making him sick. He began a self-investigation by asking himself what he wanted out of life. His answer was happiness. He realised that negative emotions made him unhappy and that he felt happiest when he was loving rather than being loved. He developed the 'Sedona Method', a technique for letting go of negative emotions which is still being taught today. See this example of how the technique works.
Within three months, he had become healthy again, and claimed that he entered a state of profound peace which he sustained until he died, another 43 years later. Read his book No Attachments, No Aversions.

Recently on our Zoom Global Gathering, Shannon Taggart shared some of the images from her new book Seance, a major 300-page photographic exploration of contemporary Spiritualism, documented over eighteen years.

"For those of you who don't do global gathering or other zoom groups, you are missing wondrous things. Today was another amazing insight. I hope you will consider joining and participating in these groups. To see what you missed, go to the recordings of these zoom groups that are listed in the Friday Afterlife Report. Such amazing teachers give such amazing knowledge. I feel bad you are missing out. These meetings are free and you will learn so much more than you would at expensive classes and seminars. Plus, you can make wonderful online friends with your same interests. Give the zoom groups a try. They will be a gift to you." Daisy Heidmiller.

VIDEO FROM LAST SUNDAY'S ZOOM MEETING: REV. JIMBEAU WALSH ON THE SOUL AND SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION Rev. Jimbeau Walsh is a composer of music and a musician, a Divine Love Minister who has married over 3000 couples in Hawaii, where he lives. He gives spiritual talks, leads circles of light in prayer, plays music, and receives Celestial messages. He has traveled extensively in the past few years, doing this spiritual work as part of The Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation.


Saturday 8th February 2020

Love After Life: Rebuilding a happy, fulfilling relationship with our **ROMANTIC** soul-mates / twin-flames who have crossed over. Dates of meetings: Every Saturday (US TIME)
Must be a member of the FB group Love After Life
Coordinators: Mary Beth Spann Mank mbspann@aol.com & William J. Murray wjmurray@design249.com

Sunday 9th February 2020

Mediumship Development with Dr. Susan Barnes.
Developing the skills of mental mediumship and blending with spirit.
Meetings: Every 2nd and 4th - Sunday
Times: 2 p.m. New York time Next meeting Sunday
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU susanbbarnes@gmail.com

Online in Zoom https://zoom.us/j/8738817733

Global Gathering: Our Speaker this week is Jurgen Ziewe
who will answer questions about his out-of-body experiences in the astral realms, documented in his books
Multidimensional Man and Vistas of Infinity.
Los Angeles 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Chicago 2 p.m. Sunday
New York 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Rome 9.p.m. Sunday
Capetown 10.p.m. Sunday
Sydney 7.a.m. Monday

Monday 10th February 2020

EVP/ITC Practice group
Dates of Meeting: Second Monday of the month
Next meeting Monday 10th February 2020

Time:7 p.m. Central time https://zoom.us/j/883983941
Coordinator: Eloy Flores LCSW efl2432948@aol.com

Tuesday 11th February 2020

Deepen Your Conversation with Your Loved Ones who have Died 6-week course
Each hour will consist of specific content based on Rudolf Steiner's teachings and Lynn Stull's personal experience as well as questions and specific needs of participants.
Time: 6-7 pm EST
Lynn Stull, lynn@easinggrief.com, lynn@lynnstull.com
or Mary Beth Slivka, marybeth@evaluator.com

Spirit Art

We are meeting for the purpose of creating spirit art with messages. No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9 p.m. New York time,
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU susanbbarnes@gmail.com

Wednesday 12th February 2020

Physical mediumship development group
with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan

7 p.m. Central time; 8 p.m. New York; 5 p.m. Pacific Time;
The group is now admitting new members.
Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Rob Blackburn (rkblack@mtco.com) andCraig Hogan (r.craig.hogan@afterlifeinstitute.org)


More details of meetings
Videos of past Global Gatherings

When Your Partner (or close loved one) doesn't believe in the metaphysical, paranormal, or afterlife - what next? Advice from a respected researcher whose husband didn't "believe." Carefree medium Susanne Wilson will be on Coast to Coast on Thursday, 6th February, 2020. Read more.

Jeffrey Mishlove shares some brief thoughts about the past, present, and future of the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel. He explains that, in recent years, his vision for the channel has expanded into more than just an archive for future students of consciousness and parapsychology. He sees this channel as a vehicle for the community of those who wish to help engender higher consciousness on the planet. He calls for volunteers to help in this endeavor; and he offers special monthly, interactive conferences for those who do so. Volunteers should contact Jeffrey at friends@newthinkingallowed.com.

Professor Chris Rowe has been co-operating with the SNU to set up a science lab at the Arthur Findlay College complete with EEG machines and duplicate some of the experiments on mediums carried out in the USA. Apaprently the experiments are scheduled to be ongoing for 5 years. Read more.

He and his team will be speaking at a one-day special event on Saturday 22/02/20 - Psi Saturday, from 10-4.30pm, at the Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, 25 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. £30 for 6 speakers on mediumship research, with lunch & a glass of bubbly.

See Victor on Video

* Subscribe to Victor's Youtube Channel:

* What Happens When You Die
Afterlife and Science
* Near Death Experiences- Evidence of the Afterlife?
* What You Must Know Before You Die
* David Thompson's Materialization
* Million Dollar Challenge
* The Afterlife on Trial
* A Lawyer on the Afterlife
* Suicide is not the answer* Religion and the Afterlife

* Ghosts- Randi and closed-minded skeptics when they die
* Zwinge Randi's Challenge Exposed ... Lawyer Explains

* Why Professor Richard Dawkins is Wrong
* God--the Evidence (Without Religion)
* Afterlife Without Religion

* Skeptics Demolished
* Afterlife Objections Demolished

* Ghosts- Randi and closed-minded skeptics when they die
* Victor Zammit speaking at Speakers Corner
* Materialized Houdini speaks to Victor

FEEDBACK: (Three only).

1) "The highlight of the week for those of us whose realities here are painful ones! Thank you so much to you both. Much love to you and Wendy. Please know how much we appreciate this." Maria

2) "I have learned so much from you, Victor. My faith, my understanding ...truly...that we are here to be kind ..to lift the burdens of others and by our actions make our soul proud of who we have become and the challenges we have transcended." Kaye

3) "Wow!! The Dr. Todd Michael presentation (January 10th) was excellent. I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you so much for sharing that." Marjorie New York


John Denver was sitting on a ski lift on Aspen mountain when the song "just came" to him. He wrote: "Suddenly, I'm hypersensitive to how beautiful everything is. All of these things filled up my senses, and when I said this to myself unbidden images came one after the other. All of the pictures merged and I was left with Annie. That song was the embodiment of the love I felt at that time."

You fill up my senses like a night in the forest,
like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain,
like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean.
You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

Come let me love you, let me give my life to you,
let me drown in your laughter, let me die in your arms,
let me lay down beside you, let me always be with you.
Come let me love you, come love me again.

You fill up my senses like a night in the forest,
like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain,
like a storm in the desert, like a sleepy blue ocean.
You fill up my senses, come fill me again.

Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.
