is always wonderful when we find scientists who are willing
to go public with research which supports the existence
of the afterlife, even though they know that in doing
so they will automatically be subjected to attacks from
the closed-minded.
Gary Schwartz has again stepped up to the challenge in
a new 514-page hardback book called An
Atheist in Heaven - The
Ultimate Evidence for the Life After Death?(by Paul Davids and Prof. Gary Schwartz - with John
Allison Ph.D) which describes in hair-raising detail more
than 100 different events, phenomena and synchronicities
that, they claim, constitute evidence of life after death.
Two top mediums were called in to link with the deceased,
and both received confirmation that Forrest J. Ackerman,
a close friend of author Paul Davids, was indeed behind
the phenomena. For the serious seeker, the book is an
encyclopedia of ways a determined communicator can make
contact from the afterlife. Dr. Schwartz contributes seven
very interesting chapters to the book, discussing the
evidence, skepticism, mediumship, and survival research.
The film which accompanies the above book documents the
wide range of weird things that happened after the death
of Forrest J. Ackerman. These include including inoperable
clocks chiming, phones crawling along a counter, a very
unusual CAPTCHA code on a computer, bowls moving themselves
across a room, many disappearing objects, meaningful spider
bites, voices from a dead computer, blue jeans dissolving
in front of many witnesses and many other strange phenomena.
The trailer for the dvd introduces some of them that are
also documented in the book.
Dr Vadim Svitnev, presented the results of his research
at a scientific conference in St. Petersburg. The following
were his conclusions which were supported by more than
three thousand audio recordings he claimed were with the
dead. 1) “God exists, and everything
in the universe happens according to his design.” 2) “There is no death in the universe,
there is only transition from one state of being into
another state by shedding of the dense human body; all
individual personality and memories are preserved.” 3) “There are intelligent beings
in the ‘Thin World’ (the less substantial
world) who watch us, listen, and record every thought
of any human being here on the Earth. That is why it is
so important to keep our thoughts, language, and actions
more than 20 years Marcello Bacci from Italy has been
using his old short wave radio to allow mothers to hear
the voices of their dead children. Now for the first time
we have access to a full video about his amazing ITC experiments.
Huge thanks to Marcus Lang and Shiva Rose.
Many researchers have visited Bacci’s
laboratory to test the phenomenon of the Bacci voices.
After investigating they all concluded the voices were
" In the view of the authors of this Report and of
all other knowledgeable observers present, this experiment
is of momentous importance in the history of psychical
research because the persistence of the voices in the
absence of the valves and during the interval when the
radio was switched off conclusively discounts any possibility
either of fraud or of the reception of stray radio transmissions."
the full report.
Cher claims that she contacted her
former husband, Sonny Bono, through medium James Van
Praagh. Sonny tragically died in a skiing accident in
1998. Although the couple had been divorced for some
time they remained close friends and Cher has said to
friends that she will always miss his friendship. After
visiting James Van Praagh, she says she was 'blown away'
with what she witnessed and has described her visit
as ‘an out of this world experience!’ A
little while after her visit Cher told a friend, ‘At
one sitting I felt a touch on my shoulder and knew immediately
that it was Sonny. It was his little trademark’.
Dr. Moody shares accounts of doctors
having NDEs and other spiritual experiences. He claims
that the medical profession is now taking NDEs seriously
and doctors are flocking to his lectures.
EVIDENCE: why do you call the evidence of materializations
‘scientific’ and ‘empirical’?
VICTOR: Excellent question.
The materialiations I witnessed
with medium David Thompson and the Circle
of the Silver Cord are OBJECTIVE and REPEATABLE.
When you and I mix alkali and acid, we get water. We
get the same results when we repeat that experiment
whether we are in the United States, in China, in England
or anywhere else in the world. It is exactly the same
with the materializations of the Circle of the Silver
Cord. Keeping variables constant, we get the same results
over time and space. NO ONE, no genius scientist, no
closed-minded debunker, nobody anywhere in the world
can beat objectivity and repeatability. Read
research reports.
'XENOGLOSSY' Religionists, skeptics
and atheists have continuously and deliberately ignored
xenoglossy - the ability of a person to speak or write
a foreign language they never learned. Dr. Brian Weiss
encountered a case of a Chinese doctor who spoke no
English but who began to speak English during a past
life regression.
Dr. Samuel Sandweiss encountered a case of a woman who
was suddenly able to write in Sanskrit, without any
previous awareness of the language - watch
is so much easier to deal with the loss of a loved one
if you have knowledge about the afterlife. We know that
the energy we call soul/spirit/entity does survive physical
death. On crossing over, the average reasonable person
will be met by someone with whom they shared a heart to
heart connection and then assisted to go to the realm
of the light.
Do not grieve too much for the loss of the loved one.
It is only natural to miss their physical presence. But
they are close to you and trying to comfort you. Continue
to talk to them and send them your love. Information transmitted
from the afterlife tells us that death cannot sever love,
because love is the most powerful force in the universe.
WHEN YOU DIE Those in the afterlife
whose work involves welcoming new arrivals, are overjoyed
when they meet someone who knows about the spirit world.
can imagine our joy, indeed, heart-felt jubilation,
when we go to meet some soul who has knowledge of the
spirit world, of its truths and laws, and has practised
communication with folk in these realms. Never is our
work so easy and so felicitous as upon such occasions.
Most important of all, never is transition so pleasant
for the principal person concerned than when all these
conditions prevail. Indeed, there is very little for
us to do actively in such cases. We merely rejoice with
our new friend. Such instances are almost a holiday
for us!" Hugh Benson through medium Anthony Borgia.
Maurice Barbanell was a
journalist who from the 1930’s up to his death in
1981 was medium for 'Silver Birch', a name adopted by
a spirit teacher who claimed to be the mouthpiece of a
group of highly evolved spirits.
When Silver Birch spoke, he did so with the authority
of the higher realms. He claimed:
“ They (the Higher Beings) use me, even as I use
this instrument (the medium) to tell your world the truths
that have been buried for too long but which are now being
restored and given their rightful place in the lives of
thousands of men and women… Hundreds upon hundreds
are assembled here…. There are prophets, seers,
sages, wise men of the East and the West, of high and
low estate, philosophers of Greece and Rome, Syria, Chaldea,
Persia and Babylon, mingled with those of later generations
from Italy, France and Germany. They exchange their knowledge
and focus it all so that it shall be at your service.”
James was Professor of Psychology at Harvard
University, a founding member of the American Society
for Psychical Research (ASPR) and president of the SPR.
He was responsible for the introduction of the greatest
American medium, Mrs
L. Piper, to the SPR and studied her mediumship
for many years. Mrs. Piper was a trance medium and her
body was taken over by the communicating spirits who
dialogued with the sitters and wrote messages to them.
That type of mediumship is most unusual today. Michael
Tymn has written a wonderful book about the investigation
of her mediumship called Resurrecting
Leonore Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife
which is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand
trance mediumship and mediumship research.
Read Michael's 'interview'
about the book.
You mentioned in the past that the Bible should
be updated. One of the reasons you gave is that it discriminates
against women. Can you be more specific?
Victor: We in the twenty first century
have advanced
in many ways, leaving behind the old morality. The Bible
is based on a social system which is some thousands
of years old from an age of superstition and aggressive
male dominance. The United Nations has enforceable documents
which give equality to women. Carrying out some of the
instructions in the Bible would now be illegal in many
countries. Below are just a few examples:
1. "Let your women keep silence
in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to
speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience
as also with the law." 1 Corinthians 14:34
2. "Women submit yourselves unto
your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord." Coloss.3:18
3. "Likewise, ye wives, be in
subjection to your own husbands". 1 Peter 3.1
4. "But if this thing be true,
and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel:
then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of
her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone
her with stones that she die." Deut. 22.22
5 . "Let a woman learn in silence
with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach
or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent."
1 Timothy Chapter 2
1. Victor and Wendy: Love receiving your
weekly reports, I've just purchased George Moss's book,
Cosmic Ascendancy, it's so interesting, very informative
& resonates with me. Many thanks,Rose H.
2. Victor, what a remarkable breakthrough
in ITC research! - a virtual phone-link with the other
side! Good of you to report it. Sometimes it's just good
to realize that... it's really true... the 'real world'
is coming! W.B.
3. Victor, great scientific Friday Report
this week. Many thanks for the plug. Just received an
email from Professor Peter Wadhams. He has been at sea.
Now he is back he is going to make copies of Sir William
Crookes’ 1874 report in 'The Quarterly Journal of
Science', the experimental discovery of the spiritual
part of the universe following his experiments with the
materialisation medium Florence Cook. There is a copy
at the Cambridge University library. Michael Roll.
THERE IS MAGIC IN THIS MUSIC A trip down memory lane
to hear a really sweet nostalgic melody HONEY HONEY by
that fantastic group of times gone by - the fabulous ABBA.
Time flies too quickly you say? Two of the ABBA group
are now 70 years old! This was ABBA at their peak. Most
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports
by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to
guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the
imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research
done by the researchers is done in good faith. ALL WORK