REPORT in 50 languages
including - French, German, Spanish,
Italian, Swedish, Dutch, Portuguese and Hungarian
- and many others. Be very
patient with the grammar of these automatic translations.
credible transmitted information tells us that
sums up the purpose of our eternal existence -
to continue to refine in mind, body and spirit.
Someone recently wrote: "I'm happy with my
soul-mate. Once we get to the realm of the light,
why should we do anything else? We don't have
to work, to sleep, to eat, to drink, to clean,
to keep fit. We will live in peace, love and harmony.
We'll be happy and in perfect health all the time.
We will go back to a younger age looking younger
with plenty of energy and with plenty of time
for leisure and entertainment. So why should we
do anything else?"
My reply:
"While you might be very happy in the Level
of the Light - you are not meant to stay in one
place. There is continuous, eternal evolution
of the mind, body and spirit - to enjoy hugely
better conditions as you become more refined.
Whilst you may enjoy the huge benefits in the
Level of the Light - usually called the Third
Level, you must NEVER forget to allocate a time,
a period, to make a regular positive contribution.
This is because you can do selfless service in
the afterlife - e.g., helping others less advanced.
And when you do more spiritual service, your spirit-etheric
body's vibrations (level of spirituality) are
raised. When your vibrations are raised enough
you will graduate to the Level ABOVE the normal
Level of the Light where conditions are so fantastic
we do not have the vocabulary to describe them.
And there are more higher levels to get to.
So, yes, you can enjoy all the wonderful benefits
of the Level of the Light - and you can stay there
for a long, long time - but never forget to make
a regular spiritual contribution to continue to
refine in mind, body and spirit. And we are hugely
at an advantage to have this wonderful knowledge.
Make 'continuous refinement' your own personal
MAN Jurgen
Ziewe began having out of body experiences as
a result of intensive meditation. For 35 years
he claims to have explored the world that awaits
us all after death in full consciousness. He
gives vivid and compelling accounts of meeting
his deceased relatives, of interviewing the 'dead',
and even of accompanying himself in a previous
life. As a commercial artist he has been able
to convey what he saw in pictures. In
his video presentation he shows images of some of the alternate
realities from the lowest to the highest he visited
in full consciousness. See Jurgen's
website and read more about
the book. FASCINATING.
Marshall talks to scientist Rupert Sheldrake about
dogma and delusion in contemporary science.
"Millions of people around the world claim
personal experience of unexplained phenomena,
which can be as simple as ‘knowing’
who is calling them when the telephone rings.
Mainstream science can provide no explanation
for this, other than dismissing it as mere delusion.
Rupert Sheldrake, after many years of investigating
telepathy, the unexplained powers of animals and
human precognition, believes that he can. "
more... (Thanks Lee
Corner for the link).
Even More Convincing Evidence
From The Survival Files - by Miles Edward Allen.
The cases presented in that book inspired the
creation of The
Survival Top 40, the only objective ranking
of evidence for the continuation of the human
personality beyond the demise of the physical
body. In this book, readers will find 18
highly-rated cases from the current Top
40, along with more of the intriguing conversations
between the author and the “old man”
as they explore the battlefields, streets, and
conference facilities of Gettysburg. These extras
include uncommon insights into such diverse topics
as the un-sinfulness of speaking with spirits,
the value of darkness, the advantages of antique
cameras, the susceptibility of scientists to conversion
phobia, and the relationship between spirits and
UFOs. Read
QUESTION: With so much evidence
for the afterlife, why is it that some scientists
still reject it?
Victor: The connection
with the afterlife has to do with how spiritually
aware a
person is - not whether one is a scientist or
not. Without doubt, there is enough afterlife
evidence to persuade the open minded skeptic-scientist.
Those who refuse to investigate the evidence for
the afterlife may feel that the highly materialist-commercial
funding sources would not like scientists investigating
the afterlife. But the critical thing is that
NO SCIENTIST registered with the American National
Academy of Sciences or any equivalent body has
ever showed where, when, how and why the admissible
evidence for the afterlife is not valid. Which
means the afterlife evidence is valid and will
stay valid until someone shows otherwise - and
this is not possible because there are critical
areas of the afterlife evidence which is objective
and repeatable - see afterlife evidence
Ayer was an atheist. Not just any old atheist—
THE atheist as far as millions
of Britons and others around the world were concerned.
In addition to establishing his reputation as
one of the great analytic and rationalist philosophers
of the 20th century with such works as Language,
Truth and Logic and the later Foundations
of Empirical Knowledge, Ayer had spent most
of his adult life putting the case very publicly
on radio and television, as well as in print,
for the “non-existence” of God. However
when he had a near death experience in 1988 he
confided in his doctor: "I saw a Divine Being.
I’m afraid I’m going to have to revise
all my various books and opinions." His family
also noticed a change in him. According to his
wife, “He became so much nicer after he
had that near death experience. He was not nearly
so boastful. He took an interest in other people.”
Tymn's wonderful new bookThe
Afterlife Explorers Volume 1contains a most interesting
chapter on the work of Sir William Crookes, the
most revered scientist of his day who investigated
and spoke out in favor of physical mediumship.
Here Sir William Crookes speaks after his death
through direct
voice medium Leslie Flint.
Kenneth Ring. (University of Connecticut) (pictured,
left) has teamed up with Cheryl Fracasso, Ph.D.
(Saybrook University) and Harris Friedman, Ph.D.
(University of Florida). Their invitation:
“We would like to invite you to participate
in a study dealing with some of the physical aftereffects
and sensitivities of near-death experiences.This
research simply involves completing some questionnaires
and possibly a follow-up interview over the telephone.
If you would be interested in participating, please
access the link below, which will take you directly
to the survey site:
Should you have any questions,
please e-mail us at: or
to Winston Wu for the alert to this program, BEYOND
AND BACK, which was made 34 years ago- far ahead
of its time.
In his recently-released book Glimpses of Eternity,
Dr. Raymond Moody,
who is known primarily for his pioneering work
in near-death experiences, explores the area of
deathbed visions and shared-death experiences.
In one chapter, Moody discusses a strange mist
that is sometimes reported over a deathbed. “They
describe it in various ways,” he writes.
“Some say that it looks like smoke, while
others say it is as subtle as steam. Sometimes
it seems to have a human shape. Whatever the case,
it usually drifts upward and always disappears
fairly quickly.” Read
more in Michael Tymn's blog post.
pointing out that a new "horror movie"
about the Enfield Poltergeist is in production
and due for release in 2012 or 2013. For
those who don't know the background, here's a
fairly factual account with interviews with the
SPR investigators.
People have asked me about
soul-groups and whether members of soul groups
meet up with each other on physical earth. That
is a very interesting question. Group souls or
'family souls' have nothing to do with blood ties.
If you find that you do get on very well with
someone you know over a long period of time and
that you tend to assist each other at key times
then it is likely that you could be members of
one particular soul group living at the same time
on earth for a specific purpose. This is likely
when there is work to be done to help each other
or when those who undertook to do certain tough
work need special help.
Are we who accept the scientific evidence
for the afterlife in the minority? Sean,
France. Victor: Some twenty two years
ago when I first started investigating the afterlife
things were nowhere as good as they are to-day.
Closed minded critics and the Church leaders used
to dominate the afterlife debate. But since then,
we’ve made – and are still making
significant progress. In fact, it is the Church
which these days is saying it’s in the biggest
crisis in history – rapidly losing numerical
support. But we are gaining all the time. There
is more television, radio, journal coverage than
ever before – and the supporting numbers
are increasing. Skeptics used to try to ridicule
the idea of scientific evidence for the afterlife
when I first started. These days I do not get
even one skeptic a year. I said it before and
say it again, there are now more people who access
psychics and mediums than go to Church on Sunday.
So NOT underestimate the significant progress
we are making.
'DETACHMENT': Advanced
about crossing over shows that it is important
that at the time of crossing over you are NOT
attached - psychologically or emotionally - to
anything on earth. We have to learn about 'detachment'
- from ego, from habits, from addictions. Highly
credible information transmitted from the afterlife
tells us that those who are very strongly attached
to a habit - or addiction - for example, extreme
chain smoking, alcohol or drugs - could have some
problems in passing onto the realm of the light.
FEEDBACK (3 only selected
1)Last week's commentary
" The Politics of Envy" drew
a lot of response.
" We too are supposed to be working toward
the better good by relieving society of its
overwhelming sense of death phobia. In offering
proof of an afterlife, grieving is easier and
the fear of death is diminished. Shouldn’t
we be supporting new researchers, while at the
same time appreciating those who broke new ground
– giving the rest of us permission to
speak out? Shouldn't we be there for one another?
Absolutely Carla, we could not agree more. This
work is far too important for territorial rivalry
and ego. Read
Carla's full response.
2) Dear Victor
and Wendy,
Thank you for being responsible for the cathartic
sob I am having. My darling husband traveled
to the other side almost 12 months ago, and
for some reason my tears have been few. Watching
the video of P.Diddy has brought on the flood!
Thank you for your amazing site, and for the
time and love you both put into your work. Love,
Light and Healing- Carol.
3) Hi Victor,
thanks for your weekly newsletter which I cherish
and save for re-reading. You are doing a wonderful
service. Presently I am reading the books of
Michael Newton who's discoveries have started
a spiritual revolution. It is about Life between
Life through hypnotherapy. I will give you the
link for his website. he goes much further than
Dr Brian Weiss. website:
MUSIC - played by Andrea
Rieu with chorus. Listen particularly to the
beautiful melody which has oriental motif -
most original and most beautiful melody. Visually,
the presentation is absolutely stunning.
Disclaimer Whilst
we encourage and we publish many papers and reports
by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position
to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept
the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal
research done by the researchers is done in good