
A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife

'Constant Contact' Award 2009

Hall of Fame Award

Victor and Wendy Zammit inducted into the Hall of Fame by the Australian Psychics Association 2011



10th Year of

afterlife report
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January 7th 2011

Should science be encouraging 'cryonics' - the allowing of wealthy people to spend millions of dollars to freeze their body so that one day with medical advances they may be brought back to a few more years of life? According to an article in the Daily Mail (Feb 23, 2009) already, hundreds of people have been frozen in vats across the world and a further 1,000 have signed up to have their body frozen when they die, including a few dozen in Britain. Others are choosing the discount option of just having their heads preserved.
This is the crazy thinking of closed minded skeptics who claim that consciousness does not survive physical death and don't take the time to investigate the evidence. It’s pure idiocy pushed to its extreme to want to come back to this dreary world after we die to perhaps live for a few more years when the open minded honest person can go to the Realm of the Light on crossing over. Highly reliable information transmitted from the afterlife tells us there you will be 100% healthy permanently; you do not have to eat, to sleep, to work, to shop, to cook, to clean, to pay mortgages, to put up with those spiritually retarded. A place where it is permanently 'sunny' where the light gives you energy 24 hours a day; a place where you will regress to a younger age with plenty of energy, a place where you can follow your dreams and develop your potential whatever it may be – in music, in literature, in art in anything your heart desires! Shed a silent tear for those ignorant materialists who refuse to investigated the afterlife.


Another organization that deserves our support is Association TransCommunication (ATransC) -(formerly AAEVP).

It has been a year since the name of the Association was changed from AAEVP to Association TransCommunication or ATransC to show that the Association is concerned with all forms of trans-etheric phenomena and not just EVP/ITC. ATransC is also an educational organization, as can be seen in the nearly 400 pages of the atransc.org and as will be enhanced in the new discussion board. Take a few minutes to look at the research page.

ATransC is one of the very few organizations in the world that is conducting direct research on trans-etheric phenomena. It is also one of the very few studying these phenomena without the assumption that they are best explained as a mental malfuntion. Learn more about how you can help to support this important work.

Brazilian researcher Sonia Rinaldi is the coordinator of Associação Nacional de Transcomunicadores (ANT). Sonia has been helping people by making phone calls to the beyond since March 2001. Parents who have lost children make an appointment with Sonia in advance. They are instructed to prepare ten questions. When they call on the appointed day, Sonia has one phone in her hand and leaves an extension phone open for those in the Spirit world to participate. The telephone is connected into the MIC jack of her computer and all conversations are recorded directly into the computer. The questions are asked leaving ten seconds between each question and the recorded conversation lasts about twelve to fifteen minutes. After the session is over, Sonia prepares a final recording of the session resulting in seven to eight minutes of pure dialogue between parent and deceased child. The parents are then able to hear their loved one’s voice and decide if it is their child who is speaking, identifying not only the voice itself, but also details and information which only the parents knew. Sonia has made 169 well-documented calls, all of them witnessed and under scientifically controlled parameters. Read more....


"Hi Everyone
After much thought and Spiritual contemplation and also many years of prompting from my friend and Mentor in the Spirit World William, I have finally made the decision to dedicate my time to work for the Spirit World on a full-time basis.

We have already had some amazing feedback from our many friends all over the world, with love & support on our new years venture. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a great 2011 on behalf of myself and all the members of The Circle of the Silver Cord.
Hope to see you all in 2011
Best Regards David Thompson"

" David Thompson is now available to conduct Public or Private Seances anywhere in the world. David is also available to carry out Private Readings, either face to face in Sydney, Australia or via the telephone anywhere in the world."

David would also like to offer private healing sessions and public demonstrations of mediumship with Christine Morgan, as well as workshops and lectures on all aspects of mediumship.

Bookings or Enquires for David Thompson
phone: Christine Morgan
on +61 411 036 963 or indiki1962@gmail.com
See David's international timetable (Switzerland, England): Silver Cord: Read more ... http:www.silvercordcircle.com

****NOTE WELL: There are still a few vacancies (2 places) left for recommended sitters to join a small group materialization session with David in Sydney on Saturday the 5th February 7pm and 5 places for Saturday 26th February- Northern Beaches, Sydney NSW. Contact Christine for details.

Characteristics of the Afterlife- A selection of tapes from direct voice medium Leslie Flint assembled for easy access to key concepts by R. Craig Hogan.
Some Segments Available Now

After-Death Communication from the Deceased's View
Animals in the Afterlife
Books Read Themselves to People
Creating by Thought
Difficulty in Using Words to Describe the Afterlife
Difficulty Speakers Have in Speaking to Us from the Afterlife

'AUSTRALIAN PSYCHICS DIRECTORY' - OUT NOW - newsagents- editor Simon Turnbull: meet the 2011 Psychic of the Year, Mitchell Coombes. Other 2011 Psychic Awards. Dedicated Beings, Louise Hermann's afterlife proof. The Monroe Institute. Interview with Victor and Wendy Zammit. Chakra Balance. The Ascension Process. Tarot. Use Your Intuition. Psychic Sensing. The Power to Know All. Top Predictions. Numerology. Your Year by the Stars. Pet Psychic. Revelation Through Regression - and more. From newsagents around Australia for only $5.95 inc.GST.

Albert Best was an Irish medium who moved to Scotland renowned for his highly accurate readings. He was the mentor to the famous psychic, Gordon Smith. In addition to being a medium, he was also a Spiritual Healer. He had a tragedy during the second world war; while he was serving overseas his wife and three children including twins were killed in an air raid on Belfast. Later in life he claimed that he had been able to embrace his materialized wife and three children during a home circle with a materialization medium in Glasgow. On his deathbed, he saw his wife and children in the room with him. Witnesses, including Gordon Smith, state that there were tears of joy in his eyes, and he told visitors: 'They've come, you will have to let me go. To which Ann Docherty, another medium present, replied: 'We were never holding you Albert'. He gave a last smile, and slipped into a coma from which he never awoke. He passed into Spirit on Friday 12th April 1996.

GORDON SMITH- Spirit Messenger
was mentored by Albert Best (above) and is also known for the detailed evidence he provides. In this reading we learn about some of the many ways spirits can make their presence known directly to their loved ones.

Rochelle Wright, a licensed counselor certified to use the clinical EMDR method of psychotherapy, was trained by Dr. Botkin in how to use EMDR to help people have afterlife connections. However, she then took the procedure in new directions that have a rich depth and meaningful connection for the experiencer. The new method is Guided Afterlife Connections. It is less clinical and more open to influence and direction from the loved ones now living in the afterlife. She added an audio component and extended timeframe to the procedure, resulting in more in-depth connections. The people she works with have very high rates of connections with their loved ones in the afterlife, and the results of their connections are life changing. Read more....

(The sound appears to stop a few times in the video; it seems someone has edited out the words of the token skeptics).

DO NOT GET CAUGHT SAYING TO YOURSELF, 'I COULD HAVE DONE BETTER' - ON CROSSING OVER. We have to remember that the level of vibrations of our duplicatespirit etheric body will determine where we go in the afterlife dimension. Critical information transmitted from the afterlife states that there are so many people who find themselves saying that they could have done so much better just by rearranging their priorities while alive. Our vibrations are increased and decreased by what we do not by what we believe. Those who are unselfish, who help others whenever they can and keep an open mind will be fine. But those who are selfish - even if they do not harm others - may find themselves in an ugly, unattractive environment. Selfishness and cruelty are two things that dramatically lower our vibrations. Unselfishness and service are the two critical things that will increase our vibrations. That is one "loophole" I was able to get confirmed!!!

QUESTION: When a person dies, what likeness do they retain? Could a husband be unrecognizable to a wife who passed on twenty or thirty years after? Could he progress so much that he was out of the orbit of his wife?

"You do not change your identity. You do not change your individuality; you do not change your consciousness. You grow in spiritual grace and stature, but you are the same individual that you were before - with your perceptions heightened, your faculties deepened. But, except for the disappearance of blemishes, defects and injuries, you are recognizable as you were on earth. You do not change your form, for all that is spiritual still requires a mode of manifestation, a body, a vehicle, an instrument through which the spirit must register itself. And that has always existed, that finer, more rarefied, more delicate body, while you were on earth." (S. Birch)


MOST INTERESTING BOOK: THE CONNECTION BETWEEN 'ALIENS' AND THE PARANORMAL: National Security Agencies around the world have always been interested in this.
Dr. Barry Taff, who holds a doctorate in psychophysiology with a minor in biomedical engineering, is a world-renowned parapsychologist who worked out of UCLA’s former parapsychology laboratory from 1969 through 1978 as a research associate. During his 37-year career, Dr. Taff has investigated more than 4,000 cases of ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists and conducted extensive studies in telepathy and precognition, which led to the development of the initial protocols and methodologies for what was later termed “remote viewing.”
His new book "Aliens Above, Ghosts Below" explores the possible causes/effects of paranormal phenomena beyond discarnate spirits, realizing multiple phenomena may be interacting. The final chapters cover everything from time travel, the holographic brain, free energy, theoretical physics and the nature of the universe -- and how these elements might lead us to understand paranormal phenomena. Read more....

Toward the end of his life Bob Monroe began to think of himself as a being of light who just "thought up" a body.

ON INTOLERANCE: RETROSPECTIVE APOLOGY BY A PRIME MINISTER TO BRILLIANT ALAN TURING Alan Turing was a hero- a brilliant mathematician, most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes. It is no exaggeration to say that, without his outstanding contribution, the history of World War Two could well have been very different - and it would have taken more years to beat Hitler. Sadly after the war he was put on trial in England for being gay, denied a security clearance and given the choice of chemical castration or prison. His death soon after was ruled as suicide at the age of only 42. The moving apology of Gordon Brown, then Prime Minister of England in 2009, reflects on how grateful we all should feel that the gas chambers and crematoria that marked Europe under the nazis did not come to replace "the galleries and universities and concert halls which have marked out European civilization for hundreds of years" and that homophobic laws are a thing of the past in civilized countries. Read more...

QUESTION: In the Bible it says that only Christians will go to heaven. Now that sounds rather extreme to me Victor, what do you think?

Jesus NEVER said 'only Christians will go to heaven'. Over the years now most Christians - except some extreme Christian Fundamentalists accept that anyone who led a reasonable life on crossing over with an open mind will go to the Realm of the Light, irrespective of religious beliefs. Those Christians who insist that you have to be a Christian to enter 'heaven' completely forgot what Jesus said to that man who asked Jesus what he must do to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said six things we have to do - but being 'a Christian' was not one of them. Jesus said:
do not murder,
. do not commit adultery
do not steal
do not bear false witness
Honor thy father and mother and
6. love thy neighbor as thyself.

THAT'S ALL! Remember also that the Bible has been changed many times WITHOUT AUTHORITY to accommodate the religious politics of the time. If you want to know more how the Bible was changed and other things about the Catholic church go to a very highly recommended: Peter de Rosa's VICARS OF CHRIST - The Dark Side of the Papacy - (SEE AMAZON for availability) where you will get shocked out of your wits about what really happened in the past in relation to the changes in the Bible without authority and other things.

For those of you who missed Wendy's interview last week it is now in the archives...

- the internet radio program run by Bob and Phran Ginsberg (pictured left) of the Forever Family broadcasts on BBS RADIO
7 PM Eastern/ 4PM Pacific Every Thursday Night

(11am Friday Sydney time) This week's topic- Afterlife Movies. Listen live.
NB- scroll over to the extreme right to access the download button]

This event is being planned by a group of renowned spiritual teachers, afterlife & interlife researchers, psychics, grief counselors and educators who decided it was time for the first official conference on the Afterlife. We have now organized The Afterlife Education Foundation and its first annual Afterlife Awareness Conference. The conference presents an opportunity for you to meet and learn from the experts in after-death communication, out-of-body experience, near-death experience, psychic research, grief processing and related studies. We hope you'll make plans to join us. Read more....

On our website www.victorzammit.com we are building a new section www.victorzammit.com/evidence - a multi-media introduction to the evidence for the afterlife. Hopefully it will be one of the first sections that people go to when they come to the website.
Check out the videos and learn more about children's past life memories.

Selected feedback:

1) Hello Victor,
I never thought you were a professionally trained actor. That Speakers Corner video is most impressive. It's great that a piece of Speakers Corner history has been salvaged. I suppose your acting experience came in handy when you were debating in the Courts. I would have loved to have seen you in action. Again, well done Victor, most impressive to watch. Charlie.

Victor and Wendy
: Best wishes for 2011.
I've just seen the report after a short vacation.
The new section "afterlife sciences " is fantastic.
...Again the very best information thanks to Victor and Wendy
kind regards, Johan

Hi Victor, Happy New Year! This global email that I receive each week and do indeed read through is so awesome! Thank you for your tireless efforts in bringing the world to the truth!! I feel so fortunate to be a part of this effort and global change. Jenn. Smith

by Brother Mark Dohle

may your heart grow more chlidlike,
seeing deeper than before
the closeness of the infinite
in whose embrace we walk
may your heart expand in compassion
for yourself
and those around you,
becomes the arms of God
to embrace,
and encourage
on life's rough road
that we each must walk.

The harmonies in Sinead O'connor's version of the highly spiritual - "Make Me a Channel of your Peace'. Close your eyes and just listen....

Disclaimer: Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. We accept the imputed claim that the afterlife and paranormal research done by the researchers is done in good faith.
