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Report for subscribers
February 19th
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Regularly, people ask me what they can expect when
they cross over. For
those who make it to the Realm of the Light - those
good, decent average folk, things generally will be
ever so
much better than when alive on earth. You will meet
your soul mate if he/she has crossed over. Love will
survive! You do not have to eat, drink, sleep, clean
where you reside - in a house you earned to live in.
You do NOT have to go
on diet ever again because you will get your body
the size you want! Nor do you have to keep 'physically
fit' - no gyms anymore! You will regress to your best
age when you were on earth! You do not have to wash
because where you live does not get dirty. There will
be no dust, no dirt, no wind. Always perfect weather!
You do not have to work for a living. You will be
in perfect health. Any kind of sickness and
any kind of physical or mental impairment
will completely disappear. You will have time to explore
things you were denied on earth - e.g. if you really
wanted to learn music - to play the guitar, the piano
or other musical instrument and become an excellent
musician, you will have all the time in heaven to
do that. You may really want to become a brilliant
singer - yes, you will have the time and the experts
singers to help you. There will be opportunities to
learn more about how to continue to develop your mind
and spirit. There is much more beauty in the realm
of the light to really appreciate. You will have time
to read and to follow your interests. And those who
want "promotion" to go to a higher realm,
will have plenty of opportunities for spiritual service.
The Law of Cause and Effect does operate in the afterlife
and we do have free will. So selfless service will
still have the immediate reward on your spirit body
- it will raise its vibrations (level of spirituality)
- because the higher the vibrations the better the
conditions even in the afterlife. Most
of us know, we are heading for a truly magnificent
weeks after he died a spirit claiming to be Montague
Keen, the eminent psychic researcher who co-wrote
a report on the Scole Experiments for the British
Society for Psychical Research, materialized through
the excellent mediumship of David Thompson. Montague
Keen's wife, Veronica, verified that it was indeed
her husband. He was someone who from 57 years of research
knew what to expect- but his words to her were: "it’s
everything that I thought it would be and so much
more. So much more, it is." And interestingly
he confirmed that the Scole experiments were everything
he had thought they were. Listen
to audio of Monty's first contact.
Read transcript.
ARE YOU? For quite
a time I have been asking the other side to send us
clear, definitive evidence for the existence of the
afterlife. We are being hugely and aggressively bombarded
24 hour a day seven days a week with hard
core materialistic, anti-afterlife propaganda throughout
the world. Accordingly I am asking again - perhaps
someone in the afterlife can pass this message on
to Montague Keen (see item above) or to anybody else
with the skills to organize some former high profile
VIP's to come through. I'm sure 'William Cadwell',
David Thompson's afterlife guide and organizer of
his meetings, will assist in such a spiritual endeavor.
For example I would love to hear former high flying
atheists/ agnostics like Carl Sagan come through and
to tell us in clear, resonant voices that yes, there
is an afterlife and that they were very wrong to mislead
many thousands while alive. Perhaps this is so important
that free will could even be suspended. If they are
asleep, WAKE THEM UP for this project!
It is accepted that many of those former high profile
atheists were were very decent people. Many like lawyer,
Robert Green Ingersoll, one
of the greatest orators of all time, were called
"infidels" because they argued against Christianity
and religion at a time when science and religion had
little to say to each other. However many have taken
their work to justify rejection of the possibility
of an afterlife. Their influence is still active now,
to-day especially amongst educated people around the
world. Let us give the Law of Cause and Effect a bit
of a push for everybody's sake! Maybe I am wrong in
making this suggestion. But I have been given intelligence
- and I would like to use my intelligence according
to how I see things from planet Earth.
the most controversial and brilliant scientists in
history, DrWerhner
von Braun, conceded some months before he died
that his science shows life continues after
physical death.
He was the scientist who directed Hitler’s rocket
and missile program and later helped in the U.S. missile
and space programs.
He wrote:
“Science has found that nothing can disappear
without a trace. Nature does not know extinction.
All it knows is transformation. …
Think about that for a moment. Once you do, your thoughts
about life will never be the same. .. If God applied
this fundamental principle to the most minute and
insignificant parts of His universe, doesn’t
it make sense to assume that He applies it also to
the Masterpiece of His creation – the human
soul? I think it does. And everything science has
taught me- and continues to teach me – strengthens
my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence
after death. Nothing disappears without a trace.”
I DIE? You may be a decent, honest
person – and have been most of your life on
earth. You perhaps may be at an advanced age. You
were reading the paper in the lounge room and
suddenly you find a change has taken place. You feel
much lighter. Your body moves in a slightly unbalanced
way. You may even see yourself ‘asleep’
in the chair. You think your mind is playing games
seeing yourself ‘asleep’. But that confuses
you because you are moving around. Next thing perhaps
your partner or someone you know very well comes into
the room. You try to talk to him but he/she totally
ignores you as if you were not around. What does this
between worlds.
In life you completely dismissed the possibility that
you would survive physical death – so you crossed
over with a very strong fixed idea that there is no
But now you find that you are still ‘alive’
…Your choice? Either to continue to refuse to
believe you are physically dead for eons of time-
perhaps staying in that room where you crossed over
- OR if you immediately realize you need help, open
your mind and telepathically call for help. Got that?
Call for help and save yourself eons of time in huge
ASK FOR HELP!! Afterlife researcher
R.Craig Hogan has created
a wonderful site called "Afterlife Communication"
which has extracts from direct voice medium Leslie
Flint. In these extracts the communicators talk in
their own voices about what happened to them immediately
after sudden death. "All of the descriptions
indicate that no one dies alone. Every individual
who passes away is met and helped to make the transition.
Those who pass away suddenly, especially, need someone
to help them realize that they are no longer in the
Earthly plane, although they are still seeing it and
sensing it as they did in the moments before passing".
Help is ALWAYS available, you only have to shift your
consciousness and ask.
Read more....
doubt, making contact with materialized spirits is
the greatest discovery in human history. Naturally,
people want to know more about materialization. Over
the last couple of years a number of people sent for
questions for clarification about David Thompson's
mediumship. We have consulted with David and Chris,
the leader of the David'sCircle of the Silver Cord and accordingly we now
have answers to twenty requests for clarification
about David’s mediumship
“Some of you do work … because there are
many that you can help in your sleep
state. But, usually, it is a preparation. You are
taken to those places which will help you to be ready
for your work when you leave the world of matter.
If that were not done, the shock of coming from one
sphere of expression to another would be so great
that it would take you a long time to recover. That
is why it is easier for those who have knowledge when
they come to our world. Others have to sleep and rest
for a long time, until they can adjust themselves.
If you have knowledge, then you pass from one state
to another and are aware of the new life. After all,
it is just like opening a door and coming into the
sunshine. You must get accustomed to the light …”
coming new to the study of the afterlife matters have
to be reminded about the difference between subjective
religious belief and objective evidence for the afterlife.
All religious beliefs about the afterlife are essentially
subjective - a personal belief, belief without evidence.
One needs 'faith' to believe, to accept what someone
thousands of years ago without evidence. Empiricists
and scientists will tell you that anything 'subjective'
is subject to being completely invalid. By
contrast, in empirical research into the afterlife
anything that can be duplicated over time and space
and which yields the same results, keeping variables
constant, will be classified as objective. When there
is an inconsistency between the subjective and the
objective, inevitably the objective prevails, and
will always prevail. For example, when the Church
said that the sun revolves around the earth, because
the Bible said so (a religious subjective belief),
Galileo stated, no it is the other way around - the
earth revolves around the sun (scientific fact) -
known as the heliocentric view of the solar system.
The evidence for the afterlife has now become objective
and repeatable.
The American military was so impressed with remote
viewing that they kept funding it for twenty years.
Would they do this if it was not getting results?
Read my chapter
18 on about remote viewing.
are those who believe that
if one is a Catholic and goes to confession before
he dies, he will 'go to heaven' with all sins forgiven
forever. One can then
enjoy the afterlife having the same
conditions as someone who was righteous all his life.
There are those who are cruel, hateful, jealous and
mean - who think all will disappear from their record
upon a Catholic confession or 'repentance'.
That is wrong theology! No one can change one iota
of the Law of Cause and Effect. Everything we do on
planet Earth will have an immediate consequence on
our level of vibrations and etheric body. Good deeds
will increase, bad deeds will decrease the level of
vibrations - i.e., the level of our spirituality.
The Law of Cause and Effect therefore has two functions
even in the afterlife: first, it changes the level
of vibrations depending what you do and secondly,
this law works with mathematical precision:
one day you will have to go through all the pain and
suffering you inflicted on to others - not to punish,
but to teach you about spirituality. Cosmic justice
will inevitably prevail - and no Catholic confession
can interfere with that - guaranteed!
SCEPCOP: Scientific Committe to
Evaluate Pseudo-Skeptical Criticism of the Paranormal.
This is a brilliant website where Winston Wu from
Hawaii is presenting the case against the pseudo
skeptics. Read
NEW ON YOUTUBE - videoed
two weeks ago.
week in Brisbane Australia a thirteen year old schoolboy
was knifed to death by another 13 year old- sent to
the afterlife before his time at prestigious St Patrick's
Catholic school. His death is a wake-up call for all
educators everywhere. ALL schoolchildren need to learn
to communicate without violence, without anger - and
to resolve conflicts with understanding, with finesse
and the ability to perceive a problem from both sides,
with peaceful, intelligent alternatives to find amicable
resolution. Guaranteed, those schoolchildren who learn
these valuable conflict resolution techniques will
have fewer fights, fewer disagreements because they
learn how to negotiate without violence a conflict
situation. Life on planet Earth is a life of conflict
- and we adults too should learn conflict resolution
techniques for more peace, more light and more love.
Check out the
Center for Non-violent Communication and Watch
the inspiring interview with founder Marshall Rosenberg
(small screen top left of the page).
... a materialization medium is someone who is able
to materialize spirits in the light only ..."
Victor: Wrong!
Afterlife investigator George W. Meek and others
agree that a materialization medium is any medium
who is able to fully or partially materialize spirits
(in the dark or in the light). The critical thing
in materialization mediumship is if spirits can partly
of fully become solid. I have met a number of materialized
spirits in David Thompson's materialization experiments
which makes someone like David Thompson a 'materialization
PHENOMENAL: I stated a number of times
that making contact with materialized entities is
the greatest discovery in human history. You need
to keep up to date with what is happening in materializations
– as well as getting to know more about materializations
through the some of the most spectacular materializations/
physical mediums who ever lived. I very highly recommend
you to subscribe subscribe to the most important journal
about materializations we have in the world to-day:
lawyer from the United States): “To
Victor Zammit, Esq., Greeting:
I wish to thank you for putting your legal
education to good use! René Descartes
did likewise. And I have tried to do the
same, having prepared philosophical demonstrations,
drawing from Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas,
for my children, their sweethearts, and
their friends. I have been able to finish
off the appeal of natural reason with the
empirical evidence which you have so usefully
gathered. I work in the field of forensic
science and medicine, and, in these endeavors,
got to know an excellent pathologist who
was the most joyful individual I ever met.
One day I asked her, "Doctor, what
is it about examining the human corpse that
makes you so happy?" She looked deeply
into my eyes, and answered, "Because
I know where they go when they die,"
then added, "And you know too, don't
you?" She believes strictly in the
scientific method. I referred her to your
website. I send my
Kind regards, John Remington Graham,
B. A., LL. B.,
of the Minnesota Bar.”
This e-mail serves five
purposes: First is to notify you of an addition
to the Survival Top 40. The new case, number
59, is titled “A Submariner Resurfaces.”
It is extremely evidential and convincing,
currently assuming the number 2 spot in
the overall case rankings.
Second is to announce the
culmination of a two-year-long effort to
make the Evidence Scoring System more consistent,
equitable, and easier to understand. This
has resulted in new values being assigned
to all cases, thereby moving many cases
up or down in the rankings.
Third is to request assistance
with a case I am currently evaluating. This
concerns the recalls by Georgia Rudolph
and Jack Turnock of previous lives as Sandra
Jean Jenkins and Tommy Hicks near the beginning
of the 20th Century. Rudolph’s story
was first publicized on Unsolved Mysteries
on Valentine’s Day, ten years ago.
I have this segment on a compilation of
the show’s episodes on psychics. Turnock’s
story was broadcast the following October
(episode #97) but I have been unable to
track down a copy of that video. Although
it was mentioned on the box containing the
compilation, the video was not included
on the disk. I’d like to view it before
I begin interviewing the case’s principals.
Any assistance in finding the video or supplying
other relevant information would be greatly
appreciated. (I’m happy to give credit
where due.)
Speaking of credit, my fourth
purpose herein is to thank all those who
have offered suggestions or corrections
to the Top 40 cases -- especially Loretta
and Donna J.
Fifth is to announce that,
in an attempt to ensure some continuity
to this project, we are forming a group
to maintain and promote the Survival Top
40 and similar projects that help spread
the word about Survival. The name of the
group is AECES, that is, the Association
for Evaluation and Communication of Evidence
for Survival. If you would be interested
in participating in this non-profit group,
please let me know. A way for all on this
list to help is to tell your colleagues,
friends, and neighbors about www.SurvivalTop40.com.
The more people who understand that death
is not final, the more peaceful the world
will become.
Best regards to all,
Miles Edward Allen
Special sponsorship - by someone who wants the world
to know all about the afterlife. Thanks G. Members
of this list can now obtain copies of my book A LAWYER
all you have to do is to pay for postage and packing
only: anywhere in the world send US $12 through Paypal
(you can use a credit card). Within Australia send
a $3 stamp. Email
or send stamps to P.O. Box 1810 Dee Why 2099 Australia.
Churches and spiritual groups are welcome to apply
for multiple copies sent via sea mail (cheaper) to
sell as a fund raiser.
AMAZING GRACE is a very special and inspirational
piece of music. Listening to this wonderful gospel
version by Elvis and watching the montage of his
life - made me think, "I wonder what's he doing
in the afterlife these days? We must not forget
that Elvis caused a revolution in music in the early
fifties and changed music forever. Some of his fans
may get tears in their eyes as they remember earlier
times. Over 9 million
Whilst we encourage and we publish
many papers by afterlife researchers, we are not in
a position to guarantee what is published is to be
the absolute truth. We accept the imputed claim that
the afterlife and paranormal research done by the
researchers is done in good faith.