Would it make any difference if all people understood the real nature of the afterlife? We hope that it would/will make a big difference! We only need to look at the life-changing effects of Near-Death Experiences on those who have them to get some idea of how transformative such knowledge can be.
1) First and foremost it would reduce the hopeless and helpless grief that comes from the false belief that we will never see our loved ones again after they die.
2) It would take away the needless fear of death, judgment, and hellfire.
3) It would take away the hostility between different religions and help people to realise that there are many paths to spiritual growth.
4) Once we realise that qualities like unselfishness, compassion, gentleness, and kindness prepare people best for the afterlife, our society will come to value and nurture these qualities and transform the world.
5) It would automatically reduce the work of the many millions of wonderful souls in the afterlife who have to counsel the uninformed on crossing over.
Al Sullivan was a 55-year-old truck driver who was undergoing triple by-pass surgery when he had a powerful NDE that included an encounter with his deceased mother and brother-in-law, who told Al to go back to his to tell one of his neighbors that their son with lymphoma will be OK. Furthermore, during the NDE, Al accurately noticed that the surgeon operating on him was flapping his arms in an unusual fashion, with his hands in his armpits. Later the surgeon was stunned that Al (who was unconscious) could have seen his idiosyncratic method of keeping his hands sterile while pointing with his elbows.
"THE SCIENCE OF CHANNELING" Helané Wahbeh, director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), uses the word "channeling" as an umbrella term to encompass all types of intuition and psychic awareness. Her background as a child is fascinating and she had channelers in her family and was a natural psychic herself. She provides a wealth of physiological studies that provide evidence that channeling is a real phenomenon and insights into how it works and how you can use it yourself to improve your life. She also advises discernment as not all information gained through channeling can be trusted, let alone verified." Read more.
The Cosmic Voices mediums Jeanne Love and Regina Ochoa are sharing with us in the Zoom Global Gatherings an incredible project designed to prove life after death. It began after the explosion of NASA's Space Shuttle Challenger in January 1983 which killed all 7 astronauts. The event was watched live by huge numbers of school children because it was part of the teacher-in-space project. In a channeled message through Jeanne Love (see next item) Richard Scobee, the Commander of the Challenger mission, confirms that the project had been planned by the group members BEFORE they had incarnated.
0- 6 mins -The meeting is opened by Jeanne Love with a "protection shield" meditation (available separately).
6-37 mins Dan Drasin introduces the film of a very young Jeanne Love in December 1968 channeling Richard Scobee, the Commander of the Space Shuttle Challenger - 11 months after he had died.
37min - 1 hr and 55 mins - Jeanne and Regina share memories of the channeling sessions and answer questions about the personal cost of their involvement in the project.
1 hr and 55 mins - Demonstration of stepping out of the group shield.
DOES SPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENT MAKE END-OF-LIFE TRANSITION EASIER? "The person who has already accomplished a certain amount of purification recovers his/her consciousness almost immediately because the person is already freed from the thralldom of materiality during his-her bodily life; whereas the carnally minded person, whose conscience is not clear, retains the impression of matter for a much longer time." (Spirits' Book, Alan Kardec)
This video above promotes the book "Messages- Signs, Visits and Premonitions from Loved Ones lost on 9/11" by Bonnie McEneaney whose husband Eamon, died in the attacks on the World Trade Center. A mother and former business executive, Bonnie was always skeptical of the spiritual world but after talking to a number of other families and friends of loved ones lost on 9/11, she realized she was not alone.
PROFESSOR ECKHARD KRUSE FOLLOWS IN GIANT FOOTSTEPS Professor Eckhard Kruse continues to bring fascinating new technologies into the seance room, producing results that "strongly challenge conventional explanations of fraud or trickery". In so doing he is following in the footsteps of Sir William Crookes, Professor J.W. Crawford, Professor Gustave Geley, Baron (Dr) von Schrenck Notzing, and a dozen or more other distinguished scientists who investigated physical mediums.
WHAT IS PRECIPITATION MEDIUMSHIP? It is an incredibly rare and beautiful form of spirit communication that includes images, writings, and even signatures that “precipitate” out of the ether onto a surface. Colorful pigments (most often supplied by a medium) are reformed by a spirit and laid down intelligently so that the final product has meaning to the recipient or witness. Neither human hands nor physical writing/drawing/painting tools are involved directly in the process of creating this phenomenon. The most famous examples are the incredible painting by the Bangs Sisters. Read more.
Internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading psychic mediums and admired by his peers, this spiritual teacher, public figure and author has published an impressive number of books about mediumship. Gordon has earned the reputation of being an authentic all-round expert in spiritual awareness and psychic studies.
THE DOUGLAS CONACHER TAPES Douglas and Eira Conacher were a devoted married couple with a publishing business in Central London. They were determined that whoever died first would try to contact the other from the afterlife. Douglas, 20 years older than Eira, died on June 6, 1958. A few months later, Douglas contacted Eira through direct voice medium Leslie Flint. They carried on regular conversations over the next few years and authored two books together about the spirit world with both their names on the cover (see next item). Listen to the conversation recorded on February 6th, 1962 where they talk about spirit guides. Douglas tells Eira about the infinite possibilities that we can experience as we move further away from material conditions.
"THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH" Douglas Conacher described his life beyond the grave through Leslie Flint. He talked about the existence of hospitals, reception areas, the conditions of newly arrived souls, architecture, and the effect that the mind has on colors that are used for architecture. He says that souls need to eat in the lower spheres but as they progress they find food is no longer necessary. Qualifications are required to be a teacher, just as on Earth. The way of life reflects life on Earth until one gradually becomes more developed and moves toward higher spheres. There is gardening in the afterlife and flowers grow as high as trees. People sow, plant, and reap in natural soil. He describes the extraordinary colors, perfumes, and the auras of flowers. Read more about skills and interests in the afterlife.
Matthew O’Reilly is a veteran emergency medical technician on Long Island, New York. In this talk, O’Reilly describes what happens when a gravely hurt patient asks him: “Am I going to die?” and talks about the three wishes most frequently expressed by the dying.
The Self-Guided Afterlife Connection procedure developed by Dr. Craig Hogan is a free training program that will teach you how to enter a state of mind in which afterlife connections can and do occur. They happen in 86% of the people who go through the training. The goal of the training is for you to learn how to enter the state of mind to connect with your loved one at any time, in any place. You won't need the meditation music or guidance provided during the training. When you sense your loved one's presence, you can quiet yourself and have a dialogue with them. Craig will be our guest on next Sunday's Zoom Global Gathering.
Saturday September 14th, 2024 / Sunday September 15th, Australia
The Angel Guidance Group meets every second Saturday of the month (Sunday in Australia and New Zealand) with Angel Medium Nancy Freier, Author of "Angel Guidance: Wisdom for Navigating Life's Challenges" and publisher of The Inner Voice e-magazine. Nancy leads the group into a growing awareness of those in the higher realms of Spirit and the ways they guide us through the lessons and challenges we face.
Each meeting is unique. We explore the methods of communication with The Greater Reality, share enriching real-life stories with Spirit, and discuss enlightening Q&As about the communication process and the messages we receive. You are welcome to join this angelic-inspired conversation.
Pacific time 11 a.m. Saturday
Phoenix time 11 a.m. Saturday
Mountain time noon Saturday
Central time 1 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 2 p.m. Saturday
London 7 p.m. Saturday
Rome 8 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 4 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 6 a.m. Sunday Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Steve Freier
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 852 4399 1209
Passcode: bck514
Saturday September 14th, 2024 / Sunday September 15th, Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study (SLIDS) with Ana Castro.
A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec, and Chico Xavier. See videos of previous meetings.
Pacific time 1 p.m. Saturday
Phoenix time 1 p.m. Saturday
Mountain time 2 p.m. Saturday
Central time 3 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 4 p.m. Saturday
London 9 p.m. Saturday
Rome 10 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 6 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 8 a.m. Sunday
Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday September 15, 2024/ Monday September 16th, Australia
Global Gathering: Dr. Craig Hogan The Self-Guided Afterlife Connections training that Seek Reality Online offers has been used by thousands of people to learn how to communicate with their loved ones in the life after this life. In this presentation, Craig will explain what the procedure is, show how it is similar to three procedures psychotherapists are using, and present several positive accounts by people who have gone through the training.
Pacific Time 2 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Sunday
Mountain Time 3 p.m. Sunday
Central time 4 p.m. Sunday
Eastern time 5 p.m. Sunday
London 10 p.m. Sunday
Vienna 11 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday
Check time in your city
Monday September 16th 2024/ Tuesday September 17th, Australia GOSH: Gatherings over Strange Happenings with Kim Parker When: Every two weeks on Mondays (UK EUROPE and USA) and Tuesday 7 a.m. (Sydney). A small group that meets to share and explore the meaning of strange experiences like missing time, seeing scenes from another time, interacting with a person who suddenly wasn't there, bi-location etc. If it's something you cannot share easily with others, bring it to this group to get validation and speculate on its cause. See short video about GOSH
Pacific Time 2 p.m. Monday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Monday
Mountain Time 3 p.m. Monday
Central time 4 p.m. Monday
Eastern time 5 p.m. Monday
London 10 p.m. Monday
Vienna 11 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday Check the time for your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday September 17th, 2024
Australian-based Physical Mediumship Development Circle (Dark Circle) Every week participants interested in trying to develop physical mediumship sit in a darkened space in their own homes for 40 minutes, relax, and listen to music. This is a long-term project and participants must be prepared to sit in harmony without much seeming to happen on the surface.
Pacific time 3 a.m. Tuesday
Phoenix time 3 a.m. Tuesday
Mountain Time 4 a.m. Tuesday
Central Time 5 a.m. Tuesday
Eastern Time (New York) 6 a.m. Tuesday
London 11 a.m. Tuesday
Rome 12 noon. Tuesday
Perth/Singapore 6 p.m. Tuesday
Sydney Australia 8 p.m. Tuesday
Auckland 10 p.m. Tuesday Check time in your city
Email for more information and the Zoom link.
Wednesday September 18th 2024/ Thursday September 19th Australia
Spirit Search and Rescue with Gordon Phinn
The Spirit Search and Rescue group is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 3 p.m. Eastern US time ( 8 p.m. London time).
Gordon is teaching the technique of conscious meditation to connect and assist souls needing help to complete their crossing over following death of the physical body. Each session contains an introduction, a period of around 15 minutes for conscious meditation (during which Gordon joins each group member in turn to observe their work) and then a de-brief session.
For more information about the group, contact You can see more of Gordon's astral adventures on his YouTube Channel
To contact Gordon about the many services he offers email Times:
Pacific Time 12 noon Wednesday
Phoenix 12 noon Wednesday
Mountain Time 1 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 2 p.m. Wednesday
Eastern time 3 p.m. Wednesday
London 8 p.m. Wednesday
Vienna 9 p.m. Wednesday
Sydney/Melbourne 5 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 7 a.m. Thursday
Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: David Wright
Wednesday September 18th, 2024/
Thursday September 19th, Australia Automatic Writing and Mediumship Etc. Discussion with
Sheila Lowe
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing
Pacific Time 5.30 p.m. Wednesday
Phoenix 5.30 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain time 6.30 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 7.30 p.m. Wednesday
Eastern Time 8.30 p.m. Wednesday
London time 1.30 a.m. Thursday
Perth 8.30 a.m. Thursday
Sydney/ Melbourne 10.30 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 12.30 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
[if the room is not open email Sheila]
Wednesday September 18th, 2024/
Thursday September 19th, Australia
USA-based Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Pacific 6 p.m. Wednesday
Arizona 6 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain time 7 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 8 p.m. Wednesday
New York time 9 p.m. Wednesday
London 2 a.m. Thursday
Perth 9 a.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Email for meeting guidelines and link.
Thursday September 19th 2024/ Friday September 20th Australia
August Goforth: Exploratorium.
August, a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in New York City, leads a participatory "Exploratorium" where readers of the book "The Risen" will be encouraged to offer ponderings and ideas on grief and growth. Free PDF copies of the book are available here.
This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.
Pacific time 12 noon Thursday
Phoenix 12 p.m. Thursday
Mountain time 1 p.m. Thursday
Central time 2 p.m. Thursday
New York time 3 p.m. Thursday
London 7 p.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 6 a.m. Friday
New Zealand 8 a.m. Friday Check time in your city
Organised by Sydney Northern Beaches Spiritualists. Every month an excellent professional medium from the United Kingdom, Europe oor Canada will be giving messages to people present in our Zoom Room, as evidence that life continues.
The meeting will follow a normal Spiritualist Church service format with the guest medium providing a short address followed by a demonstration of spirit messages. After the meeting, there will be time to share spiritual experiences, ask questions and make new friends. This week the guest medium will be a Scottish medium, Sharon Murray from Ayr.
Pacific time 2 a.m. Friday
Phoenix 2 a.m. Friday
Mountain time 3 a.m. Friday
Central time 4 a.m. Friday
New York 5 a.m. Friday
London 10 a.m. Friday
Singapore 5 p.m. Friday
Perth 5 p.m. Friday
Sydney 7 p.m. Friday
Auckland 9 p.m. Friday Check time in your city
Contact Paul Hinson
The meeting is free of charge but donations are gratefully accepted to defray church running costs
Local Donations to BSB 484-799; A/C No. 165 648 823
Overseas Donations - Swift Code METWAU4B
PayPal – Use
As emphasized by the Universal Spiritual
Brother & Sisterhood (USB), given that much of what
happens to each of us may not be the result of our own acts
and actions (SL topic 408), we should always strive to be flexible.
The individual who lacks flexibility, who cannot or will not
adapt to circumstances beyond his or her control—who
cannot or will not “correct what can be corrected,” and
“accept all else gracefully, graciously, gratefully, and
courageously”—often is a loser not just materially but, what
is vastly more tragic, spiritually.
“The storm that fells a thick and mighty
oak may not even bruise the slender reed
flexible enough to bend before its fury”.
The teachings from the USB have been
compiled into the book "Spiritual Light", published by USB
Vision Press.
SILVER BIRCH ON RELIGION “Religion is to serve the Great Spirit by serving His children. Religion has little to do with the conventional ideas of your world. Religion is that which enables the Great Spirit in you to be revealed in your life. Religion is that which increases the tie between you and the Great Spirit and between you and His other children. Religion is that which makes you go out into your world and give service wherever you can. Religion is service, and service is religion." (Silver Birch Anthology Chapter 10).
Zac Tavcar says: "If you're watching this you may have recently had to let your #pet or furry family member transition across the #rainbowbridge. To help soothe your heart and mind I want to share my experience of #channeling my #deaddog
FEEDBACK: (3 only)
1) "Oooh looking forward to this one! I find the work of the Bigelow Institute very interesting". Thank you, Victor and Wendy." Andrea
"Friday Reports are really a treasure and eye opening for those seeking what lies beyond the grave and a remedy to those who are grieving their departed beloved people". Chandran
"The Jurgen Ziewe videos/ interviews are always extraordinary and so informative. Thank you for all that you do each week". Elizabeth
INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC: THE ESCAPE CLUB'S "I'll BE THERE" A reminder that our loved ones in spirit are only a thought away and continue to love and care about us.
"I'll Be There"
Over mountains
Over trees
Over oceans
Over seas
Across the desert
I'll be there
In a whisper on the wind
On the smile of a new friend
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight
To be with you
'cause I'm on your side
And I still care
I may have died
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me
And I'll be there
On the edge of a waking dream
Over rivers
Over streams
Through wind and rain
I'll be there
Across the wide and open sky
Thousands of miles I'd fly
To be with you
I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight
To be with you
I'm on your side
And I still care
I may have died
But I've gone nowhere
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Just think of me
And I'll be there
In the breath of a wind that sighs
Oh, there's no need to cry
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Whilst we encourage and publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims.