COMMENTARY: PERSONAL EXPERIENCE CREATES CONVICTION When it comes to the afterlife, the people who are most confident of their position are those who have had a personal experience of direct afterlife contact. For some, it is a near-death or out-of-body experience. For others, it is an evidential reading with a medium or experience sitting in a physical mediumship circle. It may be a dream visit with a loved one, an after-death contact, or even a response to a question through EVP. And some have seen spirit since they were children.
Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross had a huge number of personal experiences sitting with people who were dying that took her to certainty about the afterlife. She then went on to investigate near-death experiences and physical mediumship and had experiences of direct afterlife communication all outlined in her compelling autobiography The Wheel of Life. She wrote: "We are not here to convince other people. I share what I know and how I verified it to my satisfaction, and those who can hear will hear, and those who do not hear will just be pleasantly surprised when they make their own transition."
VERIDICAL EXPERIENCES DURING NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES Many near-death experiencers describe exactly what happened to them while they were not breathing.They know who was present in the hospital room and what people were talking about even at a distance. Researchers call these ‘veridical experiences’. The Second edition of a book by Titus Rivas (Author), Anny Dirven (Author), Rudolf H. Smit (Author), Robert G. Mays (Editor) and Janice Miner Holden (Editor) contains over 128 reliable, often firsthand accounts of perceptions during NDEs that were later verified as accurate by independent sources. The Self Does Not Die: Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences
Some patients who have been revived following an NDE in hospital have been able to describe in great technical detail exactly what went on in the operating room. Dr. Pim Van Lommel tells of a case of a patient who claimed that, while he was clincally dead, he saw a nurse take his dentures away. A week later when no-one could find the dentures, the patient recognized the nurse and asked for them back.
In another case,
Al Sullivan saw his cardiologist, Dr. Takata, flapping his arms while in the operating room, something that would have been impossible to see or know about beforehand.
"Although I was a scientist and a highly technical medical specialist, I finally admitted that death is only an obligatory passage to an unknown destination. Unfortunately, the truth about the afterlife is not obvious to everyone". Dr. Jean Jacques Charbonier has written several books about the afterlife; one is available in English. Check out 7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife.
In another superb piece of research, Michael Tymn states "It wasn’t long after the birth of modern Spiritualism in 1848 that scientists and scholars began investigating the phenomena. Many of them started out with the intent of showing that all mediums were charlatans, but one by one they came to believe in the reality of mediumship and related psychic phenomena. A few of them sat on the fence when it came to professing a belief in the spirit world, but others were more courageous. Here are testimonials from the earliest researchers". Read more.
This book contains wonderfully clear reporting of the author's out-of-body journeys. Sculthorpe details many reunions with his wife and visits to the ‘brighter’ worlds of beauty, friendship, and simple openness. Also, he describes his experiences in the dull near-Earth worlds. Download free PDF copy. There is also a sequel called More about the Spirit World which is available from The Greater World, London.
If you are looking for a gift for someone special (including yourself) you cannot go past Jurgen Ziewe's Elysium Unveiled: A Visual Odyssey of Life Eternal. Jurgen began having out-of-body experiences more than fifty years ago and has spent hundreds of hours in full waking consciousness in what is widely regarded as our Afterlife world. This book is the offshoot and probably the only work that combines written reports of the afterlife with dramatic and captivating images, a first-of-its-kind, almost photorealistic renderings achieved with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
Keith Parsons has posted another outstanding you-tube, one titled "Spirits Talking: Can they be Trusted." It is 37 minutes long and includes references to many outstanding books.
FEAR OF DEATH IS A HUGE PROBLEM Mons. Hugh Benson, a former Catholic priest communicating by direct voice from the afterlife said: "Fear, my good friends, is what dominates the lives of most people who spare a minute to think upon their possible or probable state of existence in the spirit world, and that fear is carried with them when they come to dwell here for all time. Why should people have this fear? Whence is it derived? The answer is a plain one: it is years and years of Orthodox teachings that alone are responsible. The Churches for the most part exist in a condition of spiritual darkness, not darkness of deliberate evil, but the gloom of ignorance and they are content to remain so, and keep their 'faithful' with them."
('More Light' Anthony Borgia, page 19, '95 Ed).)
From the unconditionally loving welcome to the freedom to learn and grow how you want, the video goes through five elements of what happens in the first stages after you die, based on Swedenborg's firsthand account.
An Evening with Spirit
Cancelled owing to medium's health issues.
Saturday November 16th, 2024 / Sunday November 17th, Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study (SLIDS) with Ana Castro.
A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec, and Chico Xavier. See videos of previous meetings.
Pacific time 1 p.m. Saturday
Phoenix time 2 p.m. Saturday
Mountain time 2 p.m. Saturday
Central time 3 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 4 p.m. Saturday
London 9 p.m. Saturday
Rome 10 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 8 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 10 a.m. Sunday Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday November 17th, 2024/ Monday November 18th, Australia
Global Gathering: "Kabbalistic Views of the Afterlife: Ancient Wisdom and Contemporary Implications" Our speaker, Dr. Simcha Raphael, psychotherapist, author, educator, and Rabbinic Pastor, writes: "Does Judaism believe in the afterlife? Unequivocally, the answer is yes! Unfortunately, in contemporary Jewish life we have lost touch with traditional Jewish wisdom on the afterlife. In this presentation, we shall explore Judaism's teachings on life after death, particularly in Kabbalah – Jewish mysticism. Through discussion, story-telling and study of mystical texts, we shall explore the relevance of these teachings in dealing with the human encounter with death. We shall also discover the connection between Jewish teachings on the afterlife and traditional Jewish death rituals".
Pacific Time 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Mountain Time 1 p.m. Sunday
Central time 2 p.m. Sunday
Eastern time 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Europe 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday
Check time in your city
Monday November 18th 2024/ Tuesday November 19th Australia
Dream Circle with Kim Parker Every two weeks on Mondays (UK EUROPE and USA) and Tuesdays at 7 a.m. (Sydney). A small group meets together to share and find meaning in their dreams.
Pacific Time 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Mountain Time 1 p.m. Monday
Central time 2 p.m. Monday
Eastern time 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Vienna 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday
Check the time for your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday November 19th 2024
Australian-based Physical Mediumship Development Circle (Dark Circle) with Paul Hinson
Every week participants interested in trying to develop physical mediumship sit in a darkened space in their own homes for 40 minutes, relax, and listen to music. This is a long-term project and participants must be prepared to sit in harmony without much seeming to happen on the surface.
Pacific time 1 a.m. Tuesday
Phoenix Time 2 a.m. Tuesday
Mountain Time 2 a.m. Tuesday
Central Time 3 a.m. Tuesday
Eastern Time (New York) 4 a.m. Tuesday
London 9 a.m. Tuesday
Rome 10 a.m. Tuesday
Perth/Singapore 5 p.m. Tuesday
Sydney Australia 8 p.m. Tuesday
Auckland 10 p.m. Tuesday Check time in your city
Email for more information and the Zoom link.
Wednesday November 20th 2024/ Thursday November 21st Australia Spirit Search and Rescue with Gordon Phinn
The Spirit Search and Rescue group is held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 3 p.m. Eastern US time ( 8 p.m. London time).
Gordon is teaching the technique of conscious meditation to connect and assist souls needing help to complete their crossing over following death of the physical body. Each session contains an introduction, a period of around 15 minutes for conscious meditation (during which Gordon joins each group member in turn to observe their work) and then a de-brief session.
For more information about the group, contact You can see more of Gordon's astral adventures on his YouTube Channel
To contact Gordon about the many services he offers email
Wednesday November 20th 2024/ Thursday November 21st Australia Automatic Writing and Mediumship ETC. Discussion with Sheila Lowe
1st and 3rd Wednesdays.
Share resources and discuss what participants are experiencing.
Pacific Time 5.30 p.m. Wednesday
Phoenix 6.30 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain time 6.30 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 7.30 p.m. Wednesday
Eastern Time 8.30 p.m. Wednesday
London time 1.30 a.m. Thursday
Perth 9.30 a.m. Thursday
Sydney/ Melbourne 12.30 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 2.30 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Sheila Lowe
[if the room is not open email Sheila]
Wednesday November 20th 2024/ Thursday November 21st, Australia
USA-based Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Pacific 6 p.m. Wednesday
Arizona 7 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain time 7 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 8 p.m. Wednesday
New York time 9 p.m. Wednesday
London 2 a.m. Thursday
Europe 3 a.m.
Perth 10 a.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 1 p.m. Thursday
New Zealand 3 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Email for meeting guidelines and link.
Thursday November 21st 2024/ Thursday November 21st, Australia
August Goforth: Exploratorium.
August, a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in New York City, leads a participatory "Exploratorium" where readers of the book "The Risen" will be encouraged to offer ponderings and ideas on grief and growth. Free PDF copies of the book are available here.
This group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.
Pacific time 12 noon Thursday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Thursday
Mountain time 1 p.m. Thursday
Central time 2 p.m. Thursday
New York time 3 p.m. Thursday
London 8 p.m. Thursday
Rome 9 p.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Friday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Friday Check time in your city
THE SPIRITUAL PURPOSE OF HEALING Silver Birch is a beloved spirt teacher who taught through the medium Maurice Barbanell - read more.
"The healer's function is not to diagnose physical complaints which in too many cases have mental and spiritual origins. The function is to enable the power of the spirit to flow through him or her and touch the soul of the patient so that the disease, ailment or debility is put right, and then to kindle in that patient an awareness of spiritual realities. Physical diagnosis is absolutely unimportant and trivial." Lift up Your Hearts p.110.
THE POWER OF FORGIVENESS Best-selling author Wayne Dyer was a leading figure for nearly 40 years in the New Thought movement — a century-old spiritual school of thought that believes God is everywhere, individuals have the divine spirit within themselves, and one’s thinking has the power to change one’s world or heal disease. He spent much of his life until he was 10, growing up in an orphanage after his alcoholic father left him, his mother, and two brothers. Two years before writing his breakthrough book, Dyer found out his father had died and went to visit his grave. He recounted feeling outraged and angry until a sudden calm came over him. "From this moment on I send you love,” Dyer said, “And I forgive you for everything that you have done". The gravesite encounter launched his writing career and changed his life. Read more.
Allendale Prison in South Carolina to learn about the incredible program they run, in which inmates can care for cats and dogs from local shelters who had no room for them.
FEEDBACK (3 only)
1) "Professional Ehrman’s book 'How Jesus Became God' is excellent. Although I did not read the book, I did watch all his lectures on the book through the 'Great Courses' via Prime TV. It was an incredible eye-opener as I learned a great deal. I highly recommend it." Elizabeth
2) "I’ve been thinking today I need to focus on my own little world relish & enjoy it & be grateful for what I have & where I live now for my mental health & spiritual growth too I suppose…… mindfulness I guess. I do find the older I get the more weary I get of this crazy world." Kerrie
3) "I appreciate your work and have been following your Friday afterlife page for many years.
I am not sure, but I believe you have linked to the 80's news TV segment that shows Hans Otto Konig, and the short clip of Jurgenson talking on the TV. I find this bit of afterlife evidence stupefying, and even more so that it was covered on the news. I also find it odd that more is not made of this particular clip. It's an astonishing thing.
Was it eventually discarded as "fraud" by the scientific community?
Can you tell me any more about this?"
Can anyone help Sara with more information?
One reviewer wrote this about Eva Cassidy:
"Imagine just stumbling into this club and hearing the greatest singer. Shocking transcendent beyond perfection."
Another said "I've heard Nat King Cole, Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald sing this song...beautifully. They sang it. This woman owned it. She took it apart, re-assembled it, infused it with her soul, her passions, her dreams, and gave it to us. It was as if I had never heard it before. She not only gave something new to me, she drew something out of me. Her love for song aroused my love for listening. She danced with a sense. I am touched. RIP Eva."
Lyrics: Autumn Leaves
The falling leaves drift by my window
The falling leaves of red and gold
I see your lips the summer kisses
The sunburned hands I used to hold
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall
Since you went away the days grow long
And soon I'll hear old winter's song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall
I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall