COMMENTARY: A TIME FOR REFLECTION Our very warmest wishes to all of our subscribers for Christmas, Hanukkah, and all the celebrations of family, community, and culture that take place at this special time of the year. Many of us will enjoy reunions with family and friends. Those on the spiritual path know very well that these are just a preview of the reunions that we will experience when we reunite with our crossed-over loved ones at the end of this tiny episode in our eternal existence.
Our special wishes also go out to those for whom the holidays are challenging. But whatever our situation, at this time of year and at all times, we still have reason to express gratitude. Why? Because we are part of an extraordinary ongoing evolutionary adventure. As Silver Birch puts it so well: "Realise that you belong to eternity, You are but pilgrims treading a temporary passage through life".
We are assured that however difficult, the opportunity of a physical life is an enormous spiritual gift. Those in spirit are applauding us for having the courage to be here at this time and are cheering us on.
DIRECTLY FROM THE AFTERLIFE “You will all live after you have ‘died’, and you will not realize until then what it is to live or to feel the real glory of life untrammeled, free to rejoice in liberty of spirit which your imprisoned souls cannot understand today … all the experiences which you like least of all - the sadness, the bitterness, the tears, the disappointments, the suffering and the pain - these are very valuable for your souls …But you cannot realize that at the time. It is only when you can look back on the whole, and not judge by the part, that you can get a clear picture of the value of life. Through all your adversities the character is tried. Through tears and sorrow the soul is strengthened … How very simple are these great truths, so simple that they are beyond many of your intellectuals!". (Light from Silver Birch p. 69).
Michael Tymn reports what Silver Birch has said on the matter. "At what might be called retreats here on earth, these advanced spirits take counsel from even higher spirits, share experiences, learn how far they have succeeded or failed, and formulate plans for future missions. Among those higher spirits who give counsel, he said, “is the great figure of the Nazarene, who is still imbued with the task of teaching humanity age-old truth enshrined in all that we seek to do, that love is the fulfilling of the law.” Read more.
THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE OF RICHARD ALLYN Richard had a near-death experience after an auto accident. His biggest memory was that "the love was unbelievable - it is who we are."
TOP TEN THINGS MOST DEAD PEOPLE WANT YOU TO KNOW 1. They're not dead. 2. They are fine. 3. They miss their loved ones. 4. They are now in perfect health. 5. Life there is hugely better there than on earth. 6. They hate to see their loved ones grieving. 7. There's no such thing as a devil or hell. 8. They wish they had told their loved ones that they loved them more often. 9. They are sorry for any pain they caused.
10. They look forward to a happy reunion when the time comes.
INCLUDE YOUR ABSENT LOVED ONES IN YOUR HOLIDAY Sheri Perl, author of 'Lost and Found: A Mother connects up with her Son in Spirit' has this advice for bereaved parents coping with the holidays: "On holidays and special occasions, set a place at the table or remember to make a toast to this person. Acknowledge the elephant in the room by bringing it right out into the open. If you're not afraid to talk about your loved one, friends and family won't be either. And if they are, at least you are setting the right example by putting your loved one front and center".
She quotes Raymond, son of Sir Oliver Lodge, who died in World War I: "Father, tell Mother she has her son with her all day on Christmas Day. There will be thousands of us back in the homes on that day, but the horrid part is that so many of the fellows don't get welcomed. Please keep a place for me".
Out-of-Body experiencer and highly recommended writer William Buhlman dealt firsthand with disbelief from a loved one when he tried to explain his repeated out-of-body experiences to his mother. He also talks about the book "Beyond The Astral: Metaphysical Short Stories".
LIFE AND TEACHING OF THE MASTERS OF THE FAR EAST (VOLUME 1) In 1894 Baird T. Spalding was one of a research party of eleven scientists that travelled to India, India, Tibet, China, and Persia. During their trip they claim to have made contact with "the Great Masters of the Himalayas", immortal beings with whom they lived and studied, gaining a fascinating insight into their lives and spiritual message. This close contact enabled them to witness many of the spiritual principles that these Great Masters translated into their everyday lives, which could be described as 'miracles'. Such examples are walking on water, manifesting bread to feed the hungry party, and even transporting themselves great distances. Download a copy of Spalding's 1924 book.
In the year 1949 great excitement developed around Bruno Gröning who was described in the media as a miracle healer. Even people diagnosed as incurable swore by his power to heal. But his activities were soon prohibited by the authorities. So, instead, he began to lecture about wellness and people were still healed without him touching them. Below is a short (7-minute) introduction to his life and work.
SOME OF GROENING'S HEALING PRINCIPLES Bruno Gröning taught that the human body is constantly surrounded by healing waves that only have to be absorbed. To absorb them, the person seeking help sits with hands open, palms facing up. Their arms and legs are not crossed, as crossing them blocks the free flow of the healing stream. Thoughts about illness and personal problems have an inhibiting effect, while thoughts about something pleasant are beneficial ...This is why it is essential for the person concerned not to dwell on his illness, but, rather, to believe that for God, no illness is incurable. Read more.
1) Do prayers help against war?
2) What is our connection to our pets after death?
3) What is the difference between lucid dreams and astral travel?
Coral was an artist and a skeptic but she went on to draw more than 60,000 portraits of spirits. Read more about Coral's work.
Members of The Afterlife Book Club are currently reading Spectral Evidence III, by Riley Heagerty. A free PDF copy is available here, courtesy of the author. A discussion about the book will take place on the first Thursday in January.
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study is taking a break and will be back and resuming regular activities on Saturday January 21st 2023.
Sunday December 25th USA/ Monday December 26th Australia
A CHRISTMAS INVITATION As usual, Wendy and Karyn will be opening our zoom room for people to drop by and say hello at the normal time of the Global Gathering. There won't be anything structured, just an opportunity to share experiences with like-minded friends who share your values and understand where you are coming from. Come for a quick visit or pull up a chair and stay and chat.
Pacific Time 12 noon Sunday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Sunday
Mountain Time 1 p.m. Sunday
Central time 2 p.m. Sunday
Eastern time 3 p.m. Sunday
London 8 p.m. Sunday
Amsterdam 9 p.m. Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Monday Check the time for your city
Co-ordinators: and
Monday December 26th 2022 /Tuesday December 27th Australia KIM PARKER'S GATHERINGS OVER STRANGE HAPPENINGS A small group that meets to share and explore the meaning of strange experiences like missing time, seeing scenes from another time, interacting with a person who suddenly wasn't there, bi-location etc. If it's something you cannot share easily with others, bring it to this group to get validation and speculate on its cause. See short video about GOSH
Pacific Time 12 noon Monday
Phoenix 1 p.m. Monday
Mountain Time (MDT) 1 p.m. Monday
Central time 2 p.m. Monday
Eastern time 3 p.m. Monday
London 8 p.m. Monday
Amsterdam 9 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday Check the time for your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday December
27th 2022/Wednesday December 28th Australia
Spirit Artwith Susan Barnes We are meeting to create spirit art with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Pacific Time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Phoenix time 7 p.m. Tuesday
Mountain Time 7 p.m. Tuesday
Central Time 8 p.m. Tuesday
Eastern Time (New York) 9 p.m. Tuesday
London 2 a.m. Wednesday
Sydney/Melbourne 1 p.m. Wednesday
New Zealand 3 p.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Wednesday December 28th 2022/ Thursday December 29th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena. This is a long-term commitment.
Pacific time 6 p.m. Wednesday
Phoenix 7 p.m.
Mountain time 7 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 8 p.m. Wednesday
New York time 9 p.m. Wednesday
London 2 a.m. Thursday
Amsterdam 3 a.m. Thursday
Perth 10 a.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 1 p.m. Thursday
New Zealand 3 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city
Contact Rob Blackburn ( or Craig Hogan ( before joining the group.
A CHRISTMAS TREE SEANCE One of the most popular events in Spiritualism was the annual Christmas Tree Party for spirit children held by Leslie Flint at his home in Bayswater, London. Presents were provided for spirit children. As was usual in physical mediumship, everyone sat in darkness. The people present would hear squeals of delight as the spirit children would arrive and begin unwrapping the presents under the tree and start playing with them. At the end of the seance, the presents were still there among the wrappings; they would be gathered up and given to a local hospital. And because the spirit children now had a memory of them, they were able to create an astral copy of their present when they returned to the spirit word. Other physical mediums follow this tradition even today. Listen to a recording of a Leslie Flint party held at Christmas 1973.
Many people tell us that when they have a life review, the thing that gives them the most satisfaction is seeing the positive effects that their small random acts of kindness had on others.
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Enjoy "A Christmas Memory"| FULL MOVIE | 1997 | Holiday, Drama | Patty Duke.
FEEDBACK: 3 only
1) "Just want to thank you for the time and effort you put into making the Friday newsletter available to all. I learn so much. Thank you".
" 'Pilgrims treading a temporary passage through life’
Love this!".
3) "What I've learned from so much research into the afterlife is the emphasis on service to others. No real civilization can flourish if it is based solely on people advancing their own interests. Our talent comes to its fruition when we further the wellbeing and happiness of all people as much as our ability can manage". Carolyn
A SWEET CHRISTMAS SONG: CLIFF RICHARD'S 'MISTLETOE AND WINE' We love the line in this song "time to rejoice in the good that we see."
Originally written for the musical Scraps, an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Match Girl, the writers intended it to be sung by well-to-do carol singers who are indifferent to the fate of the starving little match girl, despite the words they sing. Cliff Richard liked the song but changed the lyrics to make it more religious. It became his twelfth UK number-one single, spending four weeks at the top in December 1988.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHTED BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.