For more than 150 years many courageous sensitives, scientists, and psychic researchers have set out to use scientific method to investigate the evidence for the afterlife and what conditions in the afterlife are like. In the face of opposition from religion, materialist science, and the popular press they have investigated death-bed visions, healing, telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. They have spent decades sitting with, and testing, physical mediums, trance mediums, and mental mediums. Many developed the ability to become mediums themselves. Some had out-of-body experiences. Collectively they have confirmed the findings of every culture that has ever existed on Earth - that our life does not end with physical death. Read more about scientists who investigated. One such scientist is Dr. Robert Crookall, D.Sc., Ph.D. He was amazed at the consistency of the evidence coming from thousands of different afterlife contacts in every country and continent – from Brazil, England, South Africa, Tibet, Europe, India and from Australia. He was also amazed at the consistency of the evidence coming from different areas of research, especially from out-of-body experiences on which he became an authority.
DR. ROBERT CROOKALL EXPLAINED WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIE Unlike many of the early scientists, Dr. Crookall's focus was on the consistency of descriptions of conditions in the afterlife through mediums and out-of-body experiences. In his book The Supreme Adventure published in 1961, Dr. Robert Crookall analyzed significant communications from the spirit world which were available from a wide variety of written sources. This was a fantastic achievement, especially at a time before word processors and the internet. The collective results are:
1) an afterlife description with a high degree of credibility because so many sources contributed the same information even though they were independently produced
2) strong evidence for the existence of an afterlife for the same reason--an intellectually consistent set of statements derived from many independent sources. Read a summary of his findings.
A PIONEER AFTERLIFE RESEARCHER EMMANUEL SWEDENBORG Emmanuel Swedenborg who was born in Sweden in 1688 was one of the leading scientists of his day. Swedenborg was also a very highly gifted clairvoyant who spent more than twenty years investigating other dimensions. He claimed that he regularly spoke with people after they had died and wrote volumes about what today would be called his out-of-body experiences, including very detailed descriptions of the afterlife.
At a time when the Christian churches were teaching that the afterlife
consisted of heaven, hell, and purgatory, Swedenborg claimed that it was neither heaven nor hell, but a very earth-like situation in between. "In the spiritual world, people have bodies, live in houses, enjoy community life, and are surrounded by landscapes like those of Earth, with familiar plants and animals. However, things work very differently in spiritual reality. Everything there is vivid and much more alive. What we see responds to what we are thinking. We always have all the time we need. Particular individuals are only as near or as far away as our thoughts of them, and thinking of a person or place can actually bring us there". Read more.
In the 1980s George Meek conducted a 10-year self-funded investigation of evidence for the afterlife with special attention to a new and emerging area, electronic communication with other dimensions. In this lecture, recorded in Colorado in 1991 at the International Forum On New Science, George discusses his findings on life after death.
WHY IS THE AFTERLIFE LIKE THE EIFFEL TOWER? Afterlife researcher Michael Tymn writes a compelling explanation of the difficulties in communicating with spirits on different levels in the afterlife. This is based upon the explanation of Imperator, the leader of a group of higher-level teachers in spirit, who guided British medium, Stainton Moses.
If you are interested in finding out in what ways the Eifel Tower is like the Afterlife environment, why a medium cannot locate the debris field of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, and why overcoming adversity is the best way to learn and spiritually evolve, read more.
It seems likely that NDEs have been happening much more often in the last few decades because of medical advances, as more people are being brought back from the brink of death. However many people who have these life-changing experiences are still being shut down by the materialists. This is what happened to Jose Hernandez whose life was changed when he was introduced to IANDS and learned that he was not the only one who had a magnificent NDE.
Register TODAY!
Discount prices end August 8th Learn more.
CONTEMPORARY OUT-Of-BODY EXPERIENCERS Over the last 50 years, there has been an explosion in people learning to induce out-of-body experiences, some of which lead to exploration of other dimensions, including the astral levels. "Consciousness Beyond the Body" presents the latest theories, research, and applications of out-of-body experiences (OBEs.) As a modern compilation on the topic, the book aims to meld contemporary scientific evidence with the latest and most compelling practical applications of OBEs. Contributors: Nelson Abreu, Luis Minero, Ed Kellogg, Ryan Hurd, Robert Peterson, Preston Dennett, Graham Nicholls, Jurgen Ziewe, Clare Johnson, Robert Waggoner, Alexander De Foe, Natasha Tassell-Matamua, and Anthony Peake.
WILLIAM BUHLMAN: OBE AND NDE EXPERT William Buhlman states he has been having out-of-body experiences for more than 40 years. He has been teaching courses on how to have an out-of-body experience in Europe and at The Monroe Institute for several years. His first book Adventures Beyond the Body (1996) explains how to have an OBE. His second book The Secret of the Soul—Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature (2001) deals with some of the different kinds of OBEs both positive and unwelcome. He talks about OBEs in children, OBEs caused by combat and trauma, meeting loved ones in the afterlife, and transformational experiences. His book has excellent chapters on the history of OBEs and on how to have an OBE. He also discusses what can be expected from an OBE and what the benefits are. His bookAdventures in the Afterlife (2013) explains what happens when you die and suggests how you can prepare for a good transition.
William Buhlman's Higher Self Now!: Accelerating Your Spiritual Evolution (2016)
is a powerful affirmation for immediate spiritual liberation; a modern guidebook for personal transformation. Learn about the unseen nature of our existence, the continuing evolution of the soul after death and how to navigate thought-responsive realities.
INNER VOICE MAGAZINE AUGUST 2023 The August edition of Nancy Freier's beautiful monthly magazine is now out. Of special relevance to our discussion of the nature of the afterlife is a response from the angelic realm to a reader's question on the existence of heaven and hell and how we have a role in creating our experience here as well as in the hereafter. Also featured are: "5 Things That Happen When You Die" by James VanPraagh. Read online now
AN UPDATE ON THE ANNI NANJI TAPES Karl Jackson Barnes, one of the trustees of the Leslie Flint Trust writes:
"Hi Victor, thanks for including so much Leslie Flint material this week After a recent audit, I discovered there were over 80 Nanji communications recorded. I've uploaded 26 of them so far, and 21 others are currently in the pipeline. The others are unaccounted for at present".
If you enjoy the Leslie Flint tapes and would like to make an invaluable contribution to afterlife knowledge by transcribing the words of a tape not yet processed contact LESLIEFLINTTRUST@OUTLOOK.COM.
Thursday August 3rd 2023/ Friday Augst 4th Australia
Afterlife Book Club with Gary Langley
1st Thursday of the month at 5 p.m. California time. Book of the month for August Bill and Judy Guggenheim's Hello From Heaven.
Saturday August 5th 2023 / Sunday August 6th Australia
Spiritist Literature: Directed Study with Ana Castro.
A free Zoom group about Spiritism, Kardec, and Chico Xavier. See videos of previous meetings
Pacific time 1 p.m. Saturday
Phoenix time 1 p.m. Saturday
Mountain time 2 p.m. Saturday
Central time 3 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 4 p.m. Saturday
London 9 p.m. Saturday
Rome 10 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 6 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 8 a.m. Sunday
Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Ana Castro
Just click this link to join.
Sunday August 6th 2023 / Monday August 7th Australia
Global Gathering - The visionary art of Syann Hamden Syann began to develop as a deep trance medium, working with Spirit people in her late teens, and has slowly developed a working relationship with the extraterrestrial Zeta race over the last 15 years (see her work with Paul Hamden in the Zeta Connection). Working in a lightly-altered state, the Zetas often work through Syann to produce ‘channelled’ art. As she paints, the Zetas embed the imagery she creates with their energy. More recently, this process has also been used by the Arcturian race to do the same.
Her channelled paintings generally take one of two forms – highly constructed, in which a very specific image is given, that until drawn, will not leave her mind, much like a song that replays continuously in your mind. The energy is embedded into the symbology that is given. The other is a free-form, intuitive style of painting, in which the energy is embedded during the flow of the creation process.
Syann receives commissions from all around the world for her channelled paintings – each painting is uniquely conceived for the individual; the energy embedded then serves to act as a connection tool to the person's point of origin race. See video.
Sunday August 6th 2023/ Monday August 7th Australia
Spiritualism Today with Dr. Norma Turner Every Sunday - a combination of a presentation of some aspect of Spiritualism and spirituality followed by open discussion. If you have questions about Spiritualism or spirituality or religion, bring them here.
Times: Pacific 4 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix 4 p.m. Sunday
Mountain time 5 p.m. Sunday
Central (Illinois, Texas) 6 p.m. Sunday
Eastern (New York) 7 p.m. Sunday
London 12 midnight Sunday
Sydney/Melbourne time 9 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 11 a.m. Monday Check time in your city
Norma’s Room:
Sunday August 6th 2023/ Monday August 7th Australia
Life with Ghosts Zoom Chat - with filmmaker Stephen Berkley
A monthly group (usually on the First Monday of the month at 8 p.m. Eastern time) but this month a day early.
An opportunity to discuss all things related to after-death communication as a means of healing grief.
Stephen Berkley is the writer/director/producer of the movie "Life with Ghosts" and undertook a seven-year personal journey exploring mediumship, automatic writing, and Induced After-Death Communication at the University of North Texas to produce a film about the latest science involving the importance of continuing bonds.
Pacific time 5 p.m. Sunday
Phoenix time 5 p.m. Sunday
Mountain time 6 p.m. Sunday
Central time 7 p.m. Sunday
Eastern time 8 p.m.Sunday
London 1 a.m. Monday
Rome 2 a.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 10 a.m. Monday
New Zealand 12 noon Monday Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Stephen Berkley Click this link to join.
Monday August 7th 2023 / Tuesday August 8th Australia
Kim Parker's DREAM CIRCLE A small group of people meet every two weeks to share and explore the meaning of their dreams. All welcome.
Pacific Time 2 p.m. Monday
Phoenix 2 p.m. Monday
Mountain Time 3 p.m. Monday
Central time 4 p.m. Monday
Eastern time 5 p.m. Monday
London 10 p.m. Monday
Amsterdam 11 p.m. Monday
Sydney/Melbourne 7 a.m. Tuesday
New Zealand 9 a.m. Tuesday Check the time for your city
Email: Kim at
Tuesday August 8th 2023 / Wednesday August 9th Australia
Spirit Art We are meeting to create spirit art
with messages.
No art experience required.
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday
Pacific time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Phoenix time 6 p.m. Tuesday
Mountain Time 7 p.m. Tuesday
Central Time 8 p.m. Tuesday
Eastern Time (New York) 9 p.m. Tuesday
London 2 a.m. Wednesday
Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Wednesday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Wednesday Check time in your city
Coordinator: Dr. Susan B. Barnes, CSNU
Online in Zoom
Wednesday August 9thm2023 / Thursday August 10th Australia
Platform Mediumship with
Paul M. Hinson
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 5.30 p.m. Pacific time
Paul is a classically trained English evidential medium now based in Sydney. He does evidential "platform readings" giving messages to a number of people in the audience.
Pacific Time 5.30 p.m. Wednesday
Phoenix 5.30 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain time 6.30 p.m. Wednesday
Central time 7.30 p.m. Wednesday
Eastern Time 8.30 p.m. Wednesday
London time 1.30 a.m. Thursday
Perth 8.30 a.m. Thursday
Sydney/ Melbourne 10.30 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 12.30 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city Coordinator:
Wednesday August 9th 2023 / Thursday August 10th Australia
Physical mediumship development group Every Wednesday with Rob Blackburn and Craig Hogan. Participants sit in a darkened space in their own homes; the group has been going for some time and members are experiencing phenomena.
Pacific and Arizona time 6 p.m. Wednesday
Mountain Daylight time 7 p.m. Wednesday
Central Daylight time 8 p.m. Wednesday
New York time 9 p.m. Wednesday
London 2 a.m. Thursday
Perth 9.a.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 11 a.m. Thursday
New Zealand 1 p.m. Thursday Check time in your city THIS GROUP IS CURRENTLY NOT TAKING NEW MEMBERS
Thursday August 10th 2023/ Friday August 11th Australia
Free monthly Mediumship Development Circle with Nicole Newman Nicole will lead this 8-session Free Online Development series on Zoom. 12 to 2 p.m. PST. All time zones welcome and all levels welcome, including beginners. Please try to attend all sessions if you sign up, but not mandatory. Times:
Pacific time 12 - 2 p.m. Thursday
Phoenix time 12- 2 p.m. Thursday
Mountain time 1- 3 p.m. Thursday
Central time 2- 4 p.m. Thursday
New York time 3-5 p.m. Thursday
Sydney/Melbourne 5-7 a.m. Friday
New Zealand 7-9 a.m. Friday Check time in your city REGISTER HERE
Thursday August 10th 2023 / Friday August 11th Australia
Pet Communication Group with Gretchen Bickert 2nd Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. Arizona time.
Saturday August 12th 2023/ Sunday August 13th Australia
The Angel Guidance Group
Every second Saturday of the month (Sunday in Australia, New Zealand) with Angel Medium Nancy Freier,
Author of "Angel Guidance: Wisdom for Navigating Life's Challenges" and publisher of The Inner Voice e-magazine, leads the group into a growing awareness of those in the higher realms of Spirit, and the ways they guide us through the lessons and challenges we face.
Each meeting is unique. We explore the methods of communication with The Greater Reality, share enriching real-life stories with Spirit, and discuss enlightening Q&As about the communication process and the messages we receive. You are welcome to join this angelic-inspired conversation.
Pacific time 11 a.m. Saturday
Phoenix time 11 a.m. Saturday
Mountain time noon Saturday
Central time 1 p.m. Saturday
Eastern time 2 p.m. Saturday
London 7 p.m. Saturday
Rome 8 p.m. Saturday
Sydney/Melbourne 4 a.m. Sunday
New Zealand 6 a.m. Sunday Check time in your city
Co-ordinator: Steve Freier
The video explores several community initiatives that started from a small idea. Inspiring.
STAY POSITIVE "Keep radiant, optimistic, and cheerful. Try never to allow yourself to be downcast. The best atmosphere in which we can work, help and guide is one in which there is no gloom, no despondency, no despair, All these blanket the aura and create obstacles that have to be surmounted".
"When things and people seem difficult sometimes, withdraw into the silence. Allow the great love emanating from our world to enfold you in its embrace and to recharge you with its power so that you emerge stronger as a result." More Philosophy of Silver Birch pp.243 and 246.
Mediums trained at the Arthur Findlay College claim that "sitting in the power" for a few minutes every day contributes to spiritual awakening and greater intuition and enriches psychic and evidential mediumship as well as healing development. There are various versions by different mediums but this one by Beverly Anne Freeman explains the process very well.
FEEDBACK: 3 only
1)"Yes, that's just how I've seen my Mum [ as in last week's Commentary]. She has a wonderful garden full of roses and trees that she tends herself. My mum has her family and friends over for tea, cake, and a chin wag in her garden. They sit at a big picnic table on chairs under a big umbrella to shade from the sun. She has a busy job that she loves, looking after and helping children and young people that have passed over. She shows herself to me as a vibrant young woman in her 30s". Susan
2) "People knowing more would make their Earth journey so much easier. But Heaven is not allowed to interfere, so we down here have to find out for ourselves. God gave us free will so we can't be directed. The help is very subtle, and many miss it. The more one learns of the Spirit side of life, our main home, the more you want to learn it's so Amazing". Eileen
"Thanks, Another good report. Great to have all that Leslie Flint material as we are currently reading his charming and witty autobiography". Gordon.
Despite everything that is wrong with our world, there is still so much to be grateful for.
Whilst we encourage and we publish many papers and reports by afterlife researchers, we are not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of all claims. ALL WORK IS COPYRIGHT BY THE CONDITIONS SET AT THE GENEVA CONFERENCE ON COPYRIGHT.