A Lawyer Presents the Case for the Afterlife



(part 2)

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Just very recently Prof Stephen Hawking stated that " ... there is no God, that scientific laws operate in the universe - and there is no need for miracles ..."

Implicit in what this 'scientist' says, everything in the world and the universe came by 'chance'. Yet other highly intelligent scientists say, "Chance does NOT explain anything." Clearly, this Prof Stephen Hawking belongs to that class of closed-minded skeptics who do not have the skills, competene and the ability to perceive paranormal evidence with true empirical equanimity.

Victor: You are on record for stating that the universe can be explained by scientific laws and to quote you, " ... does not leave room for a God or miracles ..." that what you stated?

Prof: ... Yes ...

Victor: As a scientist, do you accept there can be an effect without a cause?

Prof.: No I don't accept that ...

Victor: You are saying then that for every effect there has to be a cause ... Could you explain that Professor ...

Prof.: Simple, for every cause there will be an effect ... but you cannot have an effect without a cause ... that's scientific logic ...

Victor: Thank you for that Professor, you've made that very clear ... So, if you said that scientific laws discovered the laws of the universe and there is no place for God or miracles ... clearly, using your logic, using the accepted scientific rationale, scientific laws are an 'effect' ... what CAUSED these scientific laws of the universe?

Prof: (not answering) .....


Judge: Yes, yes, .... Professor, you must answer the question ...

Prof: I don't really know what to say ...

Victor: So, if you concede that you don't really know what to say, your explanation that there is no God could be wrong. Yes?

Prof: I really can't say much except to say ... putting it that way, yes ... I perhaps could be wrong

Victor: Why is it so painful to answer an honest question professor? Never mind. You say, for the purpose of the record that as a scientist you agree for every effect there has to be a cause ... and that you concede that the laws governing the universe are an EFFECT ... but you stop there just saying you COULD be wrong there is no God because a God could have been responsible for the scientific laws governing the universe ... that correctly sums it up for you Professor?

Prof: I don't know what to say to that ...

Victor: You already conceded you could be wrong ... tell me, are you saying that these scientific laws could have come purely by chance. Do you believe anything we do not understand must have come by chance?

Prof: What do you mean?

Victor: Well, how the universe came about ... if you accept the evolution explanation of the universe and the big bang ... did the first atoms came by chance?

Prof: Yes, those protons ... created themselves ...

Victor: And the scientific laws of the universe ... the intelligence and order in the universe .. gravity ... the continuous universal expansion, the solar systems, the galaxies, the suns, the ordered huge distances between planets and galaxies, the enormity of the galaxies, the big black holes, the energy behind all the power in the universe... all came by chance?

Prof: I guess so ...

Victor: That's not very scientific saying "I guess so." There's a lot of uncertainty, hesitation and equivocation in your answer. That means you really do NOT KNOW, DO YOU!

Prof: These questions are not easy to answer ...

Victor: And there are many scientists and astronomers and cosmologists who do NOT agree with your conclusions about the cosmos ... that right?

Prof: I guess that's right ...

Victor: That's right .. means there are highly intelligent scientists who totally disagree with you Professor?

Prof: Yes ... there are those who don't agree with me ...

Victor: So the lesson is professor, when you do not know if there is an afterlife or not, or if there is a God or not, you must NOT go to the public giving the impression you are omniscent and infallible saying that you know. Must you?

Prof: ... No, I guess I should not .....

Victor: Glad you admit that …


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