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101 Chapter 4
Part of a comprehensive book-length description of the afterlife
prepared by spirit guides, speaking through a medium specifically
for publication on the Internet.
Birch Anthology
Silver Birch is an extremely wise and loving spiritual teacher
who spoke through English trance medium Maurice Barbanell
for more than forty years. A number of books have been published
containing his teachings. He is an eye-witness to the afterlife
and an inspiration to millions.
Society of Baltimore
This site contains several books containing teachings by
highly evolved spirits through many different mediums on
the nature of the afterlife and other topics which together
comprise the philosophy of Spiritism. The books were coordinated
and edited by Allan Kardec. They are available in English
as well as other languages and can be downloaded free of
charge. For details of a newer translation of The Spirits
Book which answers more than 1000 questions about life,
death and the afterlife, and a summary see Afterlife 101.
Group of New York
Full-text versions of some classic books on the Afterlife
including works by Sir William Crookes and Sir Oliver Lodge,
The Life Beyond The Veil By Rev. G. Vale Owen, and teachings
given to the Reverend Stainton Moses.
Full text e-books
Tim Ryan has made available to the world an incredible collection
of 200 full text books on the subject of communications
from the spirit side (the actual words from spirit) or the
process of how to do it. All of them are out of copyright
and many of them are rare out of print works by great spirits.
Of particular interest to readers of this section are the
books on Future Life in the Spirit World and Channelled